Status: Suffering

Just that girl.

Cover up

As soon as I woke up I felt it. My whole body ached. But I ignored it and got up anyway. The bathroom was only a few feet away, but my muscles screamed at me with every step. The worst part was my head, it hurt so bad from being repeatedly banged into the wall.
There's no school today, but I've got things to do. I'm afraid to look in the mirror as I plug the sink drain and fill it with icy water.I'm used to being sore,so it doesn't bother me too much.
My long, dark brown hair is a mess, so I pull it into a pony tail, and it still reaches my shoulders. A shadow of purple above my right eye stands out to me. This bruise is new. From last night. After I splash my face with the water, I spread a bit of foundation over the spot. Barely noticeable.
The sweatpants and tank top I wore to bed, I decided to keep on for now, no bruises were visible. So I headed down the stairs.
"Hey Justin." We smile at each other, its our normal routine. He doesn't remember the specific things, but he knows what happened last night. He always knows. But, as usual, we both pretend it never happened.
Everyone Knows me as bubbly and nice, its always been my cover. Ever since Mom and Dad died, and Justin started drinking I've been like this. Justin is a good brother, believe me, unless he's being "other Justin," as I call him.
This is just my life. And I accept it. Typically I would get something to eat in the morning, since I'm always hungry, but for some reason I wasn't today. So I went back to my "room," which was actually the attic.
Sad grey eyes looked back at me in my full length mirror. I lifted up my shirt. My stomach was purple and bruised in several places. The anger bubbled up in me. Suddenly I wanted to smash the mirror with my fists.
The heat boiled inside of me and I couldn't stay still. Pacing around the room, I held back screams. While running into the bathroom, I tore my clothes off. I turned the shower handle all the way to the blue side and flipped it on. The cold water poured over me as soon as I jumped in.
My temperature went down quickly, I was no longer mad. Now I was back to my state of sadness. It was almost blinding. No, I shouldn't, but yes, I want to- need to- and yes, I will. With shaking hands, I grabbed the pink razor I use to shave.
I bent over slowly and slid it up my leg, pushing the blade into my skin, slicing it apart. The water around the drain immediately turned red. It stung so bad, but felt so good.
I'm just 14.
This is just my life.