Status: All Done! :)

So Sneaky

So Sneaky (Justin Bieber)

Valeria walked the pathways of Kings Island with her large group of friends; which was, frankly, a little too large because she was constantly being left out.
Valeria was not the most obvious person to say the least. Ok, she was completely shy and the most friends she could be hanging out with and not be shy are about 4, and there were about 8 people in this group.
After about 20 minutes trying to get attention she finally gave up and slowly backed up as the rest walked forward. She smiled knowing how clueless her friends were and she turned to walk to nowhere in particular.
After what felt like forever of walking all over the place passing families, teens and their groups of friends, little kids running free from their parents, and couples galore; she found a nice bench to sit on by the merry-go-round. She looked over and watched it as the little kids and parents and teens alike smiled and rode on the funny looking animals spinning in circles. It spun faster after a minute or so and sped up from there while the music also increased with speed. Then all of a sudden she felt someone sit next to her on the bench. She whipped her head around and saw a guy with his hood on his hoodie up and Aviator sunglasses on. He seemed panicked and he was panting like he was just running.
“Um, excuse me but, is something wrong?” she asked him. He turned his head to her and opened his mouth but it took him a couple seconds for him to say something.
“Uh, well, actually yes, can I have your help for a second?” he asked. His voice sounded awfully familiar and his soft side-swept hair was totally sexy even though she didn’t want to admit it.
“Oook? What do you need help with?” she asked, kinda freaked out that a total stranger was asking her this.
“Can you spend the day hanging out with me? I’m kinda hiding from someone,” he whispered leaning closer to her to say the last part.
“Sure? But, one condition, I need to know who the crap you are!” she said scooting away.
He sighed and lowered his glasses to show her his eyes. They were a beautiful chocolaty brown and looked a lot like… Justin Bieber’s?
She inhaled a quick breath realizing it was him.
“I’m Justin. Justin Bieber,” he said, slipping his glasses back up and looking behind him.
She had a mini panic attack while he wasn’t looking. She was a big fan of his and this was a miracle she was in his presence. She pinched herself and then he turned back to her.
“Ok,” she breathed, “You’re Justin Bieber, I’m Valeria Wilkerson, and there is no way this is really happening,” she said putting her face in her hands.
“Well, it is and I really need your help!” he said looking all around them.
“Crap,” he mumbled. Valeria looked up and saw two guys with black suits on running towards them.
“Who are they?” she asked, and he grabbed her hand and she was dragged through the crowds. She rammed into people and the two guys followed them.
Her mind and heart raced and wondered how the h*ll was this happening?!
Finally they stopped behind a concession stand and they both breathed heavily after running so much.
“Ok,” she heaved, “What is this all about?!”
He put down his hood and took off his sunglasses. It really was Justin Bieber.
“Wow! So it really is you!” she said shocked.
“Yes it’s me, you wanna know what’s happening?” he asked, still breathing heavily.
“Yes please, it would be a relief,” she said sliding down the wall and sitting on the ground. He did the same and sat really close to her.
“Well, those two guys are my body guards, and lately I’ve been sick and tired of them being at my sides twenty four seven! So I ran away from them this morning hoping to just run around the park and be normal for a few hours. But no! I’ve been running from them all day. And the reason I asked you to help me is because if I’m not alone maybe I’ll just look like some kid hanging out with his friends and they won’t recognize me; and a new friend wouldn’t hurt either,” he explained smiling at her.
Her heart melted because his smile was even more beautiful than it was on T.V.
“Oh, well sure, all my friends were kinda ignoring me so I just left them to wander the park myself. I guess I can hang with you for the day,” she smiled back.
“Well, I guess we should properly introduce ourselves,” he said, “Hi, I’m Justin.”
“I’m Valeria, nice to meet you Justin,” she said sweetly, and they shook hands.
They laughed and then Valeria said, “So is the coast clear?”
He peered around the corner of the small building and said, “Yup, I think so. You ready to go?”
“Yes I am!” she said and they stood up while Justin put his shades back on.
“You’re not gonna put your hood up?” she asked.
“No, actually, I thought maybe you could wear my jacket because they will be looking for me in it. But when they see a girl wearing the jacket they will know it’s not me,” he explained.
“Um, sure, I guess that’s a good idea.” So Justin took the gray hoodie off and helped to put it on her. It was ironic because it was only April and it was a little bit chilly out so Valeria was regretting not having a jacket with her. As she put it on, she smelled his cologne and it was amazing.
“You know, you smell really good,” she pointed out.
“Well, thank you!” he said cheerfully.
They laughed and walked out into the crowds.
“So what brings you to Kings Island on this fine day?” Justin asked, walking beside her.
“Band contest,” she said simply.
“What?” he asked.
“Band contest, I’m here with a group of friends from our school band, the entire band class was here competing in the OMEA band contest. We got straight 1’s and Mr. Robinson was so happy! But, like I said my group of friends was a little bit too big for my liking so I just kinda ditched em and now here I am. I bet they don’t even notice I’m gone,” she chuckled.
“Oh, well that’s good that you did well! Congrats!” he said, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah, and you’re here because…?” she asked.
“I’m performing in the Timber Wolf theatre and then in the Great Wolf Lodge tonight,” he said simply, shrugging.
“Oh, right! I think I heard something about that,” she lied, truth is she had tried to get tickets for those shows for two weeks and sold out like hot cakes.
He chuckled and said, “So you’re a fan?”
“What gave that away?” she laughed.
“Well, I detected a hint of sarcasm in that last sentence, and when you found out I was Justin Bieber you looked like you were gonna have a heart attack. I was very impressed at your calm reaction though,” he said.
“Well thank you. I didn’t want to seem like a crazy stalker fan, because I’m not crazy nor am I a stalker,” she said, “Well, I may be crazy but I’m not a stalker!” she added.
They laughed.
“So what instrument do you play?” he asked.
“Clarinet, 3rd chair! I’m proud of myself,” she said smiling.
“Niiicee,” he elongated the word.
“It is. Mr. Robinson is by far my favorite teacher even though everyone else in the school (except a couple people in the band) hates him,” she said.
“Why do you like him then?” he asked, simply.
“Because I’ve had him every year for 6 years and he knows us all so well, I’m gonna be so sad when I have to leave him when I graduate,” she said sadly, “But that’s still 3 years away I don’t quite have to worry just yet!”
He chuckled, “I can relate, my music teacher Mrs. Wall; I had her for my entire schooling back in my hometown. And look at me now, music was a hobby so I highly enjoyed it!” he said.
She laughed. Her mind and heart were still racing simply because she was nervous about being here with the Justin Bieber. He was way more gorgeous in person and his voice was smoother and sweeter. She was awestruck.
“Hello?” Justin said waving his hand in front of her staring face. She broke out of her daze and shook her head.
“Whoa, sorry, that was embarrassing,” she said scratching the back of her neck.
He laughed, “It’s ok, I get that a lot. Apparently meeting me in person just does that to people.”
“Well heck yeah! You’re gorgeous!” she said loudly. He looked at her weird.
“Oh my god, did I say that out loud?” she asked; she seriously thought she had thought that and not said it.
“Uh… yeah!” he chuckled, “But, thanks anyways!”
She laughed nervously, “You’re welcome I guess!”
They walked next to each other and Justin looked around for the two guys who were chasing them.
“Crap,” Justin muttered.
“What?” Val asked, getting worried.
“Val, I know this may be weird but I need you to hold my hand and look like we are a couple; and follow me and act casual,” he said, using her nickname.
Her heart leapt when she felt his hand take a hold of hers firmly. She squeezed his hand back.
She hadn’t had a boyfriend in, god knows how long… and she forgot how it felt to hold someone’s hand. She hadn’t even had her first kiss yet.
He led them in the opposite direction and Val kept her calm. She usually did and wasn’t one to freak out too much.
They walked down the sidewalk in the direction of the Eiffel Tower next to the huge fountain and purposely went into the Eiffel tower elevator.
“We are going up to the top?” Val asked, keeping her grip on his warm hand. He kept his grasp on hers too.
“It’s the best hiding spot,” he said smiling.
As the door closed they saw the two body guards scanning the crowds but they had no luck. Once the elevator door closed the two giggled and laughed, not caring about the 3 other people in the elevator. And the three other people didn’t seem to mind them either. Justin took his sunglasses of and hung them on his shirt.
Their hands stayed intertwined until they simultaneously looked down at their fingers and let go of each other as they blushed.
Then the elevator opened and they were at the top of the tower. They walked out and over to the railing with the Ohio land laid out in front of them.
Directly below, the crowds going everywhere and they even saw the two body guards searching everywhere like crazy.
“Ya know,” Justin started, “For security guards they aren’t very smart.”
She laughed, “So true.”
There was a moment of silence then Justin asked, “So where is your house?”
“Well,” she said looking out at the horizon, and then she walked along the railing and looked more towards the south, “It’s over there actually.”
“Oh yeah! I think I can see it!” he said putting his hand up by his forehead.
She laughed, “But you don’t even know what my house looks like!”
“Exactly!” he said.
They laughed and just stared out at the sun setting over the horizon.
“Wow,” he said after a couple minutes of silence.
“What?” she asked looking at him.
“Sunsets are beautiful in Ohio,” he said laying his head on his arms on the railing.
She giggled, “I always think that too. But, they are beautiful everywhere, really.”
“Just like you,” Justin whispered, but Val didn’t hear it.
The truth was, even though they had only met a few hours ago, Justin had really begun to like her. She was down to earth, sweet, funny, and honest, and didn’t freak out over things (like the fact he was Justin Bieber).
“What time is it?” he asked, remembering he had a show to do at 8.
“Um,” she checked her phone, “7:15. Why?”
“Crap, I have a sound check at 7:30!” he said, grabbing Val’s hand again and taking them back to the elevator.
Once they were inside, Justin kept hold of her hand and she smiled to herself because of it.
“You wanna see the show?” he asked all of a sudden. They were the only ones in the elevator.
“What? Well, heck yeah!” she said excitedly, “You could get me in?!”
“I’m Justin Bieber, of course I can get you in!” he said happily.
“Oh yay!” she said flinging her arms around his neck and giving him a tight hug.
He returned the gesture and laughed as he picked her up and twirled her around. Once her feet hit the floor again she moved her face back to look at him keeping her arms around his shoulders. Their smiles soon faded slowly and her heart raced at how close they were. Justin wanted to kiss her right then and there and it was going well, their faces inching closer to each other every second, but then the door opened and they separated and blushed yet again. Justin put his sunglasses back on and Val gripped the long sleeves on his jacket as she pulled it closer to her.
“Well, let’s get going!” he said as they stepped out of the elevator and started walking towards the Timber Wolf theatre.
“We may wanna hurry up if you want to get to sound check on time,” she said looking at her phone again.
“Crap, I guess you’re right. Let’s go!” he said acting noble and they scurried around people and headed towards the back stage area.
“You may wanna put that hood up,” he mentioned.
“Why?” she asked.
Then all of a sudden this chick in this mob of people screamed, “JUSTIN BIEBER!” at the top of her lungs; which created a domino effect of a bunch of fan girls screaming and chasing them down. Before anyone could see her, Val put the hood up and took Justin’s hand to run through the backstage entrance and close the door behind them. They leaned against it huffing and puffing.
“You have to deal with that every day?!” she asked, in horror.
He chuckled, “Sadly enough, I do!”
“Well, that sucks for you!” she said laughing.
“Yes it does now come on,” he said smiling and motioning for her to follow him down the hallway and into his dressing room.
“Justin Drew Bieber! Where have you been?!” a woman with brown hair, who looked like his mom, yelled at him.
“Mom!” he yelled back at her, he made his eyes look back at Val and back at his mom. She got the point and a smile came onto her face and she introduced herself.
“Sorry about that, my name is Patty, I’m Justin’s mom,” she said sweetly shaking Val’s small hand.
“Hi nice to meet you, I’m Valeria, but you can call me Val; Justin already does,” she smiled.
“Well, I’m glad Justin has made a new friend!” she said cheerfully.
“Mom, I need to get into sound check now. And Val’s coming with me,” he said taking her hand.
“Well it was nice to meet you Patty!” Val smiled as Justin dragged her out the door to head to sound check.
“Nice to meet you too; and Justin we will talk later!” she said before they were out the door and into another room.
“Your mom is nice,” Val said as they shut the door behind them.
“Yeah, well she’s such a mom,” he laughed, and then he turned and said hello to his acoustic guitarist, Rob.
“Hey,” Rob said back, “And who is this lovely lady?”
“I’m Val,” she said shyly, since he had already complimented her.
“Nice to meet you Val, I’m Rob,” he said standing up from the couch to shake her hand politely.
“Nice to meet you too, Rob,” she smiled, “Oh! Don’t let me take away time, you need to do your sound check thing!” she said laughing, and taking a seat on the couch.
Rob chuckled and said, “Well, I guess we should do what the pretty lady says.”
Justin smiled and took a seat next to her on the couch.
“You want to help me warm up?” Justin asked looking at her.
“Depends; what do I have to do?” she asked, smirking.
“Well, I start by doing what we call the goo-goo scales,” he said, laughing at how silly that sounded.
“What in the world is that?!” she asked giggling at it too.
So he demonstrated, “Goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo, goo!” With each ‘goo’ he made it sound like a different note and he went up and down like a scale.
“I want you to try it with me ok?” he asked.
She laughed but agreed anyways. So they sat there making the scales go high and low and they did sound like complete silly geese, but they were having fun and ended up laughing and enjoying themselves.
“Ok!” Justin said trying to stop laughing, “We really need, to practice a song now!”
That’s when Rob grabbed his guitar and sat in the chair next to them.
“I’ll take requests!” Justin said looking at Val.
She pondered a moment and then said, “Baby and then Never Let You Go.”
“Ok, two it is,” Rob said starting to strum the acoustic version of Baby.
“Oh, whoa, oh. Oh, whoa, oh. Oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh. Ya know ya love me, I know ya care. Just shout whenever, and I’ll be there, you want my love, you want my heart, and we will never ever, ever be apart,” he sang.
Val was grinning from ear to ear and mentally singing along. Although once he came to the chorus she started to sing out loud as well as she could, and she didn’t think she sounded too bad. His voice was so amazing in person.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, now I’m all gone, gone, gone, gone, gone. I’m gone,” he finished and Val clapped her hands quickly.
“That was awesome! Now the next one,” she urged.
Justin chuckled and Rob began to play the notes.
“Oh, no, oh, no, oh,” he began, “They say that hate has been sent, so let lose the talk of love. Before they outlaw the kiss, baby, give me one last hug. There’s a dream that I’ve been chasing want so badly for it to be reality. And when you, hold my hand then I understand, that it’s meant to be. Cause baby when you’re with me, it’s like an angel came by, and took me to heaven. It’s like you took me to heaven girl. Cause when I stare in your eyes, it couldn’t be better. I don’t want you to go oh no so, let the music blast, we gonna do our dance, praise the doubters on, they don’t matter at all. Cause this life’s too long and this love’s too strong, so baby know for sure, that I’ll never let you go,” he sang sweetly.
All of a sudden it was like Val was in a different world. She had always had a great feeling when she listened to his music but now it was even greater!
“I’ll never let you go,” he finished. She clapped again slower this time because she was more awestruck.
He smiled at her and all of a sudden engulfed her in a hug. She hugged him back.
“What was that for?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” he said simply with his bright grin on his face.
Then the sound producer for the stage popped his head in the room and said, “Justin you’re on in 10 minutes.”
“Thanks,” he said to the guy and he stood up.
“So where do I go?” she asked.
“I’ll escort her to the front row, Justin,” Rob offered and Justin nodded.
“I’ll see you later?” Val asked following Rob to the door.
“Defiantly,” Justin said, hugging her once more. He had already had a plan formed in his mind.
“Good luck,” she whispered in his ear and she kissed his cheek. A surge of adrenaline ran through his body and she was as giddy as a fan girl.
So once Val was seated in the front row, she officially got really excited. Rob left to go back stage and after about two minutes, the lights went down and all the girls screamed.
“Are you ready,” a loud booming voice came over the speakers, “For JUSTIN. BIEEBBERR?!?!”
As if the girls couldn’t scream any louder.
“Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh,” came over the speakers and with every ‘eh’ there was a flash of light and you could see Justin rising from under the stage.
“Me, plus, you,” he sang and then stopped. The lights came on and they revealed a smiling Justin surrounded by his dancers.
The girls completely spazzed after that and Val couldn’t help but laugh at them all.
Then the song started and Justin and his dancers danced to the music as Justin sang the words. Val stood and sang along too, as she swayed to the music.
The entire concert she was enjoying herself. Dancing and singing along and occasionally get eye contact, winks, and flirty smiles from the amazing boy on stage. She giggled every time one of those happened.
“Now, thank you girls (and guys) for coming out tonight!” he said into the mic as he grabbed his bottle of water and took a long gulp, “You ready for the last song?”
Everyone screamed including Val.
“Ok, well for this last song I need a special lady to come up here,” he said as he paced the stage.
The fans screamed again yelling, “ME!” “Pick ME!!!”
Justin slyly scratched his chin and searched the crowd, but soon enough his eyes lay on Val and he said, “You in the blue shirt, come on up shawty!”
Val smiled and rolled her eyes as she walked over to the steps on the side of the stage and the body guard let her up. He walked over to her and grabbed her hand and led her to the chair that had appeared in the middle of the stage. She delicately sat down on it.
“What’s your name little lady?” he asked as he held the microphone up to her.
“Valeria, but you can call me Val,” she said into it, while looking at him. He smiled brightly at her.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you Val. Now what song am I going to sing you?” he asked. She loved how he was acting like he didn’t know her.
“My favorite song Never Let You Go of course!” she said, acting all giggly. Justin almost burst out laughing but he kept his cool.
“Never Let You Go it is! Now would you like that to be the studio version or the acoustic?” he asked.
“Acoustic please,” she said, putting on a cute smile.
“Okke dokee then! Let me grab my headset microphone and we will be ready to go!” he said running over to the side of the stage and grabbing the headset mic from some guy and giving him the hand mic. He ran back over to Val’s side and said, “Hit it guys.”
The one of the band members strummed his acoustic guitar and Justin began to sing.
“Oh no, oh no, oh. They say that hate has been sent, so let loose the talk of love. Before they outlaw the kiss, baby, give me one last hug,” he sang as he wrapped an arm around her and gave her a hug.
“There’s a dream that I’ve been chasing want to badly for it to be reality. And when you hold my hand then I understand, that it’s meant to be. Cause baby when you’re with me, it’s like an angel came by, and took me to heaven, it’s like you took me to heaven girl,” he danced around her and she watched his feet move gracefully all over the place. Then he walked over to her and gently moved her chin up so he could stare into her eyes.
“Cause when I stare in your eyes it couldn’t be better, I don’t want you to go, oh no, so.” His eyes were a soft brown and they sparkled as he sang.
Such a charmer, he even knows how to act to the music, Val thought, I wish he wasn’t just acting though.
“Let the music blast, we gonna do our dance. Praise the doubters on they don’t matter at all, cause this life’s too long, and this love’s too strong, so baby know for sure, that I’ll never let you go. I got my favorite girl, not feeling no pain, no fear. Don’t have a care in the world why would I when you are here?” Val mouthed the words along with him and smiled at all his dance moves. She could tell he was where he was meant to be when he was on stage.
“There’s a moment I’ve been chasing and I’ve finally caught it out on this floor,” he came over to her and gestured for her to take his hand as if to dance. She took it and stood up from the stool.
“Baby, there’s no hesitation no reservation, by taking a chance and more! Oh no, because.”
He took her out onto the middle of the stage and wrapped his arms around her small waist. She felt her face grow hot and she got shaky with the butterflies in her stomach; but she still wrapped her arms around his neck.
“It’s like an angel came by, and took me to heaven. It’s like you took me to heaven girl,” he sang as he put his forehead on hers and they swayed to the music.
“Cause when I stare in your eyes, it couldn’t be better, I don’t want you to go, oh no, so,” he sang and he did just that. He stared into her eyes, and Val thought she saw the deepest sincerity in them but she didn’t really know. Her mind was hazy because she was dancing with, who seemed like, her complete soul mate.
“Let the music blast, we gonna do our dance, praise the doubters on, they don’t matter at all. Cause this life’s too long, and this love’s too strong, so baby know for sure, that I’ll never let you go.” They kept swaying to the music and it wasn’t him who had gone to heaven it was Val, but Justin heart was racing just as much as hers was.
“It’s like an angel came by and took me to heaven, it’s like you took me to heaven girl. Cause when I stare in your eyes, it couldn’t be better, I don’t want you to go, oh no, so. Take my hand, let’s just dance. Watch my feet, follow me,” as he sang “take my hand” he slid one hand off of Val’s waist and picked up her hand and intertwined their fingers. It made Val’s stomach want to explode with butterflies. She even shivered at it.
Justin smiled, “Don’t be scared, girl I’m here, if you didn’t know this is love,” and he held out the ‘love’ part.
“Cause this life’s too long, and this love’s too strong, so baby, know for sure, that I’ll never let you go. So don’t fear, don’t you worry about a thing I am here, right here. I’ll never let you go.”
He moved one of his hands to the small of her back and rubbed the other slowly up and down her side. This was defiantly the most amazing feeling she had ever encountered.
“Don’t shed a tear, whenever you need me I’ll be here. I’ll never let you go.”
Val moved her hands to wrap around his waist and laid her head near his shoulder, since she was short enough to do that, and she closed her eyes listening to his sweet voice. Their bodies were the closest together they could get.
“Oh no, oh no, oh. I’ll never let you go, oh no, oh no, ooh.”
Then Justin moved her so she was facing him again and he looked into her eyes one last time.
“I’ll never let you go.” He sang the last words and he slowly put his soft lips on hers, moving his hand up to caress her cheek.
The crowd gasped and broke into screams of jealously and “Aw!”’s.
That was when the butterflies exploded in her stomach and all of a sudden she got relaxed. Their lips moved together perfectly and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. Soon enough though, they pulled away to breathe and they both smiled at each other.
His arms moved away from her, even though he didn’t want to let her go at all.
“Give it up for Val!” He said to the crowd, and they screamed even louder.
She waved and was starting to walk back over to the stairs when he grabbed her hand and moved his mic away from his mouth, “You better not go back to your seat, you may get attacked,” he laughed, “Go right over there where Rob is standing he’ll show you back to my dressing room and I’ll be there as soon as I can,” he smiled to her and she said ok.
She walked over to the side of the stage and disappeared behind the curtain. Rob was standing just out of the view of the audience and he took her back to the dressing room.
“Well now! How did you like that kiss?!” Rob said grinning at her. She blushed.
“To tell you the truth it was AMAZING!” she said cheerfully.
“Well, I was wondering why Justin would have brought a girl back with him. I knew he liked you,” he said to her, as he sat down on the couch. She sat down next to him. She just smiled, simply because she couldn’t stop smiling. Her first kiss; and it was with Justin Bieber!
“That was my first kiss ya know,” she said looking down at her fingers.
“Really?” said a voice that wasn’t Rob’s. It was Justin and he was standing in the doorway.
Val’s head snapped up to look at him and her face lit up as she ran over and hugged Justin. He picked her up and twirled her around, laughing.
“You were amazing!” she said.
“And I take it the kiss was too?” he asked setting her back on the ground.
“It was my first kiss, so yes!” she said grinning from ear to ear.
They stood there smiling at each other when Justin kissed her forehead and engulfed her in a hug.
“The whole song was true though, I really never will let you go,” he whispered.
“I’m just gonna leave you two alone now,” Rob said leaving the room.
Val laughed and laid her head on his chest as she said, “I hope you never do.”
They were enjoying their moment when Justin’s mom yelled as she walked towards the dressing room.
“Justin! Where are you?”
Justin groaned because she had ruined the moment.
“In here, mom,” he said, as he had to let go of Val.
She walked in the door and said, “Well, I wanted to let you know that you are allowed to go watch the fireworks tonight if you want to. With Val I mean.”
Val smiled and Justin ran over to hug his mom, “Thank you thank you!”
Val giggled and Justin grabbed her hand to head out the door.
“Thanks again mom! I love you!” he said as he wrapped his arm around Val and Val wrapped her arm around his waist and headed out the back entrance.
“You kids have a good time, be back on time Justin!”
So they headed outside and kept their arms around each other.
“I can’t believe I’ve been wearing your jacket this entire time,” she said looking down at the sleeves.
Justin chuckled as she brought the side up to her nose and she inhaled his scent.
“You smell so good!” she said keeping her nose buried in the jacket.
Justin stopped and asked, “Why are you sniffing the jacket when you got the source of the smell right here?” He opened his arms and she buried her face in his chest just smelling him.
He laughed. “That tickles!” She was rubbing her nose on him.
She laughed too. “You know you like it!”
“You’re right, I do like it!” He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up throwing her over his shoulder.
“Justin! Put me down!” she was laughing really hard now.
“Well, we gotta hurry to get to the back field to watch the fireworks!” he said as he started walking in that direction.
Once they got there, they laid down right next to each other and she put her head on his chest as he kept his arm around her. She listened to his quickened heart pace and said, “Your heart is beating really fast.”
“That’s because I’m with you. You’re making my heart flutter!” he smiled.
She blushed and looked up at him, “You’re amazing.”
“No, you’re amazing,” he said back.
“No! You are!”
“No! You are!”
“Ok, maybe I am!” she grinned, “But you’re still the most amazing in my world.”
“Just as you are in mine,” he whispered and kissed the top of her head.
The fireworks crackled and sparkled in the sky, but Val wasn’t paying a lick of attention to them. Her mind raced with the events that had happened that day and all she could do was smile. Her eyes fluttered closed as she listened to the one thing she had always dreamed of hearing; her true love’s heart beat and his voice singing to her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am back from Italy!!! And i have sooo many ideas for new stories!!! So when im done with 12 Reasons i shall start writing in other things!!! :D
I do not own Justin or Pattie or Kings Island
I do own Val
Btw sorry if it was kinda long and drawn out...
Well, please comment and subscribe!!! Ur comments make my day!!! XD