Status: Complete. Sorry

Who cares ?

All the boys and the girls they’ve got it going on,

Ingrid’s POV
The next day I was free to go. When I was in the hospital, I didn’t have a chance to have a proper shower. So when I got home I actually had an hour long shower. It took me the whole hour to wash my hair and get any blood out. Thee was in the other room, so I sent him out to the other room while I ran through with a small towel on. While I’m towel drying my hair my mum comes into my room.
“Ingrid, you have to go to school tomorrow, I asked the doctor and he said its fine.”
I groan, if I go back, all the evil bitches will be there laughing at me, asking if I have proper glasses.
“Ingrid, you have to.”
I nod and she leaves. I’m not happy about this. Thee comes in and sits on my bed, his beautiful green-brown eyes and he puts his arm around my shoulder.
“You and me against the world, baby” He whispers in my ear.
Next day.

I walk into Tutor with Thee’s arm around my waist. My tutor eyes it and Thee sees the cold glare and removes his arm. I sit down and Thee sits by me. I can see some evils in our tutor laughing and looking at me but I just ignore them.
“Class, all lessons today are for revising, so go to the common room and revise!” She says and everyone gets up in a confusing flurry. We walk out the room and Thee pulls on my arm gently to stop me. I turn to face me and he has a cheeky smile on his face.
The look on my face must look confused as he said “Come with me.”
I follow him out of the school building and into the out of bounds parts. I stare at him with quizzing eyes but he just smirks and leads me down a path which leads down to a massive field which I never knew existed. He throws his bag three meters in front of us and runs to it.
When he opens it there’s a picnic blanket and picnic food. He planned it! I smile at him and walk to him. He sitting down with his lanky legs together and I go and sit on his lap. He looks surprised when I kiss him suddenly but copes with it. He wraps his long arms around my neck and I slide of him without breaking lips. We’re lying side by side, staring at the cloud free sky, when we hear laughing. It’s a high pitched, sniggery, annoying laugh. I sit up and see Shannon and her bitchy minions.
“Aww, Ingrid, was that your first kiss?” She says, laughing and looking at her friends.
Something inside me snaps, not like before, but it snaps so bad that I walk straight up to her and slap her on one side, then the other. She looks stunned but before she could react I slap her hard and push her to the floor.
Looming over her I say loudly and slowly in her face “ I know you hate me, leave me alone, this is me putting an end to everything you’ve ever done to me or Thee.” and she runs away. I know she won’t tell a teacher about us being out of bounds because then she’d have to admit to being out. She’s golden in the light of her parents and any notes she gets she burns them.
I smile at Thee and walk back towards him.
“Now, where were we?” I whisper, smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Boys and Girls - Pixie lott.
Might end it..
I haven't got any more ideas.