Status: Back in business. Please read second authors note added to the 'Info" section of this story.

Head on Collision

Six Feet Under The Stars

Alex’s POV

We kept running; down pathways and across streets. Jack seemed to know where he was going which I was thankful for; given that I didn’t. We ran down a short alley way which was completely black, but funnily enough I still felt safe. He squeezed my hand gently as we came out at the end; a park opening up in front of us. We slowed our run to a jog and then to a walk. Jack smiled; leading the way to a swing set in the middle of it all. He loosened his grip on my hand; the safe feeling only dimming slightly. He let go of my hand completely and ran over to the swing. He sat down on it and looked up at me; those massive brown eyes shining.

“Will you push me?” he asked; that childlike innocence burning through his 16 year old body.

I stepped behind him and kissed the top of his head.

“Of course I will,” I told him and gently nudged his back with my hands.

“Higher,” he grinned and I pushed harder.

Jack pumped his legs a little and I stepped out of the way to avoid getting hit. I leaned against one of the support poles of the swing set; watching Jack as he swang. His face lighting up in a way only Jack’s did. It was the light, the same warmth that came through when he was building his sandcastle. Jack was a full but confusing package. On one hand he can be a complete big kid; building sandcastles at the beach, running through the town at midnight to escape the cops to a park to play on the swings. And then he can switch. He becomes a surprisingly mature 16 year old boy, with a heart of gold and a smile that could melt even the most solid of hearts. He knew when to be someone’s backbone, when someone needs a shoulder to cry on or when they simply need a hug. He was amazing; astonishingly perfect in every aspect.

“What are you thinking about?” Jack asked me; slowly coming to a stop on the swings.

“You,” I replied honestly; smiling softly at him.

“What about me?” he smirked; raising an eyebrow at me.

“Pervert,” I scoffed; walking away and sitting down in the grass.

I watched as Jack got off the swing; pulling his sleeves down to his hands from their position still up at his elbows. He plonked himself down beside me.

“Tell me,” he requested. “Tell me what you were thinking about me.”

“I was thinking about how lucky I am to have found you,” I confessed; crossing my legs and pulling out a blade of grass.

“You’re not that lucky, really,” Jack shrugged; hugging his knees.

“I am,” I told him. ‘Really. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you, Jack. I really don’t.”

“I guess, it was just, you know, fate,” Jack turned his head to face me; smiling.

“Maybe,” I agreed; returning his smile.

Jack turned his face back away from me; a longing in his gaze. His smile was soft.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked him; sliding closer to him.

“Just what we were talking about that day in the hall,” he answered.

“What about it?”

“What you said about, you know, stop looking for someone. Wait for them to find you,” he smiled.

‘Yeah,” I nodded.

He turned his face to me again; a warm, tender smile on his face.

“It looks like I’ve found my sledge hammer,” he laughed lightly.

I smiled at Jack; realizing how serious of a statement that really was. He was giving himself to me; holding out the figurative sledge hammer I had mentioned to him and letting me come at that solid wall and breaking it to pieces. I sighed contently and lay back on the grass. I felt the cool dew of the grass seeping through my cotton shirt. I looked up at the sky; the moon was full, the stars brighter then I had ever seen them. It was like they had come out for us; for me and Jack, to make this moment in time as special as possible.

“The sky’s so pretty,” I smiled; staring up at the star filled sky above Jack and i.

“It is,” Jack replied; lying down beside me. “But I know of something that’s a lot prettier than the sky.”

“Oh really?” I grinned. “And what might that be?”

I watched Jack as he rolled onto his side; following him with my eyes. He shifted closer to me and smiled. Lifting a hand onto my cheek; he stroked it gently and ran his hand down my jaw and into my hair at that hung just under my ear. He rubbed his thumb against the skin at the back of my ear. His finger tips were soft and I shivered a little. His other hand lay above my head; his fingers playing with my hair. Jack was lying close to me; I felt his body against my side; his bright orange t-shirt against the skin on my hip where my shirt had ridden up a little. I smiled slightly at Jack as he scooted even closer; his face hovering over mine. He looked nervous. It was written all over his face that he was nervous. He returned my smile. The moon made Jack almost a silhouette, besides his face. Although, I didn’t need the light to know his face. I had admired it so many times; I knew every curve, every line, and every dimple. I heard Jack sigh as he smiled.

“What?” I asked him; my voice soft.

“Um. don’t freak out okay?” Jack whispered.

I smiled.

“Jack. Just kiss me already,” I told him.

Jack raised an eyebrow at me; shocked at what I had said. His face formed into a smile; a shy smile, a nervous one but excitement burned in his eyes. I lifted my hand to the back of his neck and gently pulled his head down to mine. He hovered over me. His eyes locked on mine and I felt the butterflies take flight in my stomach. Was this finally going to happen? After four failed attempts in the past; were we finally going to kiss? Jack leaned in closer to me. I kept my eyes opened; until his features went out of focus. My eyes fluttered shut. I felt Jack’s breath on my lips and the excitement built. I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to kiss him, taste him, and feel what it felt like to kiss him. Jack. Jack Barakat. The guy I had fallen for over the last month of my life. I pulled his head down the rest of the way; our lips colliding in a fiery outburst of fireworks. My heart flew to my throat and it felt like my heart was smiling, no grinning, no, exploding with happiness. I was ecstatic; overwhelmingly ecstatic.

Jack moved his lips against mine; sort of massaging my lips with his. His lips were warm; warm and soft. Jack broke the kiss; moving back ever so slowly but keep his face close to mine. He smiled.

“Wow,” he breathed; a blush across his cheeks.

He fiddled with my hair again; stroking my fringe off my forehead.

“Kiss me again,” I demanded.

“What?” he half laughed.

“Jack,” I bit my lip. “I’ve thought about and dreamed about kissing you for weeks. I regret seeing Holly, I regret being interrupted at the beach and I regret being so scared to confess these feelings before. I’ll admit it. I like you Jack. I really fuc...”

Jack cut me off with his lips on mine; massaging like he did before. I smiled into the kiss; moving my lips against his. He opened his mouth slightly and I felt his tongue run along my bottom lip. I obliged; opening my mouth to him. He slid his tongue in; finding mine waiting for it. Our tongues danced; massaging one another softly. Jack tasted of salted chips and a sort of tang. A sweetness overwhelmed the salt and tang; a flavor that could only be described as Jack. He moved his other hand down; sliding it down my body and up a little under my shirt. He rested it on my hip; rubbing small circles in the skin.

We broke apart; both desperate for oxygen. We looked at each other; a passion full of lust filled Jack’s eyes and instead of being scared it was thrilling. I listened to his breathing; it was irregular and fast. I swallowed.

“My place or yours?” I breathed; causing Jack to smirk.

“Mine,” he grinned. “We’ll have the house to ourselves.”
♠ ♠ ♠
The chapter everyone's been waiting for!
The kiss.
What'd you think?
Was it worth the wait? Was it good enough?
Please please please comments and let me know!!!