Status: Back in business. Please read second authors note added to the 'Info" section of this story.

Head on Collision

The Beach

Alex’s POV

I lay on my towel; still on my stomach. My book was open on the towel in front of me and my chin was resting on my folded hands. I finished two chapters of my book and I was contemplating a third. I shouldn’t be reading right now; I know that. I should be helping Jack with his sandcastle or I should be in the water with some of the other kids. Or maybe even taking part in the beach volleyball game that one of the seniors had started. I glanced over at the game; there was way too many people on each turn and they were constantly smacking into each other. But the jubilant laughter of the large group of teenagers was enough to make me smile and make me really happy.

I turned my head the other way; my chin digging into the crook between my fingers. I looked over at Jack, who sat not too far away from me. His legs were spread wide and a rather impressive sandcastle sat in between them. It had a slight moat, a few towers and windows made of shells he had found behind me in the gravel. I studied his face as he carefully sculpted another turret, only to have it collapse when he went to put a shell window in. He sighed and furrowed his brow; his eyebrows knitting together in the most adorable way possible. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand; and got busy recreating the turret. The very tip of his tongue darted out from between his lips as he concentrated and I had to literally bite my tongue to stop me from ‘awwing’ at the sight in front of me. I watched him intently; settling my cheek down on my hands. From this angle I could see his face perfectly; as well, as his slumped shoulders and the way he curled his toes over when he leaned closer to the castle, as if it would stop him from breaking it.

“Mine!” I heard a voice call from my right.

I moved up onto my elbows. And watched as Rian ran for the ball and smacked it with his fist over the net. It soared over the net easily; flying in the direction of the other team. Zack ran backwards and dove for the ball; smacking it with his fist. He lost his balance and when crashing down; right on top of Jack’s masterpiece.

“Dude! You killed my fucking sandcastle!” Jack complained; moving back quicker than I thought possible for any human being.

“I'm sorry man,” Zack apologized and clambered up. “I lost my balance.”

“Couldn't you have landed on, I don’t know, Alex or something?” Jack asked him.

“Hey!” I frowned.

“I’m sorry dude,” Zack apologized again.

“Come on, Merrick!” someone called and Zack ran back over to them.

I focused back on Jack. He sat sitting amongst the ‘rubble’ of his castle.

“You okay?” I asked him.

“Asshole broke my castle!” he pouted.

“You want me to help you fix it?” I offered.

“No,” he shook his head; smiling at my offer. “You want to go swimming though? It’s hot.”

“Alright,” I agreed; folding the corner of my page down and closing the book.

I sat up onto my knees and followed Jack with my eyes as he stood up. He pulled off his hat and dropped it onto his bag. He pulled his sunnies off his face but kept them in his hand. He grabbed the bottom of his wolverine t-shirt and pulled it up and over his head. I gulped but couldn’t avert my eyes. Jack’s shoulders were round; the bones only slightly visible. His chest was flat as was his stomach; almost skinny to be honest. His collar bones were perfect; his Adam's apple easily visible in his throat. His hips bones stuck through his skin in a way that made me want to just grab them and pulled him down on top of me and kiss him so passionately, we would....

I broke my stare; looking down at the sand. Wait? What the hell am I thinking? Am I lusting after Jack now? I looked back up to him as he slid his sunnies back onto his face. He grinned down at me.

“You coming?” he smirked.

“Um, yeah,” I nodded quickly and stood up; pulling my shirt over my head.

I dropped it on top of Jack’s stuff and flicked my fringe out of my eyes. I could feel Jack’s eyes on me. It made me feel insecure but relieved at the same time. At least, I'm not the only one perving today.

“Let’s go,” Jack urged and lead the way down to the water.

I followed after him quickly. He picked up speed and ran into the surf. I laughed and chased him in; he dove under the water and popped up a little further back, his sunglasses still on his face. I dove under and popped up beside him; flicking my fringe back of my face. Jack looked back at the shore where the volleyball was still going strong. Jack grinned slyly and splashed me; diving under the waves and disappearing until he popped up behind the break; wear the water was almost completely flat. I dove under as well; breast stroking my way under the water until I found Jacks legs and slowly rising up till I was above the water.

He smiled at me; a fond smile that I was already used to from Jack. I lifted my hands from the water and moved them to Jacks face; pulling his sunglasses loose on his face and lifting them up to rest on his head. As I lowered my hands, Jack stopped me, grabbing my wrists gently in his hands. He slowly lowered them back under the water; sliding his hands down to hold on to mine.

“Jack?” I started softly.

“Don't freak out okay?” he told me, his eyes full of wonder, curiosity and a little bit of fear.

“Okay,” I nodded.

Jack slowly leaned his; his eyes slipping closed. He was going to kiss me. He was. Jack Barakat, the guy I only just met but seem to have fallen for is going to kiss me. I closed my eyes too; leaning in as Jack did. I felt his nose brush mine gently. I felt his hot breath against my lips; a strange sensation in relation to the cool water around us.

“Yo guys!” Rian’s voice boomed.

Jack and I pulled away; the disappointed look on Jacks face instantly recognisable.

“What?” Jack yelled back to him.

“Lunch time!”

Jack sighed and looked at me apologetically; pulling his glasses back down to his face and starting to swim back to the beach. I breathed deeply; relieved that that hadn’t happened, but strangely disappointed as well. That situation, the closeness of our bodies, the feel of his breath everywhere; it was all too thrilling. I took more deep breathes trying to bring my heart rate back to normal. I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them. I swam back towards the shore; seeing Jack stand up and walk out of the surf; plopping down on his towel and drying his face with one corner. I stood up as well as I approached; walking to my towel and sitting down. I stole a glance at Jack as he put his hat back on his head. He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but return it.

“Can you pass the chicken please Lex?” he asked; his eyes staying trained on mine.

“Of course,” I replied; picking up the bucket Rian must have picked up from a Kentucky Fried somewhere before he got me.

I set the bucket between us; both reaching in at the same time. Our hands crushed in the most cliché manner possible and I jerked my hand away. He smirked at me before biting into his piece of chicken. I picked off a piece of my own; picking bits of the crunchy coating and popping it into my mouth. At least things weren’t weird. If you call flirting all the time, not weird.
♠ ♠ ♠
There's another one.
I'm trying to make up for my lack of updates before.
Comments? :)