Status: Updating soon... just a little writers block.

Seven Minutes

Friendships That Change


The teacher told me to take the empty seat and try not to disrupt the class. He seems nice doesn't he? The sad thing is that the only seat left in the class was next to the one and only. . .Blaise.

When I walked to the back of the room Blaise did the last thing I expected him to do. He jumped up and hugged me.

I could tell everyone was looking at us and the teacher was pissed. When Blaise finally released me he looked around the room and said, "Sorry, I just haven't seen my best friend in almost two years."

The dude in front of him turned around and gave him a look that said, 'Hello? What are you talking about?'

Blaise looked down at him and said, "She came first. Sorry Drew."

By this time the teacher was beyond pissed because he was over 10 minutes behind schedule. So he was practically about to rip throats out when he said, "Blaise! Do I have to send you to the principle's office on the first day? Really?"

We quickly sat down and got quiet. The lesson passed but I couldn't pay attention. Blaise kept trying to get me to talk to him. I swear, he sent me over 30 notes. A third of them asking why I left in some form.

I need to come up with a reason for that.

I was now after class and Blaise won't stop with the questions! He won't even let me respond! He just goes on asking another question. So far today, I haven't said one word.

As we approached my second class which I interrupted Blaise by saying, "Okay Blaise, it was nice seeing you again. Maybe I'll see you again later today, if not, see you tomorrow. Bye." Then I walked into class.

I know it may seem like I'm being a bitch, but only bad things happen when I let people become close to me.

Example A: My parents. I let myself close to them and when I did something wrong, they through me out of their lives as fast as a can, like I'm a black widow spider on the white carpet. Sure I had gotten pregnant while they were out of town, but after 2 years I think they should at least be able to speak to me.

Example 2: Ashton. I knew since I was a baby, of course I got close to her. She was my best friend. So I let her take me to a party and look what happened at that party, I got pregnant by a complete stranger.

Example tres: Stranger at party. I was an idiot. I went into a closet and because of the seven minutes I spent in said closet, my life has been ruined. Sure, Carson was born and I love her. I love her more than I love anything else in the world, but I wasn't ready for her yet. I just wish I hadn't let myself hang out with that guy at the party and let myself become so close to him, even if it was for only for one night.

So you see, It's no use to let myself get close to anyone.

I got out of my second class and made my way to third period.

The bell rung and I was still in the hallway.

It was two minutes after the bell had rung when I finally got o the class. The teacher still wasn't there.

As I stood by the door I look around the room at the students. They hadn't noticed me so I saw them as who they really are. I recognized a few people. Those people being Rilynn, Ben, and that Drew guy from first period.

How could I forget Rilynn? Oh wait, I didn't. Rilynn always hated me, all the way back to 7th grade. She had been a cheerleader when I left and I wouldn't be surprised if she'd captain now. She's a total slut.

Oh Ben. We were friends in middle school and ended up dating freshman year. The summer before Sophomore year started, I broke it off. It was mainly neutral, we just didn't like each other in a more than friends way. We remained friends up until I left.

I don't really know Drew. I just know that he hangs with Blaise, so he must be okay.

I rolled my eyes when I saw some girl in the back making ot wit some guy while straddling him. She was wearing a tight skirt that was moving considering her position and the fact that the guy's hands were definitely not at his sides.

Then I looked closer at the girl and realized I recognized her.


At that moment the teacher walked in. She looked at the class and in a stern voice said/yelled, "Students! Just because I'm not in the room doesn't mean you can act like monkeys!" She then noticed Ashton in the and yelled, "Ashton! Remove yourself from Gavin."

I cleared my throat.

Finally, Ms. Whatever took notice of me. She asked, "Are you Avery Singer?"

As soon as that left her mouth there was a big "Avery who?" from the back of the room.

I glanced at Ashton but answered the teacher's question with a nod.

Ignoring Ashton's outburst, the teacher told me to sit anywhere.

I only saw a few open seats and decided to go with a seat next to the window. On one was the window and on the other was this guy with black hair and a few bright blond streaks in it.

Twenty minutes into class a wad of paper hit me in the back of the head. I turned around to and saw Ashton looking at me. She mouthed, "Open it!"

With a confused face I picked up the wad from the floor where it fell. I opened it and read. . .

What are you doing here?

Under her note I wrote my response. I reread what I had wrote then, when the teacher wasn't looking, I threw back to her.

She looked over my words, scribbled something down, then threw it back.

What do mean "Why do you care?" We've been best friends since we were born. You're the one who left!

Oh look at that. She thinks she didn't do anything wrong.

I looked back at her. She wasn't my friend. Not anymore. She doesn't even look like the girl from sophomore year. That sophomore had light brown hair, never showed her shoulders, and hated to show her thighs. This senior has blond hair with low-lights, her top is riding up and shows way to much cleavage, and she's wearing a very short skirt that makes it so if she were to bend over you could see the thong that is starting to show at the waist band of her skirt. Two totally different people.

I turned the paper over and wrote. . .

Do you remember what happened? I did nothing! All I did was let you take me to a party and made a mistake. Remember what you did when I told you about my mistake? You stopped being friends with me! After 16 years of being best friends, me being pregnant would just end it?
I guess that question has already answered.

I left because I started to show. I mean, if my best friend couldn't handle it, who could?

Stay out of my life.

Then I threw it back to her, ending my last real conversation with her, forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Let me tell you something, I don't like rewriting, and that's exactly what I had to do with this chapter. A few days ago, I had this typed with only about a paragraph left. At that moment, my laptop decided that the day was, Let's Make Kathryn Mad Day. The original version was longer, so sorry about the length.

So sorry it took so long, hopefully you guys don't hate me.

As of now-

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P.S. Check out my new contest!. It's song fictions! Come on, write about your favorite song!