I love you, mom


Dear Mom,

You ruined everything I ever worked for, I ever dreamed about; and ever loved. You took away my safety and most of most of all my peace of mind.

I never wanted much from you. A “good job,” maybe even an “I love you.” But you gave me neither.

Mom, you filled my life with hate, pain, and more suffering that any child should be forced to go through. You made the world a cold and terrifing place when it would have been so easy to make it warm and loving.

You told me I wasn’t worth dealing with, simply because I was different. You ruined my life, just because I had one.

But I still love you, Mom. Even though you weren’t there when I cried or when I screamed in fear of what the next day would bring. I still love you.

Because you’re my mom. You’re the woman who gave me everything, even if you did take it away. You’re the one who showed me the light, even if you turned it off.

I love you mom,
Your every loving daughter