Status: Back in business. Please read second authors note added to the 'Info" section of this story.

Head on Collision

My Paradise

Jack’s POV

“Welcome to my room,” Alex smiled. “Or, what I like to call, my paradise.”

I stepped over the horizon and stopped just inside the doorway. I smiled at Alex’s room. The walls were white as was the built in wardrobe that lined the wall on the right hand side of the room. On the left hand wall, with the bedhead against the wall sat a double bed, I guessed. It was made perfectly with a deep blue comforter and crisp white pillow cases. Above the bed on the wall was a large bulletin board; scattered with posters of random bands and ticket stubs; photos and notices. On either side of the bed was a bedside table; one had a lamp the other an alarm clock and a novel. Beside the table on one side was a guitar stand with a white acoustic sitting in it one the other his keyboard. On the wall to my right, inside the door was a big desk with a laptop sitting on it. A stack of school stuff sat on one side and the shelf above it was lined with books. And directly in front of me; covering the majority of the wall were doors. Curtains were open to either end and through it I saw the balcony that looked over the front yard.

Alex moved to the those doors and pulled the curtains closed. He turned to me and smiled sheepishly.

“What do you think?” he asked softly.

“You’re rooms beautiful,” I looked around. “Really. Its huge.”

“Yeah,” Alex looked down. “Sometimes I wish it was smaller you know; more like yours.”

I stepped forward and lifted Alex’s chin with my fingers. He smiled softly at me and I pecked him on the lips.

“Your rooms gorgeous Lex and perfect,” I told him. “Just like you.”

Alex blushed lightly.

“So um,” I took a half step back. “What was it that you were going to show me?”

“Oh right,” Alex grinned and moved toward his desk.

He flipped through a note book and picked it up; turned the pages back.

“It’s something I wrote, for that poetry assignment,” he smiled.

“Oh are you serious?” I looked at him. “You’re done?”

‘Well yeah,” he blushed again; clutching the notebook to his chest.

“I haven’t even thought about it,” I confessed; frowning.

“It’s alright,” Alex shrugged. “You've got plenty of time. I just; it came to me.”

“Can I hear it?” I asked.

“Well duh,” Alex grinned.

I hard footsteps coming up the stairs and I turned to face the door. Mr Gaskarth approached and knocked softly on the open door.

“Dinner’s just about ready,” he informed us.

I knew that his accent would never stop making me smile.

“Okay,” Alex smiled again. “Thanks dad.”

Mr Gaskarth turned and walked away.

“I guess that's waiting until after dinner,” he shrugged and put the notebook back on his desk.

“I guess,” I agreed; my nerves coming back.

“So, do you want to tell them before or after, or maybe during?” Alex asked.

“It’s up to you,” I fidgeted. “You’re the one speaking.”

“True,” Alex frowned. “I guess I’ll just, wing it.”

“Yeah,” I looked down; biting my lip.

“Come on,” Alex smiled. “It’ll be fine.”

He lead the way back downstairs and to the dining room. Mr Gaskarth was putting bowls of peas and a plate fo corn on the dining room table as we entered.

“You should meet my mum,” Alex suggested and he tugged my by the wrist through the swinging half door to the kitchen.

The kitchen was huge as well. Big burners, a side by side fridge freezer, and a dishwasher; all in stainless steel. In the center was an island which was bare beside a fruit ball in the center.

“Mum,” Alex started. “I’d like you to meet Jack.”

Mrs Gaskarth turned around; a roasting tray in hand. she slid it onto the island and smiled at me. She approached; pulling off the oven mits and pulling me into a brief hug.

“It’s very nice to meet you Jack,” she told me; her voice soft and heavy with a similar accent to Mr Gaskarth.

“Likewise,” I told her; not feeling uncomfortable at all.

“Mum, mum. Let him go,” I heard Alex request and his mum stepped back.

She put a hand on my cheek and smiled at me again. I smiled back at her. I knew where Alex got his looks from. His mother is beautiful.

“I’m just glad Alex has made a friend,” she told me softly.

“I’m glad I met him,” I answered honestly. “Really. He’s changed my life.”

Alex smiled at me and blushed lightly.

“That’s sweet of you dear,” Mrs Gaskarth smiled again. “You two go to the table. I’ll bring the roast through.”

Alex lead the way back through to the dining room. Mr Gaskarth was putting corn on each of the plates. Alex slid into one of the chairs and I chose to sit beside him.

Once the roast was on the table, Mr Gaskarth started carving and dished out the rest of the dinner. We sat and ate silently at first; only the sound of the cutlery scraping on he plates obvious.

“Roast lamb,” Mr Gaskarth started. “My favorite.”

“Same here,” I agreed.

“It was Daniels favorite too,” Alex said softly.

Mr Gaskarth looked at me and then to his wife; both wore similar looks of worry.

“It’s alright mum, dad, Jack knows,” Alex smiled affectionately at me. “I told him.”

“Are you sure that was wise, Alex?” his mum asked him.

I busied myself with pushing my peas around the plate.

“Yes,” Alex answered strongly. “Jack’s different. A lot different from those guys back in England.”

“How can you be sure?” his father asked. I took this as his parents actually noticing when Alex’s friends all gave up on him.

I glanced up at Alex put his cutlery down on his plate and wiped his mouth with the napkin.

“Because, I know Jack,” he replied.

“You’ve only known him for a month Alex,” Mrs Gaskarth continued like I wasn’t even there.

“That doesn’t matter,” Alex shook his head.

I watched him reach for my hand. I put my cutlery down and turned my head to him completely as he laced his fingers through mine.

“Jack’s different,” he repeated; looking to both his parents. “And so is the relationship I have with him.”

“What are you saying?” Mrs Gaskarth asked; I could have sworn I heard elation in her voice.

“Jack and I, we’re in a relationship,” Alex confessed; his voice just as strong as before. I didn’t dare to look away from his face. “That’s how I know that knowing about Daniel; knowing about everything, is safe with him. I love him.”

I tried my luck with looking away form Alex; first looking to his mum and then his dad. both wore the same expression; shock. I smiled a little and squeezed Alex hand.

“So,” Mrs Gaskarth broke the silence. “You’re happy?”

Alex nodded slowly.

“Then that’s all that matters,” Mr Gaskarth finished. “Of course, this is unexpected. For my son to bring someone home so soon; let alone another boy.”

“But as long as you’re happy Alex, we are happy for you,” Mrs Gaskarth smiled.

‘Thank you,” Alex beamed; tears in his eyes. “You, you have no idea how happy i am to hear you say that!”

I smiled at both of his parents.

“Thank you for being so accepting of me,” I whispered. “It means a lot.”

“Don’t be silly Jack,” Mr Gaskarth laughed. “You’re part of the family. Whether you’re seeing my son or not. If you’re his friend, and you care about him, you’re welcome in this house.”

I grinned at Mr Gaskarth.

“Can we be excused?” Alex asked.

“Of course you can,” Mrs Gaskarth smiled and Alex stood and I followed suit. He made his way from the room slowly.

I walked to Mrs Gaskarth and hugged her briefly; choosing to shake Mr Gaskarth's hand.

“Thank you,” I told them again. “Really.”

“You’re more then welcome Jack,” Mrs Gaskarth smiled. “Now go. He’s probably waiting for you.”

I climbed up the stairs and walked back to Alex’s room. i made it five steps into the room before I was tackled; Alex holding onto me like his life depended on it.

“Oh my god Jack,” Alex sighed; his voice both excited and shaky. “I didn’t expect them to be so open; so caring. They like you! I didn’t doubt it in my mind that they wouldn’t like you.”

“Hey hey,” I squeezed him into a hug and lifted him off the floor. I spun him around a few times before putting him back down. “Everything's alright.”

“Its beyond alright!” Alex practically squealed. He pulled out of the hug and looked at me. His eyes were shining and the smile on his face was from ear to ear. “Everything's perfect.”

Alex leaned in; kissing me softly on the lips.

‘You’re amazing Jack,” he whispered. “You’re amazing. That’s another reason why I love you.”

“You did say you would fill be in on these reasons,” I told him; putting my hands on my hips.

“Jack, I don’t think I could possibly find the right words,” he gushed; reaching out and taking one of my hands in each of his.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright. i hope that wasn't like; shit.
Okay. so they told Alex's parents.
Isobel and Peter know and are happy.
let me know what you thought, please. :)