Status: Updating soon... just a little writers block.

Seven Minutes

The Beginning

At one time in my life I actually had a normal life. I had two best friends, was semi-popular, had parents that loved me, had a younger sister, listened to music, and all around was a happy person.

That's over.

If only I wasn't convinced to going to that party.

"Oh come on Avery! You HAVE to come!" Ashton whined as we made it to our lockers.

"Ash, I just don't want to come," I told her. I turned to my other best friend and asked, "Blaise, can you tell Ash that I don't
need to go to this party?"

Blaise turned to to Ashton, opened his mouth, then turned back to me and said, "I think you should go too. I'm going and I promise I'll be by your side all night." Then he smiled.

I sighed and said, "Fine. But Blaise, I
will hold you to that promise."

I know my best friends just wanted me to go out and have a good time. It had been one of my only chances to go to a party.That night my parents were out of town and so they couldn't stop me from going.

My parents loved me. They were afraid that if I went to party, a house party, I would get into trouble.

I should have listened to them. I should have never gone. That way I never would have sat down in that circle.

I'm buzzed. That's it. Not drunk. Just a buzz.

Oh, who am I kidding? I am full blown drunk.

Somehow I found myself in a circle with a bunch of other people and an empty beer bottle in the middle. It was spun by someone and the bottle landed on, guess who, me.

If I hadn't had been put in that situation, then I never would have been in that closet.

I was shoved in a closet and the door closed. I was alone. I was in there alone for I think about 2 or 3 minutes before the door opened again. This time a guy was pushed in. Some stranger stood in the doorway said, "You both are in here for 7 minutes. Do anything.Anything. Preferably past 2nd base." Then the door was slammed shut and locked.

I looked at the guy, or rather, his chocolate brown eyes. It was dark and the only thing I could see were his eyes.

He turned his head and felt around the small space, then it was bright. His head turned back to me and with a smile, he said, "Found the light." And just like that, I was out of my drunken phase.

I never would have met him. Never would I have gone through what happened that night.

I lost my voice, "Uh, umm.......uh, umm."

He seemed to take this the wrong way because he quickly responded, "Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to try and
'get lucky'. I'm not like that."

I took the time to relax and restart my heart.

Then it was quiet.

I decided to be the brave one and ask, "Do you know how long it's been?"

"Nope. You?" I can't believe he's serious

I made a face that made it obvious that I had no idea of what time it was.

He got the point and put his hands up as to say 'Okay, I get it.'

That night, of what I vaguely remember of it, I remember never leaving his side.

I feel bad that I can't even remember his name. You'll figure out the reason behind that soon enough.

The reason this guy that I only knew for one night is so important to is because he did this to me.

I look down at Carson as she asks, "Momma?"
♠ ♠ ♠
There WILL be more of the night with the mystery dude.

So I have a lot of this story planned out already. I hope to update more frequently along with the rest of my stories. Check them out!

BUT, before put the next chapter up, I have to get feed back.