Parallel Worlds

Christina's Story- The lights are fading and we're still escaping

Christina slowly slipped unconscious again as the pain hit her, her body falling limp against Ed.
“Don’t worry about her, we’ll find a doctor later when all this is seen to” she said waving a hand over in the direction of the burning hospital. Ed nodded lightly as he lay Christina back down, her head resting on his lap.
“I’m Becca by the way, I get called loads of things like Bilton or Biltz or Bear, so Becca’s easiest”
“Bear?” Ed asked smirking
“ohh don’t ask, it’d take a while to explain, just call me Becca” she replied smiling “so remind me… why were you at the hospital?” Ed took a deep breath and sighed, “I’m here with Alex. You probably know him if you’re an Elliot Minor fan” Ed said nodding at Becca’s grey, over-sized Elliot Minor hoodie she was wearing “... He’s in a bit of a bad state to be honest” Becca looked at Ed with a concerned face. Ed continued, “we’d just gone out to the shops, Alex needed to get out for a bit so that’s why we went… Alex ran across the road without even thinking about looking… there was a bus coming when he decided to…” Ed looked at the ground and squeezed his eyes shut, determined not to cry and make a fool out of himself. He sighed and looked back up “maybe it would have been better if he stayed in the house… to be honest I don’t know what’s worse, drinking himself to death or getting hit by a bus”
“Drinking?” Becca asked, intrigued by what Ed was saying
“Yeah. Alex is a bit of a drinker, he’s taken drugs before too. I’ve tried to stop him but he just doesn’t want to listen, he thinks ‘he knows best’. I wish there was someone who could tell him otherwise, I’m not determined enough” Ed sighed and looked down at Christina who was still blacked out, she gently stroked his hand through her hair.
Becca looked around at the carnage that the fire had caused, other patients were scattered around, the doctors surrounding them “where is Alex?” she said, suddenly looking panic stricken. Being an Elliot Minor fan she’d always favoured Alex. It was a surprise she was being so calm in front of Ed in fact, any other occasion and she’d be too exhilarated to even speak.
“He’s in good care. He was just being taken out the hospital when I heard you shouting so I told them to get him out and that I’d find them later. I should really go find him but I’ll wait till I know Christina’s in good hands” Becca mockingly let her mouth hang open and spoke and a mockingly high pitched tone “what are you trying to say about me? Am I not trusted to look after Christina by myself?” Ed’s lips broke into a smile “can bears be trusted to look after humans?” Ed laughed as Becca playfully swung for Ed “there was no need for that joke” Becca said joining in with Ed’s laughter. Ed sighed still smiling and looked around before looking back at Becca “you know what Alex looks like, right?” he asked
“Yeah, of course” Becca said smiling
“Could you do me a huge favour and have a look for him? I just need to know he’s ok. I’ll stay here with Christina and make sure she’s ok” Becca nodded before running off to find Alex.
Ed watched Becca run off until she wasn’t visible anymore then looked back down at Christina, her body was still except for her chest rising and falling lightly. He moved his hand away from stroking her hair to lift her top slightly, inspecting the stitching and bruising across her stomach, wondering how she’d got such marks like that. He jumped as her eyes shot open, her breathing heavy. He brought his hand up and gently stroked the side of her head hushing her. She looked around and her eyes widened as they met Ed’s chocolate brown ones. She stared into them for a couple of seconds before speaking “w-w-what?” she said confusingly
“Don’t worry, you’re ok. There was a fire in the hospital but you’re safe now” Ed gave her a reassuring smile. Christina continued to stare at Ed
“this isn’t a dream is it ‘cause this all seems a bit surreal” Ed laughed,
“No I can assure you it’s not. Becca’s just gone to find the whereabouts of Alex, she’ll be back in a bit, I said I’d look after you” Christina smiled from ear to ear, if this was a dream waking up to Ed then it was a bloody good one. Christina continued to stare up at him as he continued to gently stroke the side of her face, she’d always had a fancy for Ed ever since she liked Elliot Minor so this was just beyond believable. She looked to the side as she heard familiar laughing coming towards her and Ed to find Becca smiling from ear to ear, wheeling Alex over to them in a wheelchair. Ed helped Christina to a sitting position “where the hell have you been Becca?” Becca smiled even more “I just went to find Alex and we were just chatting” She said as she came and collapsed on the grass next to Christina as Ed went to see Alex. “ohh yeah so that’s what you call these days, ‘chatting’” Becca winked “oh yes” they both giggled, Christina moaned “ahh don’t make me laugh, it hurts to laugh.” Becca sighed a happy sigh and stared into space “ohh wishful thinking, I think I’d be happier than this if I had kissed Alex to be honest… I’m surprised you’re not bouncing off the walls seem as though Ed kissed you” Christina’s eyes widened “… he… WHAT!?” Becca giggled “can you not remember? You passed out cause you couldn’t breath, Ed gave you the kiss of life, you lucky bitch,” she said smiling. Christina collapsed back onto the grass “oh my GOD!”
♠ ♠ ♠
So hey, its my first chapter in this story, i'm sure you'll agree Duckie's a much better writer than me ;)
And you may be thinking "What? Alex? Drink? Drugs? whats going on here like!?!?" well let me explain... all will make sense if you go read Duckie's other story called "Breaking", it kind of links in with this story a bit (i know, well clever aint it? ;D XD) SO GO READ IT AND SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT :D >
So anyway, subscribe to this, comment etc etc X)
and now onto Duckie and her fabulous writing skills again ;D

Christina x