Cuts Like A Nightmare

Cuts Like A Nightmare

Cassie shot up out of bed, throat raw from her screams in her nightmare. Her body was covered in sweat and her heart beat incredibly fast. Tears rolled down her face while she checked her neck and wrists to see if there were any wounds. Nothing. It was just a dream. "Just a dream...." Cassadee whispered to herself while pushing her bright red hair off her face. She slowly climbed out of her bed, took a shower, and got dressed, all while trying to shake the feeling that her nightmare left her with. Cassie looked in the mirror to find she was utterly pale. She gasped. She looked like the living dead. Cassie was normally pale but not completely white like she was now. She shrugged her shoulders and sighed while taking out her make-up bag. She rubbed black eyeshadow completely around her eyes, applied midnight black eyeliner, and brushed on some black mascara. Her make-up made her look even more pale but she didn't care at this point. She then proceeded to apply blood red lipstick to her plump lips, making her now look like a ghost. Cassie quietly sung Falling Asleep ON Strangers by Pierce The Veil to herself, "Well you know, I'm a ghost....". She looks herself over in the mirror one last time before heading off to the Hell-hole people call high school. She walks out of her house and gets on the bus that will drive her to Hell for the day. Cassadee tries to push the terrifying nightmare from her mind but it just keeps replaying over and over, faster and faster until she feels woozy and light-headed. What is going on with me??, she thinks to herself.

"Hey Cassie," someone breaks the thoughts rushing through her head. Cassie blinks a few times and steadies herself before looking at the face that belongs to the voice she just heard. It's Ryan, Cassie's one true friend.

"Hey," she replies with a smile. Cassie looks him over, noting th way his black hair hangs in front of his blue eyes. Ryan looks amazing as usual, all the way from his 'Bring Me The Horizon" t-shirt, to his skin-tight black jeans and blood red chucks. Ryan takes the seat next to her and smiles at her. "What??" Cassie asks.

"Nothing." Ryan smiles wider.

"Seriously Ryan, what is it??"

"You got your lip pierced." Cassie's hand reaches up and she touches the ring that is pierced through her skin. She totally forgot about getting it done; her mind was too preoccupied on her nightmare for her to remember.

"Oh, yeah," Cassie laughs a little.

"It looks nice." Ryan lightly touches the silver ring.


When Ryan and Cassie arrive at school, they head their seperate ways. Ryan gives Cassie a hug before leaving and whispers in her ear, "You be careful now. You never know what could happen if someone were to....snap."
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