Status: Complete. Sorry

Who cares ?

In 5 years time we could be walking around a zoo, With the sun shining down over me and you

The next day I set my clothes on my chair and do my routine. Grabbing my bag I walk downstairs grab a cereal bar and walk out to see Thee sitting on my short wall, his hair sticking up and him looking like he could fall asleep any second. I creep up behind him and jump in front of him, scaring the shit out of him. “ Oh my god, you scared me, ready?” He says, trying to act cool. I nod and smirk, we walk to school and see Shannon, “can I talk to you Ingrid?” she says in a sickly sweet voice. I nod and Thee doesn’t leave. “In private” Shannon says, her voice loosing the sweetness. He nods and leaves.” Ingrid, I hate all this fighting, can’t we just be friends ?” I sneeze and look up, Shannon is staring at me, “sorry” I apologize “I’m allergic to bullshit.” She laughs her new cold laugh and says “What bullshit?” “Oh the bullshit that you want to be my friend again” “Why would that be bullshit?” “Because I know you are only doing it because you want Thee.” “Ha, why would I want to go out with that scrawny rat?” I move forward as fast as I can and slap her bitchy face, hard. “You stay away from Thee” I say with so much venom she has to step back. I turn and leave, leaving her stunned. I walk up to Thee and lace my fingers through his and walk into tutor. It passes and so does the lessons, and every time I look up I see Thee staring at me with a look in his eyes, not a physco look, a look of love.
We walk back to my house, and Thee gets his super impressive iPone out and starts to play Noah and the wale and we sing along. A woman comes past and says “ Wow, you look happy, how long have you been together then? “ I say “ we aren’t” at the same time Thee says “ Not long” We look at each other and laugh. We walk of and get to my house. I show him the bathroom and I get dressed in my room. I was just changing into my top, my bra showing and my school T-shirt off when Thee walks in. He laughs, apologizes and walks out. I am stood shocked. I put my t-shirt on and walked out to find Thee sitting on the floor with his legs crossed laughing his head off. “I- should- off-knocked – first” He says between laughs. I kick him, grin and run down the stairs. “ STOP RUNNING DOWN, YOU WILL TRIP LIKE UNCLE RUPHUS DID” I laugh, Uncle Ruphus fell down the stairs cause he runs down them, I nod, grab a cereal bar and walk out the door, waiting for Thee. He comes out and grabs my hand. We walk to the station and wait.
“So, do you, kinda , want to be, my, err, girlfriend? I understand it might be too soon for you, but I love you.” Thee said stuttering then rushing. I laugh and he looks worried
“ Of course, I love you too” I reply, laughing and kiss him. He kisses me back but breaks it off and mouths ‘public! ‘ I laugh with him and stand up for the train. As soon as we step on, Thee sees some teenagers, our age and about 10 of them. You can tell one is the leader because he is in the centre. Thee turns white and walks to the other end of the train, but not before the leader calls out “ Hey Thee ” “Derek” He nods and turns away. “ Hey, not so fast, aren’t you going to introduce us? “ He motions between me and him.
“No” Thee says hardly.
“Oh come on Thee” Derek said, annoying me and Thee.
“No” I said, harshly.
“ Ooh a feisty one here Thee” Derek said, winking.
He makes a noise in disgust and walks to the door to the other compartment. He slams it shut and plops onto the seat. He looks out the window and I can tell he’s upset. I hold his hand a smile at him. He smiles at me back and we don’t talk all the way to Cardiff.
We get off the train and look at each other. “ So what do you want to do ?” Thee asks, I laugh “Starbucks?” He nods and laughs, and we hold hands and make our way out of the station and to Starbucks. “ Hello, how can I help you?” says the Starbucks staff
“ One chocolate frappachino please, and an “ I pause looking at Thee.
“ Same” He replies. “Two please” I smile and she sets to work. We move up in the queue and pay for our drinks. We grab our drinks in the collection area and sit down on a massive pudgy sofa in the corner.
“Let’s play 20 questions. “ He says.
“ Okay, I’ll start, Favourite subject “
“Maths. You?”
“ Maths. Favourite colour ?”
“ Blue, you ?”
“ Purple, Favourite song ?”
“ Loads. You ?”
“ Vanilla twilight. Favourite food?”
“ Spaghetti, but no meat because I’m a vegetarian.”
“ WOW, me too.”
We laugh and finish our drinks. We go out and walk around. “ Blue banana? “ I say and he nods, following me in. I look at the shoes, one of about 5 places that sells size 9 shoes. I see some flat converse type shoes that are purple and black checks. The price says £29.99, okay, I’ll get these. I walk up to Thee and say “ See anything you like ?” “ Yes, this t-shirt.” He points to a t-shirt that has a ruler and a rock on it, the rock saying you rule and the ruler saying you rock. I laugh and say “ I’m getting these. Let’s get in the queue.” “ No, you’re not getting them.” He says.
“ Sorry?”
“You’re not getting them because I am. “
“Thee, I can’t let you do that.”
“Too late” He says, and he pinches them from my fingers and runs to the queue.
I laugh and follow him; I just can’t be bothered to argue. We move up in the queue and Thee pays for his top and my shoes. I smile at him and thank him. We leave and wander, not really going anywhere. “Are you hungry?”Thee asked. “Yes. Mc-Donald’s ?”I reply “ Sure.” He nods. We go into Mc-Donald’s when I see Shannon and her friends. She is with the boys Thee hates. Great, double trouble for us. We order out food and I grab a seat as far away from them as possible .Unfortunately they saw us and came over. Shannon sat next to me and Derek sat next to Thee. They were smirking at us. It made me feel uncomfortable. “Come on Thee.” Shannon grabbed my wrist and said “No, Ingrid, I don’t think so.” I wrench and she lets go. I grab Thee’s hand and we walk out of Mc-Donald’s. We walk away and sit on a bench in a park. Thee pulls me into a hug and I realize I’m crying. He strokes my hair and whispers comforting things to me. I get myself together “Sorry, I’m over dramatic” I say in a gravelly voice. He laughs and says “You’re not over dramatic. I would have cried if I wasn’t a big strong man.” Joking. We get up and decide to go home before we bump into the evils again. We catch the train home and just sit on the tattered seats with my head on his shoulder. I rest my eyes and drift in a deep blue sky, with clouds everywhere and a full moon up high in the sky. I’m floating, and lying on a cloud when I hear a musical angel voice saying “Wake up Ingrid, please, it’s time to go” I feel a tapping on my shoulder and I rise from my dreamland onto a train. Thee is pulling my arm and I get up and follow him through the doors. The doors close just as my back pack is passing through and I’m stuck. Thee is laughing uncontrollably and the attendant comes and sets me free. I am not seeing the funny side of this but Thee is lying on the floor clutching his stomach and laughing silently. I walk over to him and kick his bag. He looks up and laughs some more. I kick him again and stalk of towards the exit. He runs and pulls my bag of my back onto the floor and hugs me backward. I laugh and turn around. “Forgive me?” I nod and kiss him on the cheek.
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Noah and the whale - 5 years time.