Lyrics To A Broken Heart


Monday morning came to fast as the sound of my ringing alarm, shook itself into my ear, waking me up with a jolt. I sighed at the darkness of my bedroom, the light not even seeping through the curtains at this stupid hour...who woke up at 5 in the morning to be ready for college at 9??...

That would be me. Lyric Simmons. Ok, so my real name isn't Lyric, it's really Zoe...but I can't stand it. It's a nice enough name, but Lyric sounds much better, and I love my music so it goes with my hobbies of singing and writing songs.

"Zoe, get up now before I drag you out of that horrid state you call a room!" my 'legal' guardian, Marie Winters, shouted up the small set of stairs. It would have only taken her a few extra minutes to walk up the 12 small steps, knock on my door and greet me with a smile for the morning...but no, this woman never bloody smiled!

I pulled myself out of bed. The feeling of the cool air outside seeping through the badly shut window and sending chills down my spine, rushed through me. Guess a warm clothing day is appropriate. Standing onto my now numb feet, I stumbled over to my wardrobe, the floor feeling like it was moving every step I took...which didn't help the fact I had sea sick-ness naturally.

I pulled out a pair of straight, skinny black jeans. My favourite type of clothes to wear and I didn't care what people thought. Pulling myself out of my dirty pj's, I dropped them to the floor and stood infront of my mirror, the reflection of my 'too perfect' body screaming for me to cover it up. I hate myself if you haven't gathered that yet.

Pulling off the dirty underwear, to quickly pull on a clean pair. Making perfect sure my eyes didn't wonder towards the mirror to watch the horrid thing without nothing on at was awful to see.

My eyes fell back onto my reflection as I pulled on my skinny jeans, and fastened the button. Standing there with my jet black hair shining at me, and my hazel brown eyes glowing at me like honey. I willed myself to look lower...the skin of my stomach and covered chest made me feel queasey, so after a few more seconds of staring, I turned my gaze to search for a top to wear.

"Zoe!!" Marie called up again. She never left me was like I had to be yelled at for every comand she gave me...I wasn't a dog, I'm a 17 year old girl who has enough troubles of finding her way in life then having to have an irrant 'guardian' yelling at me 24/7. I hated the woman...loathed her with a passion, and yet did that show on my face Because I know this stupid, idiotic woman can just kick me out whenever she wants too, and I hate the fact I have no family to run too if she ever did take that option.

Pulling on a dark purple and black stripped hoodie, I walked slowly downstairs to were the Thing was waiting to yell at me like every other morning. Her small kitchen was the first thing you walked to in this house, the first thing you also walked in when you came down the actually stank of well, I'm not even going to go into how vile it's a wonder how the smell never reaches up the stairs.

"Zoe! Oh my god! Can't you ever get ready in time!! I've been calling for you for hours. Don't you ever listen to me??!" she screeched, my head ringing already and my mind telling me to run and escape,

"Sorry, I have alot on my mind" I replied. My voice flat to show her no emotion that every spat out word that escaped her lips, made my blood start to boil. Her face turned into a scoul but this time, she didn't keep on yelling at me, she moved herself into the frontroom to promptly turn the TV up so loud you couldn't hear yourself think.

I ran quickly back upstairs to grab hold of my purple converse, the feel of material wrapping round my chilled feet soon became my centre of attention. I was going to be at school in only 20 minutes, and it was...only 6am. I hated living here!!

Grabbing my bag from the floor, my keys jangled out the bowl as I wrapped my fingers across them. Stuffing them in my pocket before opening the front door. A loud grumble of "Close the F'ing door! It's freezing" escaped outside with me, surely glad those words weren't stuck in the Thing I have as a guardian.

The cool air took my breathe away. Not in the sense of it sucking the air from my lungs...just whenever I breathed out, it steamed and drifted away on a light breeze. Today seemed the day something would just have to go wrong...just I had no idea with what or how.
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First Chapter!?!?!?!?! =D
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