Status: Complete. Sorry

Who cares ?

We were mischievous, and you were always wearing black

We get home and fall back onto the settee. It creaks and sinks. My mum is at work, so we’re alone. I’m not thinking about it in a funny way. I grab the remote and switch the TV on. Nothing’s on. Great. I get up and move to the other sofa, the one facing the window. I put my head on the backs of my hands and watch people walk past. I see about seven people come and I see its Shannon, Derek and their friends. They walk to my front door, knock and run. Ridiculous. How old are they? 7? I stand up and walk to the front door, opening it and slamming it angrily in Thee’s face, who followed me. I see Shannon behind a car down the road
“SERIOUSLY, COME ON, HOW OLD ARE YOU? 7? “I yell at them. She squeals and runs off with the rest of her silly friends. I turn and see Thee. I hug him and apologize for slamming the door in his face; he strokes my hair and says it doesn’t matter. All this, my mum, my dad, Shannon and her friends, is just getting too much. I go back in and sit down. Just leaning against Thee. I stand up, go into the kitchen and see a note on the cupboard. It’s from mum. “Work, see you at 8” I hear a phone ringing, not the house phone, but not mine either. It’s Thee’s phone. He comes into my view and i take in his navy blue hoodie, jeans and converse shoes. His hair is messy, but in a good way. “I know, i know, I’m coming. Be there in a minute. ‘Kay bye. “He speaks into the phone. “Sorry, but my dad had a problem, his dad died, so i have to go. See you tomorrow? “ I nod and he kisses me on the lips, forehead and cheek. Smiling his beautiful smile while doing it. I nod, smile back and see him out. Great, it’s six o clock and my mum gets home at 8, what am i supposed to do? I’m too agitated to draw, read or just listen to music, there is nothing on TV. I look in the fridge, nothing. Maybe i could go shopping. I grab some money from the jar and grab a JD bag. I write a list of the things we need and go shopping. Obviously, i have to walk. I trudge down the hill, on my own, wishing Thee was with me. I’m lonely, in my own little depressed bubble. No, not bubble, bowl, and Thee can fish me out. Great, now I’m philosophical. I’m in my own little bubble of thought when i cross the road, not seeing the SUV coming towards me at about 30 miles an hour. I feel it hit me and the world doesn’t go in slow motion, I can just think quicker. I fall on my side and my glasses are strewn a metre away from me. The whole world goes black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, it's short :(
and bad/ rushed
now Eleanor knows the reason i havn't been talking.
Noisettes - never forget you