Status: Starting

Daddy's Little Girl


I ran over there and asked. “Did you just say Whitlock?” she nodded. And asked why. Then realization hit me. She was a vampire!

She got on her tippy-toes and whispered in my ear, “I know what you are, I’m one too.” My face held one emotion, shock.

“Are you here to be adopted?” she nodded and a tear escaped her eye. I walked over to the lady at the counter and asked for adoption papers. I filled them out and went back over to Keely. “Go get you stuff.” Her eyes lit up.

“You’re adopting me? I get to stay with Keegan?” I nodded slowly and she jumped up and pulled me into a bone crushing hug, then ran to get her belongings. The other three were looking at me quizzically.

“I’ll explain at home. But I’ll meet you there I’m getting home a different way. They nodded and said good-bye. Keegan told rose to stop, jumped out of her arms and ran over to hug me; I hugged back and sat down to wait for Keely. It wasn’t too long of a wait.

I grabbed her luggage and we walked out. Her eyes were all tear-y. “We have a lot of talking to do when we get home. I called a cab to get us to the airport. We drove in a comfortable silence. When we got on the plane, I started to ask her the basic questions.

“Keely, how old are you really? What do you know about your past? Where were you born? Who turned you? Why do you seem human?” she chuckled and answered in the order I asked them.

“I will be 150 in October. As for my past, I don’t remember much, I was turned young. My father left for the confederate army when I was three and never came back, I was turned when I was 17.

Wait to ask more questions until I’m done explaining. My papa’s last name was Whitlock. My Momma died when I was six. When I was put in the orphanage I became a mute. I barely ate, drank, and I almost never slept. I had lost both of my parents. I cried for days when my daddy left. Every night he used to tell me I was, is, and always will be Daddy’s Little Girl, then a would pray while he closed his eyes and knelt beside my bed, and then I would give him as he called it butterfly kisses.

Momma would always put white flowers in my hair and white ribbons. Then daddy would take me fishing, on a picnic, to the backyard swing, or to ride my pony. Her name was Butterfly Kisses. Or Fly for short. I had a wonderful life, until that terrible day my momma was raped and murdered.” She started to shake and sob.

“I thought you said not much.” Her eyes widened.

“I just remembered that now!” she looked happy and felt happy. “I was born in Port Isabel, Texas. I was walking to the store to get food for the little kids at the orphanage when I ran into some drunken men, they tried to rape me. Some mysterious man saved me, but I scraped my palm. He bit me and ran. I seem human because I am a copy-cat! Or Kopy-Keely and Keegan like to call me.

If a meet a vampire. There powers come to me and get put into my system. But I have to be careful. If I have too many powers I can black out. There are so many powers I have gotten that help me blend in. for instance, do I have a scent? No I don’t. What color are my eyes.” I looked at her and actually saw them for the first time. They were the same color mine were when I was human.

Blue-Green. “Blue-Green.” She nodded and continued.

“I can change my age. I can sleep, eat, drink, I don’t breathe but still I’m human-like.” I was shocked.

“Keely, I have one more question for you. Do you remember your fathers name?” she stared right at me. Those stories she had been telling me brought back some more human memories.

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714 Words
73 Sentences