Status: May take timedue to band nd soccer.

A Story of a Athlete.

The Start.

There are four groups of people in there high school world: Drama, Athletes/Jocks, stars/ rockers (rock band band), skaters(includes bikers, skateboarders, roller skaters, snowboarders, etc). These groups are usually used at my school, my new school, Talent Ace Academy. The place for talented young souls who think they can do it all but really can't. They have the talent, but do they have what it takes. I think not.

Let's start at the beginning shall we? It was the first day of school.... my old school anyways.

I walked into my first hour class in my blue jean shorts that had my black leggings under them. I wore black high heel boots with my black tank top. My black jacket was zipped slightly and I wore my medium short brunette hair in a ponytail. My yellow cat-like eyes scanned the room for my friends.

" Angel! Over!" Patrick, my best friend, chuckled waving me over while sitting behind Nick, my other best friend. Behind him were Jennifer and Nat.

" Yo! What's up?" I smirked walking over to them and took a seat next to Patrick, who happily smiled pleased of my decision.

" Why do you always sit by Patty boy?" Nick complained sticking his tongue out at Patrick.

" Will you stop calling me that?" Patrick snapped glaring intensely at him.

" Aw. Patrick is getting mad. How cute." Nick teased ruffing up his sandy color hair.

" Stop it you two." I giggled placing my things on the floor. " You guys are going to get into a fight and I'll be in the middle of it again."

" Nick started it." Patrick muttered staring at the front boar, getting ready to listen to Mr. Log's lecture about ' The history of numbers' and ' The placement of numbers.' like he always did in the beginning of the year.

" OK class. Let's begin with the 'History of numbers' and The placement of numbers'. Mr. Log clasped his hands together right when the bell rings.

" Did you hear that that talent school is coming here recruiting new students?" Jennifer whispered to me as Mr. Log began his rants that no one, but himself cared about.

" Talent Ace? Really?" Nat squeaked excitedly dropping into the conversation.

" Why here? Most people at this school can't even walk forwards yet alone express their talented ability." I sighed yawning tiredly.

" Angel! Pay attention. This is important." Mr. Log snapped at me and hit my desk with a ruler.

' I think we went to far back. My bad. Let's go to yesterday after school.'

>>>>>>>>> Fast Forwards>>>>>>>>>>

" I got it! Angel go!" Nat shouted setting the white volley ball in the air to me.

" Got it!" I called for it jumping into the air. swung my right arm down and spike the ball to the left corner of the court.

The ball slammed against the ground so hard that the other team couldn't even react to save it. It rolled over to a man, wearing a business suit, walking by. He picked it up and rolled it over to the referees.

" Nice one, Angel!" Patrick and Nick cheered from the crowd.

The whistle blew cuing that the game was over and that we have won. The other team congratulated us and we got ready to drive back to school. The tournament was over and we had one second place due to one loss.

"You three were great." Patrick smiled patting me on the back.

" He's such a suck up." Nick rolled his blue eyes walking over calmly.

Nick was wearing a black tight t-shirt, some baggy jeans and white sneakers. His light brown hair was spiked up in the front. Patrick wore a red sleeveless shirt and holey blue jean and wore a red baseball cap on his shaggy sandy hair.

" Will you shut it?" He growled shoving Nick causing him to stumble back slightly.

" Hey! Before this gets out of hand I'm stopping it." I snapped stepping between them. They glared at each other once more before giving up and walking in different directions.

" Man, now I have to do this right after this?" I groaned tiredly, "I wonder why they started to fight during summer."

Nat was about to say something until stopping. She noticed the man in the suit walking over towards me with a smiled. His blond hair was combed back ad he looked very professional.

" Are you by chance Angel Haven by chance?" He asked holding his hand for me to shake.

" Yes and who are you... by chance?" I asked raising an eyebrow while Nat and Jennifer chuckled at my last remark.

" I'm Charles Dangle-man, Principle of Talent Ace Academy." He smiled pulling out a piece of paper. " We would be honor to have to enroll at our school."

'Enroll at Talent Ace Academy? Me?' I asked my self surprised by te offer, but knew the answer to that question. It was my life dream to go to that school.

" No thank you." I said simply walking away from the dumbfounded group. " Now if you excuse me. I have to find my other two idiot friends."

I ran down the hallway dodging anypeople an apoligizing to anyone I'd accidently bump into until I saw Nick shooting some hoops at the unused basketball court.

" Yo, Nick." I ced rushing down the stairs waving at him. I walke dover to him panting at the run I did. " Thanks a lot. Now I'm tired and sore."

" What do you want Anggie?" He mumbled making another three point shot. " You didn't have to come get me. I'm staying up here for a while."

" Whya re you and Patrick fighting?" I asked crossing my arms.

" It's none of your buissness." He started to walk towards where the ball rolled off to.

" Yes it is!" I protested stomping after him clearly angry " You never tell me aything anymore!"

" Cause I think that I shouldn't tell you every little thing in my life." He responded coldly.

" But we're friends!" I grabbed him by his shoulder and plled him to face me. " You can tell me somethings."

" I shouldn't concern you in battles that aren't yours." He pushed pasted me putting the ball in the ball cart and headed up the stairs. " You should stay out of other peoples buisness."

There was a pain in my heart. A pain that I hven't felt in a lng while. A pain of lostness, of hopelessness, of low-confidence. I felt the pain of being useles once more. I felt like I was left in the dark again. The one that I left behind a long time again.

" Fine! Don't tell me!" Tears began to fill my eyes and I darted toards the back door.

" Angel! Wait!" He called after me as I ran through the door and towards the street. I crossed it and stopped on the side walk. I looked at him with tearful eye.

" Will you leave me alone?" I cried out full of anger and out of sadness. The rain pour down on us as we were getting soaked.

" Watch out behind you!" Nick shouted with wide eyes.

I turned around to see a car sliding towards me trying to grain control of the car. I froze there scared of what might happen.

As te car grew closer I felt as things went in slow motions. The heavy rain fall had slowed down as well as the car. The woman in the car looked frighten and there was a low rining in my ear. It got louder until I felt someone' arm wrap around my waist and a hand on the back of my head.

I fell to the ground with the person on top of me. My eyes were closed as a loud crash scared me. They slowly lifted off of me. I felt their arms on both sides of me still.

" You OK Anggie?" It was Nick's voice. It was gently and kind.

" Y...yeah." I stuttered opening my eyes. He was smiling down at me.

" Good. That was close." He sighed smiling bigger.

My heart started to pound faster and I felt my face started to turn red. My face was heating up and that just made he chuckle. He came closer to me.

" Red is a good color on you." He whispered in my ear before kissing me softly on the lips.

I laid there stunned at what my best friend just did before kissing back. He smiled in the kiss then pulled away.

" Let's get you home. We're going to catch a cold if we stay out here." He stood up and pulled me to my feet and headed headed to his car avoiding the police and ambulance.
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Hope you like chapter one. I know it's probably short but that's all I can do fornow. Sorry but please cmment adn tell me if you like it. Chapter two will probably be out tomorrow if I have time after soccer practice. Thanks.