Status: Complete. Sorry

Who cares ?

I hope you can hear me, I remember it clearly, The day you slipped away.

I wake up to beeping. Who put that on? It’s seriously annoying. I hear voices in the background.
“Is she going to be okay?” I hear a boy’s voice ask.
“We’re not sure, she was struck pretty hard, and there is a slight swelling in her brain, it may go away with medication, but we had to induce a coma to let her body heal itself from the less serious injuries.” A wise voice says slowly and calmly.
A coma? Serious? Coma. That word strikes fear through my body, like lightning. I twitch and I hear an exclamation from the boy.
“Did you see that doc?” He says his voice excited.
“Yes Theodore , that’s excellent progress.” His voice tales of as he leaves the room.
I hear an annoyed sound and the boys says “It’s Thee.”
But who is Theo?
Theo’s POV
I saw her twitch and the hope that went through me was like someone finally seeing light after years of darkness. I love her and it took her being near death for me to realize. I hate that. Her face was still set in a frown... Maybe, she needed that voice thing, where you speak to them and they recognize your voice. I spoke, about everything, about the good times we had together, and what she looks like. “Remember, when we went on the train and your bag got trapped? And I couldn’t stop laughing, until you left, and I thought I couldn’t lose you. So I went after you.” “I love you. “
The nurse comes in and points to the clock. It’s ticking towards the ten. I nod, kiss her forehead and leave. Walking towards my car I struggle to hold in the tears that are threatening to burst. I pull in to my drive and lock my car. The tears are starting to form in my eyes. A coma... A coma... echoes in my head. She could not wake up. The house is a bungalow, but is big. I open the door and walk to the kitchen. On the marble counter is a note. I pick it up and inspect it. It’s from my dad. He’s staying with his brother and there is pizza in the fridge. I stumble to my room and into the toilet. Switching on the shower I strip and step into the shower. Looking down I let the tears mix with the hot flowing water.
When I’m dressed and ready I go to the hospital. The doctors say I can just go in, it must off been the state I looked in. I walk into her room and kiss her forehead.
Her eyelashes flutter open and she stares at me blankly, I smile at her and she just blinks... Does she recognise me?
“Who’s Ingrid? Who are you?” She says, her voice fluttering up and down in panic.
I walk out the door, tears leaking from my eyes. The girl I love doesn’t even know who I am. I see the doctor who had been assigned to Ingrid at the desk and approach him.
“It’s Ingrid, she’s awake, but she doesn’t know who I am or who she is.”
“Amnesia, it might come back.” He nods wisely.
I go and walk back to her room, even if she doesn’t know who I am, I can still try to jog her memory but being with her. I look at my phone and see ten missed calls of my dad. As soon as I had had the call from the hospital saying the person who had run her over had checked her phone, I had come. My dad was in the funeral room, arranging the funeral for his dad. When I came in they hadn’t patched her up yet so she had scratches all over the side of her face and she had a head injury. Her glasses were beside her, broken. She looked beautiful even when she was bruised head to toe. I sit on the little chair beside her bed and bow my head. And weep. When I look up the tears are still streaming down my face. I look at Ingrid and she looks sad. When another tear leaks from my eye I see a twinge of recognition in her eyes. I smile at her and she smiles back.
“Do you know who I am?” I ask, hope filling me.
“ I kind of do. I know who I am.” She replies
“What do you know about me?” I ask, hope coming out in my voice
“I know your name Thee; I know I love you, and that we go out. The doctor said my memory will come back and the more I talk to you and other people and if I look at pictures it will come back.” She says. She holds up her hand and cradles my face with it.
I get up and sit beside her on her bed. I put my right arm around her shoulders and she tucks herself in. We just lay there and forget the world. I love her. And hopefully she loves me.
Ingrid’s POV
I open my eyes and see a boy. He has a full fringe across his forehead and he has green-blue eyes that are beautiful. He’s standing over me and says “Ingrid?”
“Who’s Ingrid? Who are you?” I ask my voice panicky.
His face turns white and he leaves the room, and I wonder if I’ve upset him.
I study the white room and see I’m on my own. In the hospital with all I can hear is a clock tick tocking and squeaky shoes coming down the polished floor. They come into my room and I see the boy and a wise man. The boy’s face is grave but the doctor’s is confident. The doctor leaves and the boy sits down. He bows his head and weeps. I stare at him, pity rocking through me and sending images to my brain. Thee and me, holding hands, in Cardiff, hugging, kissing. Most of it is coming back. He’s looking at me and when a tear leaves his beautiful eye I realize I love him and he’s mine.
“Do you know who I am?” He asks, his voice filling with hope
“ I kind of do. I know who I am.” I reply
“What do you know about me?” He asks, looking hopeful.
“I know your name Thee; I know I love you, and that we go out. The doctor said my memory will come back and the more I talk to you and other people and if I look at pictures it will come back.” I say, and I move my hand to cradle the side of his face.
He stands up and comes onto my bed, and he cradles me. We lie there, and forget the world.
♠ ♠ ♠
LATE. I'm sorry :)
forgive me?
Sub and comment :D
Slipped away - Avril Lavigne.
Also, line on the end, kinda like Chasing cars - snow patrol.