Status: Updating soon... just a little writers block.

Seven Minutes


After Adam told me his secret the bell rang and I quickly went to class.

I tried to ignore Adam for the rest of the day, trying to take in that I wasn't the only kid at this school that had a child. Was there more? How many people at this school couldpossibly have kids?

It wasn't my main priority to find out the answers to my questions, but I would still like to know. I mean, how many chances do you get to meet someone who is going through the same problems as you? Of course Adam probably knows who the mother is, but he still has a kid and is very young.

Maybe I'll talk to Adam and see if he has any advice on handling a few of my problems.

On my way to find Adam, I heard someone yelling my name, "Avery! Avery! Please! Talk to me, Avery!" I turn around to see Blaise headed in my direction.

"What, Blaise?"

"Why don't you want to be friends?"

"I told Drew to tell you that days ago and you're coming to talk to me now?"

"Me and Drew had a fight. He hasn't been telling me anything. I just figured you didn't want to be friends since you haven't even glanced at me in the past days."

"Blaise, I'm sorry, but nothing you say will change my mind."

"Can you hear me out? Please?"


He has this sad look in his eyes as he tells me, "You and Ashton were my only friends. You've seen her now, right? I had to watch her become that. Right after I lost you, I had to slowly lose her. Soon after Ash was gone, Drew came here and he became my new best friend. Last year, Cade moved here and he became my other best friend. I have new friends, but they aren't you or Ash. You're back. Don't make me lose you again. I missed you, Avery."

I missed Blaise, I really did. I wanted him as a best friend, but with him came all those past memory that I wanted to forget.

I sighed and while looking down I said, "Blaise, I want to forget the past. I know you don't know what happened and that it confuses you, but you have to understand that I'm different now. I've changed a lot and I'm not sure I'd even be a good friend to you."

With desperation he asks, "What happened? I've got all day, tell me."

"We have school, Blaise."

"Screw school."

I thought about it and figured that Blaise has been there for me and I do kind of need to get that night off my chest. So I grab his hand and take him to my car.

He knows not to talk since whatever he says might change my mind. He knows I'm like that.

I talk as I drive, "It started the night that I went to my first party. You know? That party that you and Ashton convinced me to go to. I only agreed to go since you promised to be by my side the entire night. Liar.

"Anyway, after I got drunk I went and played Seven Minutes In Heaven. When it was my turn to go into the closet, the guy I went in with became my new best friend. He didn't do anything to me in the closet, but a lot happened that night."

I pulled into the daycare and Blaise's eyes became wide. He stutters out, "Who w-was it?"

I shrug my shoulders and answer, "I don't know. The morning after, on the walk home, I fell and got a concussion. At the hospital I found out I was pregnant, no damage was done to my baby, and all I could remember were gorgeous brown eyes."

He stares at the day care and asks, "You have no idea of who the father is?"


"Avery, we're going to solve that problem. That child..."


"Carson has a great mother. She needs a father."

I look at him as I ask, "Want to meet her?"

"Hell yeah."
♠ ♠ ♠
You guys are amazing. I got a lot of comments last chapter and am so happy about it. Can't wait to get feedback from this chapter!

Adam's going to be in the story soon, maybe the next chapter.

How do you like Blaise so far? I think he's really sweet.

As of now-

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