Status: Complete :')

Note to Self: Just Breathe

Pizza Hut

Aidan soon joined us and we all decided what we wanted to eat. There was Aidan, me, Blake and Effie on one side and opposite us there was James, Josh and Kate. Effie and Aidan still hadn’t made up, you could tell they both wanted to, but both were too stubborn to admit it.

We had just finished our starters, and were told that we would be waiting around 30 minutes for our pizza, so we chose to give the gifts out. We opened them all together, eager to see what we had. I had got Effie a wall canvas of us 7 of us. It was personalised and I knew she would like it as she was also decorating her room. I got James a t-shirt saying ‘sex and drugs and your mum’ on it. Josh was given a Lynx set; he was an addict to it. I got Kate some perfume and I got Aidan a t shirt saying ‘I only where black until they invent a darker colour’ and a beaded bracelet type thing for men, which I also owned one of. And for Blake I had bought him a Theo Walcott autograph off eBay, The Dark Knight DVD and a chain with what looked like a shark tooth on the end. After he had opened his presents I leaned into him, whispering in his ear. “And let’s not forget about tonight,” I said, my teeth grazing on his ear. When I leaned away he gulped, not looking at me. Everyone around the table saw the exchange, and they all started laughing.

I began to open my presents. I had gotten some jewellery off Kate, Josh had gotten me a dress I was always hinting at, and James had bought me a bottle of my favourite perfume, as well as some Pleasuremax Durex condoms, with, as the packet said, uniquely positioned ribs and raised dots to stimulate both of you. And I couldn’t help but notice that James had also given Blake some more condoms which apparently are brilliant as it makes you tingle.

“Thanks James, really,” I told him, sarcastically; which he didn’t seem to pick up on.

“No problem. I find that when I’m using them two, sex is just brilliant.” Kate hit over the head whilst we all laughed. I handed my condoms over to Blake, who put them in his pocket.

I also had been given some hair products off Effie, and Aidan got me a ring which on the inside said Te Amo Li-Li. This was fitting as Aidan was half Spanish even though he never lived there, but his mum was born there and he knew a few words.

I saved Blake’s present till last. He had gotten me the ‘What Happens in Vegas’ DVD, a necklace which had a key on it, and then he added rather cheesily that it was the key to his heart; and a book called ‘Before I Die’.

I kissed his cheek, thanking him, before rushing to clear the table after hearing our pizza was ready. Blake and I was sharing a Pepperoni Pizza, something we were both addicted to.

Harmless little chats were carried around the table, and while everyone else was talking about football other then Aidan and I, we struck up a conversation.

I took his hand in mine under the table. “Thank you for the ring, it is so beautiful,” I told him, kissing his cheek.

“No problem, just my way of saying thanks,” he squeezed my hand. “And I like the t-shirt; it’s so me,” he laughed.

“I know, and look,” I held up my wrist. “We have the same bracelet now,”

“Yeah we do,” he said quietly.

“Don’t be down, Aidan. Be happy, like I said.” I ordered him.

He put on a mocking smile, and I burst out laughing. At the sound of my laugh he naturally smiled, looking so much like his father.

None of us got pudding as were too stuffed, so we all said our goodbyes and merry Christmas’ there. Whilst me and Blake was going a different way to everyone else to reach my house, unnecessary remarks were made from James, earning him a slap off me.

Finally we parted ways again, and before turning a corner which would take us from their line of sight, Josh shouted ‘use a condom’.

Josh; not James.