Status: Done. Thanks to whoever reported me. You ***ed me over.



He leaned down, closing the space between us. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t plan the whole evening with the hopes of this happening.

“You are so beautiful,” He whispered, letting his fingers fall through the curled sunny blonde locks that adorned my head. I kept my hazel eyes locked on his blue ones, trying to keep my focus, but it too was slowly fading away.

The warmness of his breath touched my lip. I bit down on the bottom of it, scared shittless out of my mind.

I could see his eyes were dialated and I knew that he was too far gone to be saved.

“I love you Emmalina Rose,” He smiled. I smiled back up at him, my arms still around his neck.

It was at that very moment his lips touched mine and everything in the world was perfect.

She woke up with a smile on her face, stretching out her body beneath the dark red sheets of her bed. But when she opened her eyes, her smile quickly faded as she came to face the fact that this was reality and that was only a dream.

And a good dream at that……

She let out of heavy sigh, pulling the pillow out from behind her head and throwing it on to her face. She was wishing herself back to sleep, praying like hell that the same dream would occur again.

But no such luck.

With an angry huff, Emma swung her legs over the edge of the bed and touched her toes to the white carpet beneath her feet. She made her way over to her bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind her.

She turned the faucet on, splashing a bit of water on her face, patting it dry with a towel. She turned around and started the shower, removing her clothing before stepping in.

Meanwhile, Trouble was shoving her paw underneath the door. Somehow the mischievous cat had snuck into Emma’s room and now wanted to come into the bathroom with her.

She giggled as she hopped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around herself.

“Good morning Trouble,” She smiled, opening the door. She rubbed herself up against Emma’s legs before moving over to the bathtub where she jumped in and began rolling around. Emma chuckled at the cat and shook her head, walking back into her bedroom.

“Jesus Christ Bam!” She shrieked, pulling the towel tighter around her body. The boy grinned a crooked toothed grin, acting as if he did nothing wrong.

“Good morning to you too,” He replied, remaining seated on her unmade bed. His eyes wandered up and down her body, but she ignored it.

In all honesty, he loved the way her hair was wavy and wet and how she looked right now.

With all his strength, he kept himself on the bed.

“Are you going to go so I can get dressed?” She asked, a little pissed off at him for breaking and entering.

“My house, I do whatever I damn well please,” He shrugged. Clearly, he was not going to leave.

“Why are you in here anyway?” She asked, cocking her brow towards him.

“Dunn’s not up yet and I heard the water running in here,” He explained. His mind was now wandering off, wondering if she got that deathbat tattoo on her left hip like she had been planning to.

“So you come in here?” She questioned, now getting a little madder.

He nodded.

“Well can you just go so I can put some clothes on?” She begged, “I’m cold.”

He gestured his arm towards her dressers that he had picked out for her.

“I’m serious Bam,” She said in a motherly tone.

“Nope,” He said crossing his legs and sitting Indian style on her bed, “Not moving.”

“Can’t you go wake someone else up?” She tried again.

He shook his head.

“Bastard,” She muttered, turning around and pulling out her drawers in her dresser, grabbing some clothes and heading back to the bathroom to change.

“NOT COOL!” He shouted after she had shut the door.
“Sucks for you!” She retorted, making sure the door was firmly locked.

She quickly changed and checked her hair. It looked decent today and didn’t look like a yellow poodle that decided to make her head its new home.

She hung the towel up on the back of the door and put her hand on the door knob. She closed her eyes and said a quick little prayer, praying that he would still be there when she walked out.

The door clicked and she stepped out. He sat back up from laying down on her bed and was almost at a loss for words when he saw her.

Sure, she was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but she was wearing his favorite H.I.M. shirt.

She smirked as she made her way over to her dresser, running a brush through her hair.

“How’d you get that!?” He asked, curious as to how she got his shirt in the first place.

“Magic,” She smirked. He rolled his eyes, “You left it in here the last time you used my shower because Dico decided to turn yours into a mud bath, remember?” She said, putting the brush back down on top of the dresser.

Her furrowed his eyebrows together, trying to recall what happened, “Right,” He answered not believing her story, “You probably snuck into my room last night and stole it because you missed me.”

“Sure Bam,” She scoffed, “Believe whatever you want to.”

“You know that’s the truth baby doll,” He smirked at her in the mirror. She rolled her eyes.

“I’m sure one of the other guys are up by now, you can go annoy them.”
“But you’re more fun,” He whined, “Besides; they aren’t nearly as good looking as you.”

She spun around; her mouth ajar, “Are you hitting on me Brandon Cole Margera?”

“Quite possibly,” He said in a short response.

She ignored him once again, looking around on her dresser for her favorite necklace. She heard the bed squeak and the floor boards creek, assuming that Bam was leaving the room to go wake up someone else.

She gasped out in surprise when she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist. Somehow, even with her squirming, he had managed to spin her around so that she was now facing him.

“Brandon!” She shouted.

He just kept staring at her, losing himself in her hazel eyes.

“What the hell are you doing?!” She said loudly, hoping he would answer to her.

“Something I should’ve done a long time ago,” He said quietly. Her eyes searched his for some sort of explanation to his actions, but she found nothing.

Next thing she knew, his lips were on hers.

It was a brief kiss, but it felt like forever.

He pulled away, his arms still around her as her eyes fluttered open to the sight of a grinning boy.

“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that since you moved in here,” He said smiling sheepishly, now letting go of her.

She quickly ducked her head down, staring at the floor between them. She wanted to say the same thing to him, but she didn’t know if she had the courage to do it.

He took notice of her changed mood and now started to feel awkward because of it.

“I … uh…” The air becoming thicker between them, “I shouldn’t… I have to…”

He couldn’t even form a coherent sentence. He spun around on his heels and headed for the door, hoping to make a quick exit.

She touched her lips with her fingertips where his were just a few moments ago. When she looked back up from her daze, he had already made his way to the door.

“Bam,” She called out to him. He froze. Slowly, she walked over to him, getting between him and the door.

She grabbed a fistful of his shirt in each of her hands and looked up at him. He was a little confused by her actions, but wanted to find out what would happen next.

She reached up on her tip toes, pressing her lips hard against his once more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Possibly continuing with this. The chances are very likely.
A comment could influence my desicion as well.

This is for you Katie. I hope you liked it.