Status: Complete :')

Note to Self: Just Breathe


When we got into the club it was already packed. Lights were flashing everywhere and I watched as everyone was either at the bar or on the dance floor.

“Are you okay?!” Aidan shouted over the music.

“I’m fine!” I yelled back.

He looked at me unsure, and I gave him my best I’m-not-hurting-on-the-inside grin. He didn’t seem to buy it, but nonetheless followed me to the dance floor.

We began to dance harmlessly with each other but where soon separated. I found myself dancing in the middle of two guys; one who appeared to be 16 and the other about 17. The 16 year old was fit, he had dark, curly hair and grey eyes; the seventeen year old was pretty average and nothing that special about him, but I figured they were good, if not best friends.
We danced through about 5 songs, grinding myself against them and occasionally making out with them both.

“Would you like a drink?” One of the guys asked.

I nodded my head and followed him to the bar, ordering tequila shots. I downed several of them one after the other and the two guys looked at me, disbelieving. Because they were both men they felt the need to match what I drank and did the same, and soon we were all laughing and make prats out of ourselves. The 17 year old handed me a tab, which I swallowed without water. We stood drinking several more drinks until we could no longer stand but I took both their hands in one of mine and pulled them back to the dance floor. They pressed more tightly together so I was sandwiched between them as I grinded against them both.

I wasn’t in to it; not at all. When I closed my eyes all I could see was Blake and wondering if he was hurting as much as I.

I don’t know why I was so reckless. I used to be sensible, but now it felt like I know longer cared. I guess I just craved attention. Having people run their hands over my body and groaning into my mouth just made me feel wanted—even if they did just want to get into my pants.

I missed Blake terribly, but I had to get over him—he was already getting over me. He was probably fucking that slag right now.

The thought of Blake and another girl seemed to send a surge of anger though me.

“Shall we get out of here?!” I yelled at the sixteen year old and he nodded his head.

We began to stumble our way to the door, leaving the other lad behind. He took my hand so if one would fall we both would fall, and we gradually made our way to the door.

When we got out the club he pulled me towards a taxi close by, both of us giggling like children.

He went into the taxi first, and I had a bout of nausea, making me lean onto the taxi door. I closed my eyes and let the breeze blow on my face.

“You coming or what?” the boy called from the taxi and my eyes snapped open.

But when I did open them I saw Blake, stood in exactly the same place as earlier, minus the girl. He had an expressionless look of his face, and we stood staring at each other, no one moving.

I felt some one push me into the taxi from behind and when I was in there I turned to see it was the 17 year old.

I had my first threesome that night.