Status: Starting

Daddy's Little Girl

Keegan Hale and Keely Whitlock

“My husband and I are here to adopt a child.” The nurse looked at her quizzically but continued.

“Okay well fill out these papers and we can go take a look at the children.” Rosalie wrote as fast she could but with keeping up the human façade. The woman led us to a hall with a whole bunch of doors. “Okay now what age of a child were you looking for and a boy or girl?”
Rose answered, “anywhere from 2-4 and preferably a girl.” She led us into a room with little boys and girls looking about the ages of 2-4. The lady clapped her hands.

“Children, this is Rosalie, Emmett,” she looked towards me and Nessie.

Nessie finished for her. “Jasper and Nessie.” The female nodded. The children continued on with their little games. Rose and Em went over to a little blonde girl who looked like
Rosalie did in pictures of her younger self. I went over to them and crouched down.

“Hello.” I said and put my hand out. “I am Jasper, what is your name?” the little girl smiled, took my thumb with her tiny fingers and said,

“I am Keegan Siwr.” She said mocking my southern accent. I chuckled and stood up. Rosalie couldn’t take her eyes off the little girl; she would be the one we took home. Em left to go talk to the woman who brought us to this room.

“We want Keegan.” He said. The girl nodded and gave him more papers and called Keegan over there. She was already in Rose’s arms being brought over there. Nessie was tickling her and giggling. Once it was all settled Ness and Rose took Keegan to pack her things and get changed into an outfit Alice put in the car before we left. Keegan ran down the halls holding a worn out little bunny.

Just then I heard a voice. “Keeg! What are you doing? Come on I brought you gummies! We can go play Sorry! now.” I heard the voice gasp when she saw rose and Emmett come down the hall with Keegan’s bags. Keegan started to cry.

“Kee-wy! Sissy! I’m weaving! I wuv you!” Keegan ran right behind me. I turned around and saw a girl with my kind of hair. The two hugging girls were crying.

“Come on Keeg, its okay. I’ll come see you, I pinky swear.” The girl crossed her fingers behind her back and under her breath whispered, “I’m sorry Keeg.” The girl reminded me of somebody. At the same second that thought popped into my head the girl looked into my eyes. Who is this? I know her, but from where? That girl started to ask Keegan some questions. “Okay Keeg, what’s your Momma’s name gunna be?” a southern accent! Ugh! This is killing me! “Who’s you Papa? Do you have everything?” then she whispered in her ear, “what about you bed-time pull-ups?”

Keegan nodded and said, “Wosawie and Emmett. I got evweting. Wuv you Keys!” the strange girl picked up Keegan and brought her over to Rosalie.

“Take good care of her. Please.” She pleaded and handed her to Emmett. She gave Rosalie a piece of paper that gave some basic information about Keegan.

Rose stuck her hand out and said, “I will, I’m Rosalie Hale, this is Emmett Cullen, Nessie Cullen, and that’s Jasper Hale.”

The girl gave her, her hand and said, “Keely Whitlock, Ma’am.” My world was just turned upside down.
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Nessie and Jasper's Outfits:

Keely's Outfit:

Yay! It’s getting along! Lol! Okay well good! Comment & message!
597 Words
72 Sentences