Status: on hold untill i finish reading "identical" so i do not copy thank you for understanding :)



"Get up." Jamie was roughly woken up having the blankets ripped from her grip and tossing her to the floor.
"What's wrong?"
"You have to go now."
"Jon, I don't have a ride...its," she looked over at the clock, "For god's sake its 4:30, no one can pick me up."
"I'm sorry but you have to go, my parents will be home soon."
Jamie's memory flashed back to the day Jon said his parents were going on a trip to the Bahamas as a 'second honeymoon' of sorts. "Well can you take me...home?"
"I can't, if they catch me gone I'll be dead."
Dead, sure he'd be if dead meant grounded for a month. But Jamie, she could be dead walking the streets of the bad part of town at 4:30 in the morning. "Fine, I'll walk."
"Jamie I can call a cab."
"I don't have money, good-bye." Jamie gathered her things and walked out the back door. She'd have taken a cab if he would have payed, but he had no money either.
The walk home frightening and lonely, passing those less fortunate on the streets watching every angle, Jamie walked slow, keeping her breath.
If she were to die tonight, no one would care.

Janelle lay in her own bed after sneaking out around 3. Like most other nights Jamie wasn't home and Janelle was left alone to stare at the blackness that seemed to surround her even during the day. Her father had hurt her in ways that were irreversible. A sudden idea had Janelle up and out of bed turning on the lights and whipping out her journal. In that journal were countless letters she had thought of leaving her sister. Explaining their Fathers atrocities, saying sorry for not being there, saying sorry for leaving her. Janelle needed her sister, but she couldn't talk to her, she could never bring up enough courage to say; Jamie...Dad...she can't even think it. Tonight she'd start a new letter, and she'd leave it on her sisters bed for her to find when she returned. If she were to die tonight, no one would care.
♠ ♠ ♠
mkay so i think ill keep this going? i need comments though so i know if people like it or not.
thanks guys
