Parallel Worlds

emilys story- finding

Duckie sat on the train heading to London, feeling more alone than she’d ever felt in her life. She kind of had hoped Jessica would have came after her, not left her to go. After all, this man had taken Emily, and could have really hurt her, and Duckie wasn’t the best of fighters so probaby would be taken down pretty easily. She sighed and hugged her knees; staring distantly out the misty train window. She took her phone out of her pocket and stared at its glowing face. 28 missed calls. All from Christina, well she’d known that was coming. Duckie deleted the messages and put her phone back into her pocket. The train screached to a halt at the station in centeral London. She clambered off the train to find it was raining, she hadnt concidered weather and was still in her night clothes. The completely confused girl ran up to the taxi station and knocked on the window of a cab.
“Excuse me?.... Is there any chance you know where the base for repossession records is?” Duckie asked the odd looking man. She’d never liked taxi drivers but there was a time and a place to let her fears show and this was neither. The man gave her a map and circled the building on it for her, she smiled and thanked him and set off to find the building.
When Duckie got to the building where Elliot Minor recorded it didn’t look like the place someone would hold a kidnapping. Looks were deceaving she guessed and she pushed open the glass door and creeped inside, she was kind of nervous but knew she had to help her friend. No one else was going to do it after all.
Duckie headed up the stairs and clicked open the studio door. Brian was sat at the desk.
“Where is he?” Duckie asked.
“Out back like usual. Take care with him though Ducks, hes gone really strange.” Brian warned her to which she tutted and slipped out to the store rooms.
“Oy! Where are you…” She called out. She noticed a wriggling black shadow in the corner of the store room and ran over to it, hurridly untying it.
“Oh thank god your okay Emily.” Duckie exhailed and helped the frightened girl out the bag, just to turn around to a furious kidnapper, aka. Gary, elliot minors manager. Duckie kneed him in the crotch, grabbed Emilys hand and ran, locking the door behind them. They ran flat into alex and ed from the band.
“Oh thank god your he- Emily?.. omg! Ed call christina!” Alex squealed like a hyper little child on christmas and he hurried the girls outside into the car. Ed jumped in and called Christina.
“We found both of them…”
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onto spoon :P