Lyrics To A Broken Heart


The college came creeping up against the horizon. My feet stopped a few miles away from the entrance as I looked up and willed myself to continue. What was wrong with me today?? There was something of the whole day that just felt off...awkward, completely different.

I walked slowly to the music room. No idea why the college was open at this stupid hour in the morning, but seeing a few teachers walk around made my nerves calm down a bit. The four bright coloured walls of the music room sent a smile across my face, this was my haven, my special paradise. I loved to sit at the piano, make new songs and lyics. I usually get people walking in to listen, but at this godly hour, I decided I'd be safe for at least one song.

My fingers brushed against the white keys. The feel of them making that smile grow across my face while a shiver of happiness ran laps up and down my spine. I took out my note book and stood it carefully on the stand, my eyes skimming the pages to then look and watch my fingers ghost over each key.

"Do you fear the way I watch you walk
How I see your eyes in a different light to everyone else
Can you dream upon a dream
Without losing the end in a abrupt wakening.

You know your that everything for me
Yet you insist I hold back and fill with pain
Can't you imagine your life holding hands??
Because every dream, your there with opening arms

Your eyes that shine like diamonds
Your hair the flows in the breeze
Your lips that form that perfect smile
Your the one I love so much

Your touch, sends that tender shiver down my spine
Can't you see that I'm in love
In love with your perfect-ness
So perfect I'm out of your legue

Break upon the line ahead
Your leaving me standing
I'd always be there to hold you high
Never going to watch you fall

Your eyes that shine like diamonds
Your hair the flows in the breeze
Your lips that form that perfect smile
Your the one I love so much"

The last note echo'd through the room, before making the whole room silent. I sat there and let my mind wander off, how much I'd love to have someone by me, how I would treasure every single moment with them, to hold them to me whenever they were in need. I'd love them the way I wished I was loved.

There was a small knock on the door. The sounds breaking my dream state and making my head turn. A guy who I'd never seen before had his head stuck around the door frame, his eyes glued onmine yet when I opened my mouth to try and speak, he just smiled and wondered away.

"Lyric! That was beautiful!" my music teacher, Sir Wilam strode in. The smile across his face forced a smile in reply, yet for just singing, not a word could escape my lips. Where had that guy come from before?? Why didn't he say a word?? Why did he make it clear I saw him, before walking away??

"Oh erm...thank you Sir" I mumbled, trying to push the image of the guys face for a minute to act normal. I looked to my teacher, trying to be my normal self and starting on a descusion on where I'd need to change things or whether the notes went right to the lyrics.

Soon enough people were filling in to hear my song. I played it over and over, trying hard to push out that guys face. Which was pretty hard when everytime I finished playing, I'd see his head pop round the door, his smile shone only at me to then vanish again. It was bizarre, confusing and a little annoying now.

The time in playing for people went past quickly, and before I knew it, it had turned into lunch time. My usual spot in the lunch hall felt cold today, I had eyes watching me from every angle, yet none of them coming from that weird and confusing guy I knew nothing about. My friends soon swarmed over to me and I was hugged, kissed and tickled all over again. I loved my friends to the exstent they were the family I needed and loved for anything.

The gossip and chatter rang over the table as they shared what happened with their day. None of them really realizing I wasn't taking much an interest as I stared down at me lunch. A stupid apple and a bowl of salad, healthy?? Yeah...tasty?? Hell no.

"Lyric! I heard you in music class, you were amazing!!" Milly screamed out over everyone else's voices. The sudden feeling of being watched by pair after pair of eyes made me shiver nervously. I looked up and smiled to them all, pulling the fake happy self for them all to see.

"Thanks Milly, I wrote it last night actually...Marie wasn't excately happy when I started playing in the middle of the night though..." I mumbled the last part, the shrill mummbles of them talking about my 'guardian'. They didn't like her too by the way, but I don't think anyone would really...she's horrid.

They soon went back to talking about whatever. My mind wandering off into space as I stared out the window. The sky was blue and the birds could be heard singing, but yet no one was actually aloud out of college for lunch anymore. We all got crammed in this stupid lunch hall so we didn't 'escape' or 'bunk off'.

"Erm...guys, I think I'm going to take a walk actually. I'll meet you up later alright" I spoke out. Only some hearing me, yet all of them stopping and watching me leave. Milly came and rushed after me, bashing into my side and linking her arm with mine. Sometimes the girl was great company, but right now my head was too full on stuff, no one could help but me.

"Whats wrong Lyric baby??" Milly whined out at me. Taking in a deep breath and letting it go, I stopped infront of my locker and rested my head against the cool metal. I needed to just vanish for a while, so no one could get in my way from thinking about so much...I didn't even know why anything was getting to me.

"Milly, you know what I've said for calling me baby. I just...need some time to myself. I'm not tying to get rid of you darling, but I just can't think straight...there was this guy that kept watching me everytime I played today, he was always at the door to then vanish when I looked up to him..." I mumbled out losely. Her hands holding onto mine and soothing my skin gently. She had a way to calm me down.

"Girl, you know that guy is the new guy who just started here! He's hot! And I am soo not joking. We were talking about him at the table...his name is Tyler Marcel!" she wittered on. His name just stopped every word that left her lips, while rushing its way around my head, around the image of his face that grew bigger and bigger inside my head. What was with this guy??! I didn't even know him!.
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Finally got another chapter up!! XD
Wrote the song, and had help from Mitch-ii so long ago to help me sort it all out ^^ hehehe <3 xx
Please comment on what you think D= need help on this actually!!