Status: Starting

Daddy's Little Girl

Air Stories

“You’re my daughter?” I asked shocked. I looked at her. She’s a carbon copy a me as a human. “I have a baby girl.” If I could cry I would be right now. I reached over and hugged her.

She pulled back from me with tear-stained eyes and asked, “Why did you leave us? Momma died, I was put in a orphanage, I became a mute, and I tried to kill myself!”

I stared at her. “y-y-you tried to k-k-kill y-y-yourself?” she nodded and I wrapped my arms around her. “Hon, I’m so sorry! I had no idea! I acted on impulse I was stupid! But I do have one question. Not that I wanted you to but why didn’t you kill yourself?” she swallowed hard.
“The first time I tried to when I was human. I was absolutely depressed and I was fifteen, I ran into the bathroom at the orphanage and grabbed a razor I used to shave my legs. I cut a part of my wrist when I thought of somebody and stopped. I tried again as a vampire, but starving myself. Of course it didn’t work.” I nodded, understanding.

“Carlisle did the same. Who kept you from killing yourself?” I asked and she blushed a deep shade of crimson. WHOA! She blushed! “Who was it and how in the world did you just blush?”

she chuckled. “I’m a copy-cat. I can use other people’s powers. As for the person. It’s a long story.”

I stared straight at her and began again, “would you rather tell me now or in front of everybody else, or have Edward pick through your brain?” she groaned.

“Fine, when I was in the orphanage, there was this boy named Michael, he lived a block away and I would pass him when I went to pick up grocery’s for everybody. Also when I played basketball at the school, he was on my team. I had a huge crush on him. At that time I was twelve for real.

When I turned fifteen, he told me that he liked me right before our championship game. Of course I got hurt, when some boy from the other team elbowed me in the face. He broke my nose, but I still played and acted okay. After the third quarter my nose started to bleed. I held it with a tissue until it stopped and went back in the game.

The same kid elbowed me in the ribs and I fell over. I got two free-throws. I shot the first and it went in. I started to dribble when I passed out. The last thing I remembered was Michael’s voice above me, telling me to breathe and to please be okay.

The first thing I saw when I woke up was Michael sitting in the chair next to me holding my hand, tears silently falling from his eyes. I sat up and said his name.

He took a deep breath and said, ‘Oh God now I’m hallucinating that you’re awake?’ I couldn’t find my voice to say anything. He leaned his head over and kissed my forehead. ‘Okay, relax, you can do this just spit it out!’ he told himself. I waited for him to speak.

He brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear and whispered, “Keely Samantha Whitlock, I love you.” I gasped and he realized I was awake. He turned to get up but I put my arm up and tried to say something. I couldn’t. He asked me to say something. I tired to tell him that I loved him back but words wouldn’t come out.

I saw a pen and a piece of paper on the table beside me and wrote to him ‘I love you too’ inside of a heart then blacked out again.” she sighed. I looked at her.

I just met my baby girl for the first time in my vampire life and she was so depressed because I left her, she nearly killed herself, or got killed, AND fell in love with out me there! I made my decision then and there never to leave her again.

The seatbelt lights came on and cut our talk short. “We can finish this conversation later. It’s almost time to meet our family.”

I began telling her about each person. “Carlisle is like my father and Esme is like my mother. They are both wonderful. Neither has powers. Bella and Edward are wonderful their daughter is Nessie. All three have powers. Bella is a shield, Edward is a mind-reader, and Nessie can project pictures. Rose and Em you already met, neither with powers and they now have a baby girl name Keegan, maybe you know her. Then is me, I am the most amazing, smartest, hottest, most god-like creature alive. Oh and I’m very modest. My power is Empathy, controlling emotions. But last is my wife, Alice, she’s amazing, completely wonderful in everyway. She will be your adoptive mother. Just a warning she loves to shop and can see the future. You will love them.

Oh yeah and there is one more, he’s not one of us he’s Jacob, Nessie’s boyfriend. He’s a wolf, and Nessie is only half vampire and half human. Well look at that our cars are here.”
She gave a stiff nod. “Which one?”

I chuckled. “The Hummer, the Porsche, the Volvo, the BMW, the Wrangler, and my baby the Bike.” Her mouth hung open. I closed it with my index finger and asked, “catching flies?” we chuckled, got her bags, and walked over to the cars. We gave them her bags.

“Can we ride your bike?” she asked with puppy-dog eyes. I nodded and as soon as I did that she hopped on the bike and sped off.
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last for today! maybe more then eight by Easter! thx for the readers and the subscriber! please comment i'll post faster if i get a comment!
963 Words
whoever counts the right amount of sentences and messages me it will get a character in this story!