Close Your Eyes


Over the past four years, I had gotten to know her every characteristic. She had a great sense of humor and relaxed demeanor, but she was totally driven and focused on winning whenever she was at a track meet or calling in for a radio contest. Her only flaw was her choice of boyfriends. She was a sucker for a boy who would verbally abuse her and keep her guessing. She falls hard for them and then gets her heart broken. I wanted to be a better man to her. I wanted to stop all the hurt and let her finally see what a real man would treat her like.

Asking her to prom had been the hardest thing in the world. She wanted this football player to ask her, but I decided to step up and ask her first. I wanted to protect her from making another big mistake and getting her heart broken. I wanted to protect her because I loved her. It wasn’t just a friendship kind of love. This was full blown out love and affection for her.

Every night before I went to bed, I tried putting the pieces of what I knew about her body together to try and get a mental picture of what she looked like. I dreamed about what her smile looked like, and how her eyes could light up a room. I had asked her about her facial features periodically, desperately wanting to know what she looked like.

I had learned that her hair was blonde, which I compared to the sun: warm, friendly, and special. She had let me feel her little button nose, and contours of her lips that she told me were pink, like sweet lollipops and jellybeans.

“What color are your eyes?” I asked her, breaking the silence on the car ride. This was the one question I had never asked her. I was afraid to ask for the longest time, worried my internal longing to see her would increase when I heard about her perfect eyes.

“They’re blue,” She said plainly, turning on her blinker as we reached our destination.

“What kind of blue?” I asked as she pulled into a parking spot. She shut of the engine, and I felt her turn to look at me.

“They’re just blue. Nothing special,” She said, moving her head downwards. I lifted her chin up so she would look at me.

“They’re very special because they’re yours,” I told her honestly. I felt her smile a little as she leaned forward towards me. I didn’t know what she was about to do, but I wasn’t able to find out as I loud thunk was heard as someone sat on the hood of her car. It must have been one of our friends as they banged on the window and whistled. She moved back over to her seat, and I could feel her playing with one of her earrings again.

“They’re baby blue,” she said before getting out of the car. Her words played over and over again in my head as we greeted our friends outside. I was trying to figure out what her eyes would look like. Oceans were too dark of a blue to be related to a baby. Cotton candy was too bright to be compared to what her beautiful eyes must look like.

I was startled out of my thoughts as she tugged on my arm, letting me know that it was time to go inside to eat. I wrapped my arm around hers as we chatted with our friends, reaching the entrance fairly quickly. We picked up our prom favors before she led me to our table. I held out her chair for her, and she quietly thanked me before sitting down. I sat down next to her, hoping that I wouldn’t make a fool of myself at any point during the night.