If I Had Two Dozen Roses Would It Change Your Mind?

The Only One

“You know I was kidding right?”

“What’s so fucking funny about it Brian? In what reality is it okay to say something like than and even believe it’s remotely humorous?”

“I didn’t know you wouldn’t take it as a joke!” His face contorted in confusion, “Seriously..”

“It’s funny towards other girls, but not to me.”

He started walking toward me, but I put my hands on his chest, pushing him away.


“No Brian, I want you to get out of here, and come back when you can leave Synyster Gates on the road.”

“Why are you talking like that Jess?”

“Because the Brian I know would have never said something like that.”

“Well, I’ll come back when you stop being a bitch and can learn to take a fucking joke.

With that he turned around, flipping me off as he stalked away, slamming the front door behind him.

I screamed, batting the empty vase on the kitchen table, not feeling even the slightest bit of relieve when it shattered.


I sat on the couch quietly, armed with a quart of Ben & Jerry’s and the television remote, flipping through the channels. Attempting to keep my mind off of him at all.

I hadn’t seen or heard from him in about a week. Maybe I had been a little hard, but what he said wasn’t funny. More hurtful than anything else.

“You wanna hear a joke?”

“What’s that baby?”

“Our relationship.”

I tried to change the channel again, but it wouldn’t allow me. A DVR prompt appeared on the left side of the screen.

[Changing this channel would result in the alteration of the viewing of the scheduled program. Would you like to continue?

I hadn’t tried to record anything.. I cancelled, letting the channels switch on their own. Lo and behold, FUSE started to play an old interview between Steven Smith and Brian. I rolled my eyes, scoffing at the irony.

I was listening off and on, and as I went to change the station, another off-the-wall question came up.

“Rumor has it that you recently started dating Cristina from Lacuna Coil. Is that true or just paparazzi BS?”

There was a small smirk on his face as he responded, “That’s about as absurd as saying me and Zack are dating.”

“Oh.. sorry fan girls! So what does that mean? You’re single?”

“No, and I’m honest to God in love with the person I’m with. More than I’ve ever loved anyone else.”

“Marriage in the future?”

“Most definitely.”

I immediately checked the date when the recording was set. October 15th at 5:41 A.M.That morning.

“What an asshole,” I said quietly, wiping tears from my cheeks. I drew my knees to my chest, tucking my chin up. Letting the denim clad limbs soak up my sadness.

The front door opened, and my head snapped up as I looked longingly.

Brian stood there beaming, a single rose in his hand. He was in a nice dress shirt and tie, which automatically gave me a suspicious feeling. He had to have something up his sleeve.

“You know, I shouldn’t let you come home,” I spoke, my voice cracking. He smiled brighter before crossing the room, wrapping me in a big hug.

“I missed you more than anything,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck. He reacted by lifting me in a tight hug, kissing me deeply. The feel of his lips against mine was something I had longed for.

“I love you so Jess,” he said, running his fingers through my hair.

“I have a surprise for you,” he led me down the hall by the hand, towards the bedroom.

“Let me guess, is it in your pants?”

He smirked goofily, and I giggled, pushing on his chest.

“Brian, that’s just gross!”

“No babe, that’s not my surprise.”

He placed his hand on the door knob, twisting it slightly.

“Close your eyes, and don’t open ‘til I say so!”

I did as I was asked, being led blindly into our bedroom.

“Open your beautiful eyes!”

My eyes met a sight of absolute beauty. Hundreds of roses surrounded our bed, where the mediocre sheets were switched to what looked like black velvet and satin. Rose petals littered the foot of the bed, and there was a bottle of red wine on the bedside stand.

I turned to face him, raising my eyebrows at him.

“What?” He faked innocence.

“You know what roses and red wine do to me..”

He grinned, “Exactly. Now, unlike that old country song, I’ve got you more than two dozen roses and a few bottles of wine. That’s should definitely change your mind.”

“Shut your damn mouth Brian. We’ve got a lot of making up to do.”

I pulled him inside the room by his tie, letting him shut the door behind himself.
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Yay it's done! :)