Status: complete.

Dear You.

tell me you know it's you I'm talking to.

Dear you,

You probably don't even know that I'm talking to you, but I hope you realize that I am. I hope you're reading this right now, and you're thinking, “Oh gosh, is she talking to me?”

You probably think I don't care, but I do. I've told you that before; I don't say these things because I'm trying to be nice. I really do care. Why, though, I'm not so sure myself. Maybe it's because I've deemed you as a friend, even though I don't know you well enough to consider myself as a friend of yours.

I told you I'd listen if you needed someone to talk to, and I meant it. You may not want to talk to anyone about it though, and that's okay too. I just want to let you know that, well, even if I can't help much, I'm here in whatever ways I can be for you.

I sound so cliche and cheesy; I'm sorry. But, heck, I don't know what's going on in your life. I have clues, maybe, but I can't be 100% sure, since you haven’t told me for yourself. If it's a relative's death, then well... I've been through it before, too. But I don't know the details, so I'm not one to talk.

As for what I’ve been through, though... That was a few years ago, but even so, I cry sometimes when I think about her. Even though I wasn't that close to her... and maybe you're really close to him, so it may hurt a ton more for you. So...

I just pray that you're okay. I really do. And I'm sorry if you're not going to fall for the words of some random girl from the Internet, but... I just really wish that you'd believe in God, because even if you can't see or hear Him, He's there. And the things we go through - they're all just tests and trials we have to go through so that we can someday be the people we were born to be.

It might not make sense to you, and I obviously don't expect you to believe in God just because I’m telling you to. I mean, you can't even fully trust me; you barely know me. And I get it. It's just that I wish you'd know He's there, so that at least you'd have someone to lean on in times like these.

He's my savior. He's our savior. I wish you'd believe in Him too, so you wouldn’t have to go through this alone. I just wish He could help you in the ways He's helped me. Because if you let Him, then... He will, even if it's in the littlest ways.

And even if you can’t hear His answer, the simplest prayer can help flush out the feelings.

From, me.
♠ ♠ ♠
The letter starts off like that because it's a real letter to someone on Mibba; it's not meant to be sent by mail or whatever. And if the contest I'm submitting this in is closed or doesn't accept this as a letter, then it's okay, because I wrote this for that person, and not for the contest.

I feel really weird right now.