

It’s been two months sense that letter. Sense then, I’ve moved out of my parents place and in with my Jake.

“I’m going to take Snow for a walk!” I called to Jake.

“Kay. Grab the mail when you come back in,” he asked.

I took my usual route. At the end of the road is a small walking path that loops around. It’s about a mile long. I passed Mike, an old friend, and continued to walk the rest of the way with him. “How’s it going? I haven’t talked to you in.. Jeez, how long has it been?” He asked.

“Sense we graduated, last year. Holy cow, it has been long hasn’t it? I’m sorry!” Mike and I dated when we were in the tenth grade. After we broke up we stayed friends until graduation. After that we lost contact.

“Yeah, it’s been a while. So, how’s life been?”

“I got a dog!” I held up Snow’s leash and smiled my goofy grin.

“Besides the obvious,” He rolled his eyes.

“Oh, well… hmm? Jake and I are still together. I just moved in with him. How’s your life been?”

“Remember Kaylee? Well, I’m trying to decide if I should propose to her yet or not,” He looked deep in thought for a moment. Kaylee and Mike went out not soon after him and I broke up. Apparently they are still together, after all this time.

“You’ve been with her for three years now? I guess it’s kinda up to you. Do you really love her?” I asked.

“Yes, but at the same time, we are so young. Ya know?” He rubbed his head, uncertain as what to do.

“Maybe give it another year or so,” I shrugged. I am not one with relationship advice.

“But Kaylee keeps hinting she wants me to propose. Damn you women are so confusing!” He laughed.

I pushed his shoulder playfully, “Like men are much better.”

“Psh, if you say so,” he smiled.

I saw the end of the path and so did Snow. He kept pulling the leash. “The dog want’s to get home, so see ya!” I smiled and waved before racing the dog the rest of the way.

“Hey, Snow. Slow down, boy!” I laughed, practically falling as I tried to keep up. I pulled him to a stop in front of the mailbox and grabbed out the contents. “Okay go on. Go home!” I let go of the leash and let him run up the drive way and to the door. Instead of running to the door and pawing at it like usual, he bent down and grabbed something from the porch step. I grabbed it from him and instantly dropped it.

♠ ♠ ♠
dun dun da!

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thanks to the people who have subscribed... I think there were 4 of you?

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