Status: DONE

The Ugly Truth


Zach Parise was one of those boys who were perfect in every way. At this point though he had one major flaw... his girlfriend
For looks his girlfriend was the girl every girl envied. She had beautiful blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. She was also tall and very skinny.
Even though she had the looks, she definitely didn’t have the personalty. She was often a bitch to people and she flirted with his teammates all the time. She also hated me with a passion. This is only because Zach and me have a very close relationship because we have been best friends since we were five.
Recently, Zach had decided to ignore me. I have a funny feeling it is because of Melody. So, here I am phoning Zach to ask him why he is all of a sudden decided to ignore me.
“Oh come on pick up your damn phone.” I mumble to myself.
Then I hear his voice mail message “I can’t come to the phone right now because it probably has to be hockey related but I will get back to you as soon as I can!”
“Christ Sakes” I mutter just as the beep ends.
“God, nice to know you wont talk to your best friend and you decided to ignore her for no apparent reason Zachary Justin Parise. If you don’t want to be my friend anymore, just tell me instead of ignoring me!” I spat into the phone and with that I hung up.
“Asshole” I muttered under my breath.
I am so sick of his bullshit. I am so tempted to pack up my stuff and drive back to Minnesota. I am incredibly homesick and I am sick and I am sick of getting stranded in New Jersey.
I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see my father figure Martin Brodeur.
“Hey Marty!” I greeted happily.
“Bonjour Arianna! How are you?” he asked.
“I am okay, just sick of Zach ignoring me, but anyways what about you?” I asked.
“Good and Zach is ignoring you?” Marty asked with a confused expression n his face.
“Yep and I have no clue why.”I told him.
“I can find out for you okay.” He said then walked out of my apartment.
Well That was nice but, whatever I get to find out why Zach is mad at me.
It was game time and we were playing Sidney Crosby and the Pittsburgh Penguins. We wanted to beat the pens so bad but with the way Zach was playing tonight that goal seemed to slip farther away as the minutes sped by.
Zach had finally got a goal which made the game tie one-one in the third period. The game went in to overtime and the whole arena was on the edge of their seat. Then Zach turned the puck over in the pens zone. Sidney Crosby grabbed the puck and got the break away and scored the winning goal.
After the game I was debating if I should go to the devils dressing room.
I was walking down the hall to the dressing room when I walked into something and fell down. I looked up to see Sidney Crosby. “Oh my god! Are you okay? I am so sorry I should have been watching where I was going.” Sidney mumbled out
“Yeah, I am totally fine.” I said then smiled.
“Well I still have to make it up to you and since some of the guys are going to a club, you and me are going with them.” Sidney replied
“Sweet sounds fun! I need to get some stuff out of my head anyways!” I smile and say.
“Awesome” He said the pulled me towards the guest locker room where he introduced me to the Pittsburgh Penguins.
“This is Gronk or Jordan, Tanger or Kris, and last but not least Flower or Marc” Sidney introduced his teammates that were coming with us to the club.
“Hey Jordan and Bonjour Kris et Marc I am Arianna” I say to them
“You speak french”Sidney asked puzzled.
“Ya I do! I was born in Montreal but moved to Minnesota when I was four then at five befriended a little boy who is still my best friend but is ignoring me at the moment!” I say telling them my life in one sentence.
“Who is this friend?” they all ask at the same time.
“Wow that was incredibly weird and his name is Zachary Andrew Parise!” I reply.
“Oh he played really bad tonight and he does not usually play bad!” Sidney said.
“Yeah I know but, anyways can we go to the club soon please?” I asked almost pleading to get out of this place.
“Yeah lets go.” Sidney said then grabbed my hand and lead me outside.
At the club Sidney and me just sat and talked about everything from home life, to hockey. We had looked around to see Jordan trying to get a girl to dance with him and he was failing miserably. Sidney and me were laughing when Sidney Asked ‘‘Arianna will you dance with me?’’
‘‘Okay’’ I say and stand up.
He grabs my hand and leads me on to the dance floor. A slow song comes on so, he puts his hands on my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders. I looked over his shoulder just as the song was about to end to see Zach and Melody.
“Sidney I need some air its really hot here, I am going to go outside for a minute okay?” I asked
“Yeah go ahead if you need anyone just come talk to me okay.” He said
Well he didn’t sound to mad that is good. So, I made my way outside as tears started to fall from my eyes. I was having so much fun then Zach had to ruin it. I was so mad at Zach but I could never be mad at him I loved him to much to hate him.
Then it clicked in my head I was in love with my best friend Zachary Andrew Parise.
My phone started to buzz. I had three new text messages
I had one from Zach, One from Marty and one from Melody.
The one from Zach said:
I am sorry for not talking to you. I just have a lot on my mind.
The one from Marty said:
He is ignoring you because he is trying to figure out his feelings for you.
The one from Melody said:
Stay away from my Zach. He is all mine. We are getting married and I don’t want you ugly face to get in the way so stay out of Zach’s life.
I went back into the club to see Sidney talking to Zach. I took my seat next to Sidney as Zach asked “Why arr you here with him?
“He made me fall over then said he had to make it up to me by taking me to a club.” I replied.
Melody was glaring at me then she mumbled “slut” under her breath.
“What was that Melody I didn’t quite hear you.” I said innocently.
“I called you a slut okay!” She spat at me.
Before I could think of what I was doing I reached across the table and slapped her.
She got up and tried to punch me but I dodged her punch. I grabbed her hair and threw her to the ground. I punched her a good five times before it took both Sidney and Zach to pull me off of her. Then a wave of relief washed over me. I had finally stood up to that bitch. I smiled and as she limped out of the club I yelled “Take that bitch should teach you not to mess with a hockey girl!”
Zach turned to me “why did you beat the shit out of her Ari?” he asked.
“You don’t understand how much I was bullied by her and the fact that she called me a slut and she always flirts with your teammate and it is like what the hell!” I explained as best I could.
“She flirted with my teammates.” He asked like he had no clue the whole time.
“Yep and everybody knew so, are you going to call off the wedding?” I asked.
“What wedding?” Zach asked eyebrows raised and fully confused.
“Yours and Melody's?” I asked equally confused.
“I am not getting married I was actually thinking of breaking up with her because I like or maybe even love someone else but I don’t think the someone else has feelings for me!” He said truthfully.
“Well then she dose not see how lucky she is because you’re a great guy Zach.” I replied smiling.
We were both leaning towards each other. Our lips were hovering just above each others when we heard a loud annoying screech.
We turned to see Melody “You little skank! How dare you try and make out with my boyfriend!” She screeched at me.
I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes. I didn’t care at all. Then Zach started to speak “She is not a skank you are the one always flirting with my teammates like what the hell. For one I am defiantly not your boyfriend anymore. Two, you are such a liar I would have never married you so stop telling everybody that and three, how many guys did you cheat on me with?” He asked raising one of his eyebrows wanting to know the answer.
“To many to count you son of a bitch!” She screamed and stormed out of the club.
The Zach grabbed my waist, pulled me close, grabbed my chin so I would look at him. Then he bent down and lead the way in our fiery kiss.
“What about the girl you were talking bout earlier Zach?” I asked.
“You are that girl Arianna and I got a question....... I love you so much and I want to skip the dating and marry you right away instead. So, what do you say will you marry me?”He asked getting down on one knee and grinning like a child in a candy shop.
“Yes of course I will Zach and I love you so much to!” I said crying.
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It was fun to write and I don`t think It is very good!!