Status: Updating soon... just a little writers block.

Seven Minutes

Back To School

"Avery, I think you should start back up in regular school when school starts."

You must be thinking, Hey, that must be Ashton or Blaise! Those are the two best friends that I read about! Well, you're wrong.

"Scar, I'm doing perfectly fine with online schooling. So in a week when all the schools start, that's where I'll be going: online."

Scar is my sister. The only human that I ever talk to now a days.

What happened to Ashton and Blaise?

Ashton, the girl who has been my best friend since birth, stopped talking to me when I told her I was pregnant. As far as I know, she's the only person outside of my family that knows I have a kid. I haven't talked to her in two years, ever since I left the high school in the middle of sophomore year.

One of the reasons I don't want to go back, I'll probably see her.

Blaise, he's still in the dark. Nothing changed for us till I left. I'm sure he noticed I wasn't my normal bubbly self, but he probably thought I was just on my period. Of course that wasn't even possible. When I left I never contacted him, didn't take his calls, and refused to see him. Eventually he stopped trying.

Back to the present.

"Avery, can you please go back to the school? Make some friends that aren't related to you." Scar never gives up.

I know I'm going to lose.

Doesn't mean I don't try. "No Scar. Are you forgetting the reason I left? Who would take care of Carson during the day? We both know mom and dad won't. They practically disowned me when they found out I was pregnant. Scar, Carson's not even two yet."

She slightly frowned at the mention of our parents but then covered it up and said, "I've got it covered. For the past week I went around town looking for a good daycare and I found one. They had decent workers who care for the kids. They have a safe play room that always has at least two people watching the kids at all times. It's perfect!"

I tried thinking of a way to get around it but then realized I was beat. Dang you Scar! I sighed in defeat and told Scar fine, I'd go back to school.

The following week went by fast. Here's how it went:


I took Carson to the daycare with Scar to see if Carson was comfortable with it. She liked the place and that was good. But I swear this 3 year old boy was checking her out and I started to freak!

What's going to happen once Carson gets older?! She'll have to fight the boys off with a stick!


We went out shopping so I could get some clothes that I could wear to school. Let me be honest, my closet consist of sweat pants and baggy shirts.

While we where at the mall, I saw a group of preppy (slutty) girls and I think I saw Ashton. I sure hope it wasn't her. I don't want her to be like those girls, hanging off guys like some skank.


Some new neighbors moved in next door. There was a girl around my age that had many streaks of different colors in her hair. Maybe we'll go to the same school.


I went to the local store to buy school supplies for school. I saw a few people from the high school, they gave me questioning looks.

I recognized some of them, I was friends with a few, and even dated some. I wasn't close to any of them. They would eye me up and down, give me a questioning look, then continue shopping. That's it.


I went to church, came home, played with Carson, talked with Scar, ignored my parents, put Carson to sleep in the room next to mine, and went to bed.


I start school tomorrow. Yes, school starts on a Tuesday, tomorrow. I'm nervous.

What if Ashton told everyone that I had gotten pregnant and that i was scared of what people would think of me, which is not true. I left because of the pains of being pregnant and because I needed to take care of my little girl.

Anyway, Monday passed quickly with me just laying in bed enjoying my last day of freedom.


Here we are. First day at a regular high school in over a year.

I wonder if they'll recognize me. I look way different. Being pregnant has that effect on you. Plus I died my blond hair black.

As I pulled up at the daycare I suddenly realized that I've never been away from Carson for more than 2 or 3 hours. I'm going to be away from her for 7 to 8 every weekday now. I'm going to kill Scar. Once I was back in the car after making sure Carson was safe and getting her to let me leave, I started toward the school.

As i pulled into the parking lot I saw a lot of familiar faces. I think I even saw Blaise, I'm going to avoid the spot he was at.

Shit, it just crossed my mind that I have no explanation of why I was gone. Oh no. Think, Avery, think!

After a while of (unsuccessfully) trying to come up with a explanation, I got out of my car.

As I made it to the office I felt eyes on me and when I opened the door to the office, there were two other students at the front desk. The first kid I didn't recognize him, but the second student was the girl from next door. I stood behind her.

The women at the front desk was talking to the guy, "Gage, school hasn't even started yet, how in the world have you gotten in trouble already?"

He replied, "We were just passing the ball! I didn't mean to brake the window!"

She sighed and said, "Just leave. I'll call your parents."

"Whatever," and with that he left.

The office lady scribbled something on a peace of paper then directed her attention to my neighbor. She asked, "What may I do for you deary?"

Streak hair replied, "Uh, yeah. I'm new here and I need my schedule. My name's Cameron Knight."

At least now I know what to call her now.

The lady nodded then looked at me and asked, "What about you? You new too?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah, my name's Avery Singer."

Then the office lady went to get our schedules.

Cameron turned to me and asked, "I recognize you. Have I met you?"

"I'm pretty sure we're neighbors," I answered.

She smiled and said, "Yeah, that's where saw you. I saw you out with, I'm guessing your little sister. She was cute." Carson.

I smiled even though she was referring to my baby as my sister.

At that time, the lady person came from the back with our schedules in hand. She handed them to us and said, "You both might want to hurry, classes are about to start."

We both quickly left and went our separate ways.

When I entered room 182, class had already started and every eye was on me.

The teacher looked at me and said, "Nice of you to join us, Ms. Singer, am I correct?"

When I nodded a guy in the back shouted out, "Avery Singer?!"

I turned at the sound of the familiar voice and saw someone I would have rather avoided, "Blaise."
♠ ♠ ♠
So yesterday I got my feedback and today I post the next chapter. Before I post the next chapter, can I get some feedback on the chapter?

I think I'm going to make a layout for this story tonight. I hate using pre-made layouts. Maybe if you see it before the next chapter, you could give feedback on that?

Sooooo, have any guesses on who the father is? Let me tell you, it's going to be hard for you to find out.

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