Status: Updating soon... just a little writers block.

Seven Minutes

Father's POV

I watch Avery as she drives away and ask myself, Why doesn't she remember me?

"Yo! Dude!" I look over as one of my best friends walks over to me. "Why are you just standing there? Come on! We have to get to work."

The next day, I see Avery in the halls and it tears me apart to see her not even give me a second glace. I remember her so well and she doesn't remember me at all. Why is that?

Maybe she does remember me and just pretends not to know me. Maybe she regrets what we did, she is the one who didn't call me. Or maybe, I'm just forgettable.

I don't know what's going through her head. I just hope that she'll eventually remember me.

At lunch, I was about to approach Avery, but she was waved over to a table that I saw Sage, an old friend, sitting at. The girl that had waved her over was some girl named Cameron that's in one of my classes.

I sat at my usual table, which was close to theirs and happened to over-hear some of their conversation.

"Avery, this is Sage. She's in my Historical History class." She went on descibing that class and how her teacher is a total bitch. Lasy year, I had that class a I definitly agree.

Avery stood up and made her way to though her trash away. I took this chance to go talk to her. When I stood up though, I noticed my friends starring at me. I quickly made up the excuse that I had to go to the bathroom and quickly walked over to her.

Right before I tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around and ran right into me.

She glanced up at me, "Sorry."

This is my chance. My chance to say something that will get her to remember. "'s okay."

Then she nodded and walked around me. That's it.

Even though I know she can't hear me and she is long gone, I whisper the words that I know in my heart I true, "I love you, Avery."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I know it's really short, but I only want to give you a taste of the father. I'm not really sure of what I can do in the future, when I do these kinds of chapters. Tell me what you think...

So, any guesses on who the father might be? I doubt it, but maybe you got some kind of hidden message hidden in the words.

As oof now-

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