Street Family

Chapter 1

‘Looks like it will be trash tonight...again’

I remember when I had a family. They actually cared like how a mother cares for their new born baby. I used to have that but now it was all gone.

I sit and watch as people pass by. No sign of acknowledgment crosses their face. No sign of sympathy is throw my way. No not this time not anymore. This city was a big and busy place. A place where nobody stops for things left on the street with no money. No food. No family of any sort. The people were cruel but if you think about it everyone was at some point in their life and that is the reason why they end up the way they are.

Being a street thing was hard. You had to find food. Find a new place to sleep every night. You practically had to find a way to move without being noticed. That is unless you’re willing to lose everything.

I see a small girl go pass. The sympathy and curiosity is enough to earn me a small pathetic smile that I really didn’t need. Children were all the same. They would love you then trick you into losing everything in an instant. I learned that the hard way. Though I hated the family I belonged to I still missed them but not even I could save them from what happened. The fire that made them lose everything but they didn’t need to leave me alone.

So I may be just a magi animal but that didn’t mean they could leave me on the side of the street with nothing but the collar I had on that reminded me of what my name was. I hated them and the name they gave me. Who wanted to be called spot? Nobody.

‘Oh wait it’s just another piece of paper’

Living on the street was hard especially for someone of my kind. For someone who just happened to be a homeless dog.
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Please Enjoy *bows*