Dark Shades of Green


I awoke in a hospital. I was in a ward all to myself.
Perfect. I grabbed my clothes and with them on headed straight for the door. I was out on the corridor before I was hit by Neev. "What the hell are you doing up?" she shouted at me.
I fell to the floor, my feet hit the ground after everything else. "SHITE" Neev exclaimed in perfect annoyance. Some doctors ran in and lifted me back to the ward. I closed my eyes .

I felt that punch.

I felt that.

I felt.

The pain. I've never felt anything before. I mean, I thought I had but this felt so much more ... real than before. I sat there rubbing my arm. What is happening to me? Then Ravi and Neev ran in. "Stark! What the hell were you thinking?" in perfect unison.
I fainted.

I didnt dream, I was unconcious. My brain effectively shut down.
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sorry for the short chapter, I thought I'd seperate it, I dunno =/