Parallel Worlds

Duckie's Story - The liar is you

Duckie let the door open a crack before pushing her small frame through the gap, trying to avoid being noticed by any of her housemates, wanting avoid the question they had been trying to ask her all morning. Why were you crying? as they never fell for her lies. She stepped over the pile of skittles and made her way over to her bed where an ashamed looking Teddy sat. She sighed under her breath as she sat down on the edge of the bed. Expecting an apology she was shocked by the following silence.

“Well aren’t you going to say sorry?” Duckie asked in awe. The man on her bed looked up and shrugged which infuriated her. She took a few deep breaths trying not to get so angry she’d be seeing red. “What for?” Teddy asked. Duckie bit her tongue as anger arose in her gut. The little girl barely ever let her anger explode but this was out of line even for a guy.

“What for?! WHAT FOR!?! For shaming me so much? For letting me accept your offer when I’m far underage and obviously not old enough perhaps? For even making that offer in he first place?!?I can think of plenty of reasons you obnoxious man. I honestly cannot see what I saw in you! If I saw you again it’d be 10 years too soon!” The girl ranted as Teddy sat, much to her amusement, with his mouth hung open like a dead fish. She didn’t expect what happened next though. He reached out and strinked her with a painful amount of force.

Duckie tumbled backwards clutching her burning cheek as tears sprung in her hazel eyes. She was too shocked for words as she felt the wooden desk smack into her head and her eyes grow heavy with pain and drowsiness. She crumbled to the floor with a gasp of severe pain.

Teddy stood staring at the unconscious girl in front of his feet. He kicked the limp body and felt ashamed of himself instantly. He had upset this girl so strongly as well as knocking her out. As he walked out the room and past some of the others he heard girls making plans for her 13th birthday that Monday. He remembered the blood oozing from the crack in her head and really hoped she’d live to celebrate it. He never meant to hurt her; just teach her not to talk to him like that. Now he was being a coward and running from an unconscious girl.

Teddy found Ali and begged him to leave with him but the girl called Vikki grabbed his arm and dragged him away. Teddy cringed as he heard the blood curdling scream come from the direction of Duckie’s room…
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okay so thanks to all you guys for reading! sorry i left this story for a bit, my birthday took priotrity and i had a load of homework! But its up at last! Your worth it so much that i wrote this on my ipod at 11.23 (late for me to be writiting!) the day before i went to the seaside... WITH MY CATTAPILLA SPADE! So comment or i'll go play with them rather than update ;D Sorry that its short btw!!

Onto miss emery!!! :D