Status: on hold untill i finish reading "identical" so i do not copy thank you for understanding :)



Jamie went inside after Jon's whole ordeal. "What is wrong with me?" Her mind was racing and she knew she need to do something, anything. Grabbing her ipod she threw on a pair of sandals, blue and green tye-dyed, and opened up her shed. Her bike sat there not been used for a year or two. It was her only escape. Jamie Yanked it out and put her head phones in really needing a music intervention.

Janelle's shift was finally over, but Jacob couldn't give her a ride home like usual. She'd be walking home today. TEXT FROM JACOB: IM SO SRY JANELLE, I FEEL HORRIBLE. I OWN YOU LUNCH TOMORROW. LOVE YOU-JACOB With home being a good half hour away she was excited to have some time to think. The letter she left kept popping in her head along with questions about how Jamie reacted. That was one reason to slow the process of going home, what if Jamie simply didn't care? Janelle pushed that thought out of her head and put her head phones in really needing a music intervention.
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sorry its been a while ive been super busy!
I need (3) comments before I write again. Just so I know people still like this.

thanks a bundle