Status: Writer's Block

Mein Kampf as a Teenage Outcast

Danni's POV Again

God, I'm so easily distracted. All throughout my classes I had abosultly no attention. It was terrible. Luckily I was able to blindly scribble a few notes in each class, so maybe I'll be able to catch up one of these days.

Deryk and I walked home together as the bell rang, planning our weekend. "Alright, so what time should we go?" Deryk asked. God, sometimes he gets so enthusiastic. It's sort of childish, but for some reason I think it's really cute. God, I better not start liking Deryk; if we broke up and I lost him, I don't think I could stand being all alone.

"Uh, I dunno. Since it's two movies, prolly early."

"Yeah, that makes sense. Plus, early show saves us even more money!" He exclaimed. Deryk's dad was really strict with allowing Deryk money, but somehow he always managed to have some. "So, do you wanna wander the mall or just watch the movie and go home, or what?" he asked.

"Well, I dunno. If you can borrow a car, I'd prefer not staying at the mall. I absolutly hate those damn preps that, like, live there and try talking shit to us. Something about watching the mascara run down their faces after making them cry from verbal abuse just makes me so upset." I said. Deryk laughed. It's true, we never really got along with the other kids at school. It's weird, too, because I dress like them! I mean, my dad hates girls who dress punk or goth or whatever, so I'm always wearing Hollister crap (god, for his sick friends) and yet they still pick on us! Maybe it's Deryk.

"Alright, I'll see if my old man will lend me the car. If nothing else, we can take the bus. I mean, they've been actually cleaning the public transportation vehicles these days, so maybe it won't smell like hobo piss when we ride." he said. I had to giggle at that one. Last year, his ex sat right on a puddle of piss, and she threw up all over Deryk's shoes.

Finally we made it to my house. "Hey, would you mind doing me a huge favor, Deryk?" I asked. I needed him home. I was so sore from last night, but if my dad noticed I had company, he might let me off for the night.

"Sure, what's up?" he asked.

"Would you mind helping me with my algebra two homework?" Honestly, Deryk is really good at math. He's probably half genius or something. Maybe that's why he's always so freaked about failing an English exam.

"Man, I wish I could. My dad's kinda angry at me since I got a B- in physics and doesn't want me to stay out passed three thirty." he said, looking very disappointed. "I'll ask him if I can tomorrow, though. I promise." he said, sensing my discomfort with his answer.

"Alright. Thanks. Go study." I smiled and watched him walk away. How could someone be mad at Deryk just because his teacher was stupid enough to not give him an A?




"Dad, I really need to do my homework tonight." I pleaded as he tried pulling me out of my room at six.

"You've had plenty of time. Now you need to work for Daddy. Come on, don't you wanna eat? Make Daddy proud." he said. He grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me into the garage. He pulled out a roll of duct tape. "Don't make this hard, Danni. I need you to do this." I stood on the treadmill as he taped my hands to it. He had done this for the passed three weeks, since he found out that once he locked me in, I would just turn the treadmill off.

"Now, I'll let you off in an hour and a half. Then, once you do some good, I'll let you eat something, alright?" he said, turning the machine on. I had to run. It hurt so badly, running on a nearly empty stomach, but he just bolted the door after walking out and left me to rot. The room was hot, and despit what science says, sweat does not cool one off.

The clock on the timer read that I had been on for two and a half hours by the time my father walked in. "You were up to one-eleven yesterday, and you know that that's unsatisfactory." He said, explaining why he left me so long. I collapsed onto the floor. "No, no, no. You're not done just yet, honey. A gentleman has come today. He's in the back." my dad announced, handing me a towel to dry off so I wouldn't slip if the man asked me to... well, to degrade myself any further.

Of course the man did, though. He didn't request an outfit, though. So there I was, on the pole in just a sportsbra and panties. Then, after maybe ten minutes, he told me to stop. It was hell. He nibbled at my collar bones and licked up my spine. His hands danced in my rib cage as he tongued my hip bones. I don't think I've ever been half as disgusted as I was that night. Not only that, but he was violent. He pulled off his belt and slapped me against the back with it, until I was bleeding in fact.

But my dad kept his end of the bargain. A plate of food was wating for me in the kitchen when the man left. If only I was able to eat it.
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perhaps too graphic...