Status: self-expression.

These Emotions

Switching it Up...

So I've decided to mix this whole 'open-journal' thing up a little. Before, I was using this 'story' to write about random things that I had on my mind. But now, I think I'm going to use this as an actual journal.

I don't openly know anyone that has a Mibba. So I've decided: Hey. Fudge it. I might as well say what I'm thinking about my life. It's not like many people will read it.

And, hell, if no one reads this, I don't care. This is really just for me; not for anyone else. But hey, maybe there are some people out there that are extremely bored sometimes and they'd like to hear about others' lives? I don't know. Just a guess. *cough I'm one of those people cough* Hahahah.

In all honesty, I'd probably advice you to not read this. It's not really a story per-say. It's more of a...I don't want to say diary. Cause I don't really like that word. Hah. But...yeaa. That's probably the best way I can describe this.

So yeaa. If you don't want to read a pointless, journal about a girl named Abby that has a tendency to ramble about random crapp; I suggest you exit out or hit that backspace button on your keyboard now. Cause that's exactly what this is going to be.

Still there? Okk...well...I warned you....


So the following chapters will probably be about current events going on in my life. The usual teenage drama. Boy problems. Family problems. Happiness, sadness. Friend issues. My hopes and dreams. What I want out of my life. Yeaa. That's probably what the following chapters will hold.

So if you want to read and follow me on my crazy roller coaster of a life; I'd be happy to have listeners(=
♠ ♠ ♠
To those that actually plan on reading:

I'm probably going to start each 'chapter' off with a quote. The quote may or may not be relevant to what the topic of the journal is going to be about. But *shoulder shrug* I like random quotes that I find significant(= Most of the quotes will probably be from songs. The chapter titles are most likely going to be about the topic of the journal; or it'll sometimes be the quote.