Status: Complete. Sorry

Who cares ?

Tremble for yourself, my man, You know that you have seen this all before

The next day I do my usual morning routine: teeth, hair, dressed and so on, when i arrive at tutor i see one of Shannon’s followers looking at me and when i ask her what her problem is she says “you’ve got toothpaste around the corners of your mouth and you look like an idiot” she giggles and walks of. I blush and wipe it off. In tutor i try not to get picked for thought of the day and fail. Miss calls me up and I read it. I sit back down and sink into my seat. First lesson: Science, great, another crap lesson. I trudge to the stairs and see the teacher coming behind me with a load of folders, she isn’t looking where she is going so she crashes into me and sends me and the folders full of papers flying. Ouch, that hurt. Miss apologizes and a person sticks out her hand and i see its Carla. She’s in my science class, i never noticed that before. She pulls me up and we go upstairs together. I sit at my table, everybody else is facing forward but i am in the isle because i came to this class late. We do boring text book work. We have assembly 2ND (strange never happened before) When the buzzer goes i walk to the hall with everybody else. Taking my seat in the middle the Head teacher says “You all know the all boys school (cheers) well they are joining us (not news to me) And they will be coming tomorrow. Thank you, dismissed. We stand up and go to 2ND lesson. French. Ugh. I trudge in thinking of Thee and what class he is going to be. Hopefully mine.
The day flies by, i cannot wait for tomorrow, i wish with all my might that Thee will be in my tutor and class. I walk home listening to Fireflies owl city. Nodding my head along, i take a right down to the cycling path and start to walk along there. I see a boy walking his dog and then I’m alone. Suddenly i feel hands around my mouth and eyes, covering my glasses. Numbly i think I'm going to have a massive smudge on the lenses. I scream and turn and try kicking. Then the hands are removed and i turn to see Thee, grinning like the Cheshire cat of Alice in wonderland. I punch his chest and walk of in the direction of home. Wiping my lenses clean of smudges i hear him shouting “Sorry, Ingrid I’m so so so sorry.” I turn round and say “i forgive you, by the way, our head teacher told us about the mixing of the schools” He nods and says “I already have my timetable want to see?” I nod and he shows me. Same tutor, same class. I jump up and down and then start skipping in a circle around him. He looks confused and i explain that we are in the same class and tutor. He starts to jump up and down like i did and then were hugging each other. We were screaming like little girls as if we had known each other for years.
We walk home together, we live 1 street apart. While we walk, we sort out arrangements for school, like: walking to and from school together, eating lunch together, and classes together. He is in every class with me. Including maths and science, technology and textiles. We arrive at my house and he gives me a hug says bye and walks down the street. I smile, knowing that i now have a friend that i can depend on unlike Shannon (ugh i always shiver when i think of her, she’s horrible.) I step inside and see my mum, in an apron, smiling and placing a batch of cookies on the top counter. She has these moods, where she feels she can be normal. I smile back and place my bag on the floor. I grab a cookie and drop it immediately, i suck my hot fingers, and my mum says “careful it’s hot” and laughs. I laugh sarcastically and get my Maths book from my bag. I run upstairs and plonk myself on my white chair. Moving my reading book aside and pushing my keyboard as far as it will go, I start my homework. I sigh in frustration and plug in my PS2 and put Now 74 disc 2 in. I put on Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man and start to dance. I hear something and see Thee standing on the slope outside my window laughing. I realize that i have been dancing embarrassingly with the blind up. “Nice dancing” Thee yells, he’s wearing a black t-shirt, jeans and trainers
“Thanks, and what are you doing here?” I yell, my mouth against the minuscule opening.
“ Going to the shop, want to come?” He replies
“sure, give me 2 minutes.”
I pull the blind down and search in my wardrobe for a t-shirt, i find a t-shirt that is purple and pull my little cardigan on top and a black heart necklace. On the floor i see blue skinny jeans and some flats.

I run down the stairs and grab my purple side bag that has my purse, iPod, phone and keys in. I yell “Mum I’m going out with a mate, be back soon” I shut the door before she can object and turn to see Thee leaning against the fence. He smiles when i walk up to him. He walks out of the garden and on the way steps in dog shit and yells “Shit, no seriously, shit. God, you should do this inside not outside” He laughs his head off.”Actually it wasn’t me it was the garages dogs.” I retort. I can’t help but laugh as he hops around and tries to wipe it off on my wall, wait, my wall? “ Hey ! Not on the wall.” I yell and point towards the grass on the side. All the time, I’m laughing.
♠ ♠ ♠ Ingrids outfit, please look :)
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Little lion man - mumford and sons.