Status: Hiatus



Franks P.O.V.

7 years before.

SuperSonicSexMachine – Hey baby, whats up?

GreySkiesFrankie - Listen, I can't talk long. Any chance you can meet me at the trainstation, I'm going to catch a train to Alabama. To see you, is there anychance I can stay with you for awhile? I just can't stay here anymore, I'll explain it all later.

SuperSonicSexMachine – OOO FRANKIE!!! I thought you'd never ask, of course I'll meet you. If you text me when you get to the trainstation and tell me your train time and stuff, how much luggage you got with you? We're gonna have so much fun!!!

GreySkiesFrankie – Okay okay, I've gotta go now, before my mums home. See you soon, bye.

I logged off quickly. Was this the right thing to do? I wasn't sure anymore, but surely this was better then staying here. I'd never be able to look at him the same way anymore, I couldn't explain this to my mum. I just had to get out of here.


Present Time.

I opened my eyes, my head my throbbing. Where the fuck was I? The last thing I remember was waiting for the lift, talking on the phone...then everything went black. Well I was no longer in the hotel, I knew that much. This looked more like someones house. I don't think I'd ever been this disorientated, well there were some things I defiantly needed to find out, and fast. Where was I? How did I get here? Why did my head hurt? Why could I not remember anything and who was on the phone before everything went black.
I looked around, this room seemed...strangely familiar. Yet I couldn't place how I knew it. My first thought was that maybe I had been talking to Gerard on the phone, and then I'd passed out, or hit my head on something. He'd found me, and then he'd taken me to maybe a family members house. However if that had happened, then why did I feel sick, like something bad was going to happen...something very bad indeed.

“Why hello frankie baby, I thought it would be best to get you out of that grotty hotel.” I quickly turned around, it made my head spin and I thought I was going to pass out...again? There was a man standing behind me, a tall man, rugged looking man. He was in his mid thirites, he could be seen as quite handsome. His hair was shaggy, but it worked for him, his eyes were a piercing bright green and he was dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt and a suit jacket. Normally I'd completely dig this guy, but not now. Not him.

“What baby? You don't remember me?” His lips pulled up into a smirk, a smug smirk. Suddenly everything rushed back to me, it was him on the phone. I'd passed out because I was terrified, my head hurt because I'd hit my head when I passed out. I was in his house, I'd been here before, years ago. I'd come to meet him, I can't remember why I wanted to, what possesed me to. It was a bad idea. I know he liked me, liked me a hell of a lot, it was quite creepy the way he spoke to me.

“Speak to me frankie. Lets start afresh, we can live together. We can have a civil ceremony, then adopt a couple of babies. We'll be the worlds best gay parents!” I couldn't take my eyes off of him, the way he stood there, like he owned the place. Well he did own the place, but that wasn't the point.

“George...I-I-I don't know what to say. Why did you bring me here? How did you find me? After everything you” I stopped talking, I was shaking. I wanted to be back with Gerard, I wanted things to go back to what they were, before everything got screwed up.

“Frank. I brought you here, because we're meant to be together, forever. I found you because it was FATE, we were never meant to be apart. And everything I did to you? I was there for you when everything was fucked up, I helped you!” He started to move towards me, his arms streched out, I quickly backed away, into the corner. Well that was a bad choice, now I was cornered.

“Get away from me...don't touch me. Don't EVER touch me!” I started to shout, and cry.


7 years before.

I was cornered. His eyes were blazing, they were so...hungry. I tried to look for away out, but all I could see was him. Why did I come here? His hands locked around my arms, I tried to wriggle, but he was too strong. His lips found mine and he roughly kissed me, I tried to keep him out, but he thought his tounge into mouth. I wanted to bite him, I wanted to cry, to run, but I was frozen with fear. His hands left my arms, and he started to rip my t-shirt off. I started to cry, there was nothing to do now. I tried to think about something else, but I couldn't. I couldn't close my eyes, everything was so vivid, even through the tears. He unbuttoned his trousers and flipped me around, so I was facing the wall. I felt him bring his hands around so he could unbutton my trousers. I tried my hardest to think of anything, anything but this. I thought of HIM, he'd hurt me...but I loved him. I pictured his gorgeous face in my head, but before I could see him clearly, the thought was ripped away as the monster behind me started to angirly rape me.