Status: Complete. Sorry

Who cares ?

I used to be love drunk, but now I’m hung over

I walk dazed up the bridge. Wow, I can’t believe I spoke to him. I haven’t really ever spoken to boys. My mum thought I wasn’t interested in boys, but I am. I arrive home and smell something weird. Like smoke. Smoke? I run in and see smoke everywhere. The chip fryer is on; I run up to it and turn it off. The smoke slowly stops. I go upstairs and see my mum lying on the bed in her jeans and Pyjama t-shirt. I can guess what happened. Mum goes to cook some chips for dinner, has some whine, has some more goes upstairs to get ready, gets completely drunk, passes out and leaves the chips on. I sigh, it’s exactly like my mother. A drunk, and my dad isn’t here to look after her. He’s in jail for drug dealing. He rented the flat over the road and grew drugs. The police raided the flat and he was taken into jail, I was 10 at the time. My mum was normal for a bit but when I turned 11 she lost it and I was on my own. If you’re wondering where all the money to buy a house and get electricity and food comes from? Well, my mum’s mum Jenna is rich, and would have supported her daughter even if she was married. She puts a large amount of money into our account each month. My mother does work, a part time cleaner’s job at a sports centre. She doesn’t get much from that. We own a small silver Golf.
I somehow manage to tuck my mother into her bed and turn off the light. I go downstairs and clean the chip fryer. Sitting down on the leather sofa I start to attempt my science homework. I am defiantly not going to be a scientist so why would I need to know what happens to baking soda when we add cabbage universal indicator to it ?! When I finish I have time to go on the computer. I don’t go on Windows live messenger because I have nobody to talk to, so I go on online games instead. I have my old school headphones, massive chunky ones on so the noise doesn’t wake my mother up. I’m playing a game where you have to make a monkey fly as far as you can (lame, but absolutely fun) when I hear a knock at the door. It takes several seconds to realize that someone was there because of the headphones but when I did I jumped up. I ran to the door, ready to apologize, when I looked up I realized it was Theodore, Thee I mean.
“Hi, err, how can I help you?” I say. He smiles and says “ Well, you dropped your planner earlier and it had your address in it, and I thought you would need it for the rest of the week” He shows my planner in his hand, it has pictures of Taylor Lautner all over the front and said TEAM JACOB <3 I go bright red. He hands me my planner and I say” thank you, would you like to come in?” He nods and follows me into my living room. I show him where to sit and sit down opposite him; he pats the space next to him. I stand up and walk over. I slowly sit myself down (I apparently plonk myself down normally.) “Oh and by the way, I like the way your planner is precise, like, address, town, country, earth, the universe, creation. You never know when a marshal is going to find your planner.” He says, I laugh. “I know, it was a joke, when me and my friend Shannon.... “I can’t continue because tell tale tears are leaking from my eyes. Thee pull me into a hug and stroke my hair while I weep into his shoulder. After 10 minutes I look up and say in a cracked voice “Sorry, that doesn’t normally happen, and it defiantly won’t happen again” “its fine, I don’t mind, we all need to let it out once in a while.” He replies. “ I couldn’t help noticing when I had your planner that you go to Saint Sylvia’s, all girls school” He continues, I nod,
“ well I go to Saint Antonie’s the boy version of your school, we have the lame discos, and yesterday, our head teacher told us that we would be joining your school.” Wow, I can’t believe that. Maybe I will have a friend at the joint school. “Can I ask? You don’t have to say anything, but do you have any friends?” I shake my head, and wait for him to stand up and call me a loner and weird freak, but he doesn’t and surprises me by hugging me again. “Do you have any friends?” I ask him. He shakes his head. “Tell me about yourself” So I launch into my tale about my dad and my mum and school and class and teachers. After what seems hours I finish and say “So, you tell me about yourself” “Well, my mother died in a car accident when I was 6 and my father tried to raise me but just gave up, I have no friends at all, I have no other family that I see, my dad has had a fight with his parents over where I will live, so we don’t speak to them. My dad has his own company, so were okay for money and food, I am a music freak, owl city, you me at six and old things like the beatles and that. Basically I like maths, the same as you and I have only ever had one girlfriend and she was a total bitch, we went out for 2 weeks, went out one day and she said sorry, you suck, you’re a freak, and a total loser, you’re dumped. So that is me”
I hug him and say “you are the boy equivalent to me” He laughs and we laugh together. I hear something upstairs and know it’s my mother getting up. I tell Thee that I will see him when our schools join. He leaves and when he does I feel glad that I have made a friend.
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Chapter 3 XD
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Love drunk - Boys like girls