Sequel: Going Down In History

Today In History

Have you ever woken up and felt like today was just going to be an odd day? You go the entire morning with this weird feeling in your stomach. Then something happens that you thought would never in a million years happen. Yeah, this was one of those days.

My name is Charlie Reynolds. I have dirty-blonde hair and brown eyes.
His name is Chris Spencer. He has dark brown hair and green eyes. He is the guy all the girls fall for, including myself. Only problem? He's my history teacher.

**All characters in this story are from my own imagination. I own every one of them and also the story line. I hate plagiarism in all catagories so please do not take my characters/story line or anything along those lines. This is my favorite story I have ever written and I do not want to see people taking it. So please do not [: thank you -Rage**