It's Empty And Cold Without You Here.

Chapter Eight.

One Week Left

"Will you be a good boy today, Nicky?" Michelle asked as she followed him to the gate of his daycare.

"Yes, Michelle," he said sweetly before grinning at her. She smiled back, tucked away some newly dyed blond hair behind her ear, and kissed his forehead.

"Good. Today is Emily's turn to pick you up, but she won't be able to make it. Instead, she made Felix promise to give you a ride, okay?" Nick's eyes widened and he got a scared look on his face.

"But I don't like Felix! He's scary..." he whispered and tears started to well up in his eyes. Michelle smiled faintly and wiped away a tear that fell.

"He's nothing to be scared of..." she whispered, "but if it makes you feel better; Leana, Brian, Johnny and I don't like him either," and she made Nicky smile.

"I have to go, okay? I'll see you later," she said and kissed his forehead. He smiled and ran into the building.

Felix was almost an hour and a half late that day. Dominick was the last kid left when he came to pick him up. And when he did, he said nothing to apologize and told him to "hurry the fuck up, or else". When they got to the house, Felix ordered him to get out of the car.

When Nick got inside and Brian asked him why he was so late, he said nothing, but ran to his room and cried. And Michelle was wrong, Felix was something to be scared of. He was sure of it.

Felix, however, went straight across the street and barged into the house of his girlfriend. She looked up from the magazine she was reading, and sniffed a little. Somehow she had gotten sick overnight. He glared at her before turning off the TV, trying to show his anger.

"I just came back from the day care thingy. Picked up the brat and drove him home. I still can't believe you made me do it!" Emily rolled her eyes.

"Quit being such a baby. Nick is not a brat! it's about time you did me a favor, for once," she said and coughed a little. This made him even more furious.

"What do you mean? I help you out all the time!" his voice was raised and if you were next door, you could probably hear him.

"Yeah, right, Felix," she said sleepily, "will you please leave so I can get some sleep?"

"What? You can't sleep with me here?" she shook her head and coughed again.

"Not really, no,"

"What a shame, because I'm staying," he said and sat down next to her, moving her legs out of the way as he did so. She sighed and sat up. Felix noticed her frustration and put an arm around her.

"I'm sorry, Emily. I guess I'm just bitching over nothing,"

"Yeah, well, you seem to bitch over nothing quite often these days," she muttered and pushed him away a little.

"And now I'm bitching?"


"Well, try dealing with you once a month..." he muttered.

"At least I can't help it! And once a month compared to every two days is nothing," Felix sighed and gave her a sad look.

"Emily, please don't be mad at me..." he said sweetly, "you know what, I'll make you some soup. Just sit here and do nothing," he said and kissed her forehead.

"Felix... don't," she sighed, "just go home and let me rest," he gave her the puppy dog eyes and whispered.

"Are you mad at me?" she shook her head and faked a smile.

"Thank you," he kissed her nose and stood up, "get well soon," and he left, closing the door carefully.

"Yeah, you just called my nephew a brat. No, I'm not mad. I'm pissed," and she sneezed.