Status: Starting

Daddy's Little Girl

Rosalie Adopts

"Everybody please come down into the living room." Rosalie called up the stairs. We flew down the stairs from our various rooms.

"Okay well, we all know how well Jasper has been doing with his self-control, so we have decided to," Emmett started.

"Edward keep quiet! Well, we are going to adopt a child!" everybody gasped.

"Rose, Em are you guys sure? I mean we all know how well Jasper is doing, but do you want to condemn another to this life as you oh so commonly put it?" Carlisle Asked.

Bella spoke up, "I think it would be a wonderful idea. Rose has always wanted a baby and now's her chance. I know for a fact that this baby would be safe and the Volturi have gotten more lenient on us since we out number them because of all the powers."

Nessie stood up and said, "I second that motion!" we all chuckled.

"Emmett and I have discussed this and we have decided on the god parents." Emmett cleared his throat. "We would like Nessie to be the god mother, and for the god father we would like it to be Jasper!"

Nessie jumped up, hugged Rose and Em, and squealed, "I’m gonna be a God-Mommy, I'm gonna be a God-Mommy! While she paraded around the room dancing like a fool. All of a sudden she stopped in mid-air. "WAIT! When are we going? Where? Do you want a boy or
girl? How old? What nationality?" she bombarded them with questions.

"Okay well, first things first; we are leaving at 6:30, to Rochester, New York. Personally I would like a 2-3 year old baby girl, but if one stands out then it’s not going to make a difference. As for nationality I would not care but I’m hoping for him/her to look like me or Emmett. Is that it?" she nodded.

About an hour later at 6:30 we got in the got and left for New York. About an hour into the trip I was ready to kill my niece! She wouldn’t shut up! Not talking, SINGING! Sure she has a
beautiful voice, but the question is was she trying to see if my ears would bleed?

The drive there was very uneventful, just lots of mindless chatter. We all hopped out of the car and went to the door. As we walked in there were some gasps, either at our beauty or the fact four people looking under the age of 25 were at an adoption center. “Hello ma’am, how may I help you?” she asked Rosalie whose eye’s lit up at the sound of children.
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Well hi! I wanted to write this story! I will probably have 8 chapters out by Easter! Read, message uh tell your friends comment yeah!
449 Words
43 Sentences