Love For Blood

Two Creatures

I’m still out, I can feel it. But my other senses are awake. The pain is completely gone, beside this seemingly unquenchable thirst like nothing I have ever felt before. I knew that I was home alone, I could smell and here the rabbit at the edge of the property breath and snicker its whiskers. And with slight concentration the rabbit dropped to its death and its heart beat ceased. I could see it all so clearly in my mind. It makes me sick to watch it lay there stiff. How could that happen it was perfectly fine before I concentrated on it. What am I? Why do I have this ability to kill?
Nichole and Frankie are home, I can here them speak to one another in the car as they drive up. They are concerned about me. I can’t let them see me like this I wince away as I concentrate again and their car engine stops and the wheels halt. Confused and frustrated they stepped out of the car and began to walk towards the house. I keep trying to make to stop them, to make them turn and walk away. But I have no control over my body or my mind, this instinct in me calls for their blood, yarns to sink my teeth into there neck. I shutter at the thought of ever hurting them, but my body is so weak and craves nutrients, but why was the nutrients I craved blood?
All it will take is for them to walk through the front door and the smell will be too much, my nostrils are to the point of burning with pleasure. Both of their heart rates slightly excited from the abrupt stop of the car makes them even more desirable. I hear the door open and my mind goes black.
It went black and cold, like the pure depths of hell. Where it is far to cold for the fires to sterilize the sins of those who hold residence there. The next thing I know I’m standing over the two dead bodies of the only people in the world that ever loved my like their own. The only two people that wanted me, that showed kindness. And I had killed them. I could smell the death with-in their bone dry veins. I had not wasted a drop; there was nothing left in their paste white skin that is so cold to the touch.
With my remorse comes a kind of pain and torment that I have not experienced. Before it had felt like my body was dying, slowly; and I was able to feel ever cell fall. But now it felt like there were two creatures in my veins fighting for dominance, the constellation prize; control over my mind, body and all the unexplained and uncontrollable power that came with them. My body wrestled itself till I fell to me knees and clenched my torso like I had when I was crashing, trying to desperately to hold my body together, to keep me in one piece. But I’m hopeless the raged creatures continue to battle and I continue to experience the damage. As I thought back to Nichole and Frankie lying there still, lifeless on the ground; it was inevitable, I began to weep and quiver. There is a strange sensation in my back as the pain stops. Before I can even open my eyes I feel wings spring to life from the center of my back. I can see them as the tears clear from my eyes, the deepest shade of black, feathered like an angel’s wings. I grow tired and desperate for compassion. Was I an angel? How could this be, an angel would never kill brutally like I had. Was I dead? I slowing move to my feet and with out warning I’m floating near the roof of the front room. Looking down at the destruction I had caused. I hate myself for being capable of committing something such as this.
With that thought I fall to the ground, and tumble over with the same splitting pain for dominance. This time the fight didn’t last as long; I can feel a darkness pump through my veins. And my mind went black again. I had not passed out, but it felt like I was watching myself through someone else’s eyes. Screaming for them to stop, wondering how they could be so cold. I was cleaning up the mess I had created with out even flinching or wincing that the dead bodies. I was calling them in sick for the week to come, and I was stashing to corps in the basement.
It is now my third day with the darkness; with-out sleeping, food, or guilt of two casualties weighing on my shoulders. When ever someone get remotely close to the house something came over me and I entered their minds and made them go away. It that was not possible I killed them too. That has only happened once, yesterday. I was growing weaker, I called to him through his mind to come to the door; when he was close enough I killed him and drank every droplet of blood that was in is 20 year old body. Again I had stashed the body in the basement. I can’t help but get anxious and want to exert power; it consumes me and corrupts me. I try to fight it, to control it but it is stronger then I am; I don’t stand a chance. I don’t know what I am anymore, who I am anymore.
Two worlds that I never knew existed are attempting to take me, both promising the ability to control my powers. There is more that they are not telling me, I keep hearing people’s thoughts like voices in my head. And two days ago when an angel came to see me, I caught a glimpse of what they wanted with me. but she quickly caught on, and started thinking in other languages. I still have no idea the extent of what I am or why both heaven and hell are making house calls to Clearwater New Jersey; for a seventeen year old girl. What is so special about me? and now that I have refused their offers, what will be their next move? I have a nagging feeling in the pit of my chest, where my heart once beat, that something is coming. Something dark, and what ever it is it’s coming fast.
I walk to the front door and use my mind to force it open. I have only a minute or so now, if I concentrate hard enough I might be able to stop whoever is coming to kill me. I place my weight down on the porch, close my eyes, and concentrate all my power and energy into locating them and making them forget where they are going. But I’m failing, my powers are weak and I can’t tap into their minds. A cold stone hard hand clamps down on the back of my neck, and throws me to the ice hard dirt below. There were ten of them surrounding me now, all vampires, all elite fighters. I can hear the confidence and snickers in their voice was they inflict pain. I’m desperately trying to keep my mind in control force them away, but then one throws their chance of survival away. “What’s the matter orphan? Did you get enough blood from your parents?” he is so arrogant, and that went deep. I never meant to hurt my parents. “You shouldn’t have said that.” Was all I muttered before I lost control.
My brain lit on fire, as I killed each vampire one by one; sucking what false life they had in them out. All with-out moving from my place kneeling on the dirt, healing the wounds they had caused. Then I came to the last vampire, he was so frighten and had a kindness a light that wouldn’t allow me to brutally kill him like I had the others. I stood up, to look at him and get a better concentration; if I didn’t kill him he would kill me and that wasn’t something I was going to let happen. Not until I knew who my real parents were and what I am. He is beautiful. His skin so pale and soft; flowing over his body like slip made of silk. His dark curly brown hair showered gently around his pronounced jaw bone, stopping just above his broad shoulders. His full cherry dusted lips, and subtly almond shaped brilliant emerald green eyes against his milk white skin struck me like a lighting bolt to the chest; shocking me to life with the urgency of fire. The body of this dark creature was skinny and tall, showed clearly by his clothing. Fitted jeans and a tight black ‘The Clash’ t-shirt, were what covered the tight muscles barely expressed but clearly present. His large hands were clenched into nervous fists but is gaze was soft and pleading.
He stood in his original position unharmed, untouched; I’m curling over on the ground with the pain inflicted by the fighting creatures deep with-in my veins. The fact that I am weeping clear salt ridden tears shows what side is winning. My wings have sprung from my back, as a defensive maneuver, my eyes cooled to an intense icy blue, and my thirst faded. I know he is still there, watching me with the gaze that did this to me, and I know what he was sent here to do, but something inside my deeply disturbed and torn mind brought me to my knees. Maybe it is his inconspicuous and unmistakable beauty, but it goes deeper then that.
I can feel him move and I prepare myself for death. He is standing in front of me now; I can see the toes of his black converse high tops. I close my eyes, praying it will go quickly, I have suffered so much these past few days, I don’t know if I can handle anymore torture. I slowly open my eyes when nothing comes, knowing he has not fled; his hand is outstretched to help me to my feet. Was this some kind of game? His faces holds no clues, just a gorgeous half smile that mystifies his face.
“Don’t worry, even if I could hurt you; I wouldn’t dare.” He is staring straight into my eyes, he is trying to get inside my head to see what I’m thinking. I can feel him exert the power on my brain. That bastered! Alright I’ll bite, what is he up too? “Thanks” I place my hand in his, allowing him to pull me to my feet. “Your Welcome, Serena” what? I guess who ever he works for knows my about me, where I came from, and what I can do then I do. “And your name?”
“Aiden, Aiden Favier” he smiled as he said his own name like it was a revelation, exposing a mouthful of sparkling white teeth that made me ponder about who’s neck they have been in. “Why were you trying to kill me? And why aren’t you trying to finish the job?” my voice was skeptical, sarcastic; somehow this a slight sense of joking with a friend that I had not intended. I could tell by the hurt gleam in his eyes that he picked up on skepticism and not much else. “My boss Alexander, sent us to bring you back to him, dead or alive.” He looks as his shoes as he speaks as if he is truly ashamed of his morals.
“Ha, and I’m not trying to kill you, because I don’t have a death wish.” He snickered sarcastically as he looked around at the other nine vampires laying lifeless on the ground. “Well I’m not going quietly if that’s what you…” I’m cut off by two of Aiden’s silky fingers touching against my lips.
“I didn’t ask you too. I want to help you.”
“How do I know I can trust you?”
“Because, there is a reason you couldn’t you couldn’t kill before when you had a chance. The reason I made the angle in you rise and fight to emerge. You know I can help you.”
“I…I don’t….I can’t control my powers.”
“That will come with time and concentration. I can train you to use your powers in a fight, and keep you hidden.”
“Fine, but you have to promise me something!” I let out with a sigh and a surrender.
“Anything.” He’s looking at me curiously, almost as if he is intrigued by the mystery I presented.
“Promise me that, you will never let me feed on another human again. No matter what I say or do. I don’t want to be a murder” I can feel my eyes pleading, begging for guidance and the ability to trust.
“You have already tasted human blood; it’s not an easy taste to forget. It’s going to be painful, and you won’t be able to be around people for a while.” He is pensive now, all playful imagination stricken away.
“Whatever it takes.” I said it with defiance and confidence that no one, not even the devil himself could have argued with.
“Alright, well then we better get going. Grab some clothes and car keys, we are going to Pennsylvania and you won’t be allowed to come back; At least not for a while.”
“Pennsylvania?” I felt my head tilt in confusion. What was the difference if we were in New Jersey of Pennsylvania? Maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all.
“Yes, I have an abandon cabin up in the mountains. It’s the perfect spot to keep you away from people; and off the radar so we can train you. And with your power covering our trails they won’t be able to find us.” With the words ‘train’ and ‘tack’ I turned and started walking back towards the house. I wasn’t going to let him use me as a scapegoat and I wasn’t going to let him train me to bring me to Alexander. I hadn’t gotten very far when he appeared right in front of my face, his arms stretched out to stop me. “Serena please! You can’t do this on your own. You can trust me, all I want is to help you.” Trust him? What is this guy nuts, he is my executioner; standing in here asking me to trust him. What has he suddenly repent against his murderous ways and expects me to just go with him?
“Trust is out of the question. I loved on my own for fourteen years. I can live on my own now!” I paralyzed his body and dove directly into his mind. He was pleading with me, through his thoughts.
Serena please! Just come with me, there isn’t much time. I will explain everything in time, I promise. What’s happening to you, you’re past, and your parents. I can tell you all of that but right now you need to come with me.
How could he possibly know what I went through, about my parents? “You know my parents?”
No, I knew your mother. And I know the story; sadly she died just two days after she gave you up. Please let me go and come with Serena. Annabel was her name, Demetrius was your father.
I gave him back the control over his body, more from shock then by volunteer. I felt the weight of the life I could have had, the information I needed to know about what was happening to me. I’m starting to fall to the ground, I can feel my limps sway and my mind swim; but his arm caught me just before I made contact.
“She died…and my father too.” My voice is so low and shattered, I thought it might break.
“Come on we have to go. I will explain everything in the car.”
All I could manage was a head nod, I couldn’t bring my physical body to move a muscle, so by concentrating of clothes, some memories, journals, and keys to my convertible. Aiden carried my small still body to the car as I worked diligently with my brain. Still only using the abilities that seemed to come easier now, I pulled the roof over the seats in the car and stuttered the engine to life. The output of power exhausted my already exuberated senses. Before I could even ask a question about my parents or my powers, I was fast asleep fully submersed in the nightmares I created.
I must have been out for a good while, for when I woke up we were driving up a small road that twists and turns up a mountain; it clearly had not been traveled much before now.
“Good morning sunshine. Welcome to Favier Mountain.” He said, looking over at me with a half smile, taking his eyes off the road which made me extremely nervous.
“How much longer?” I was stiff and fidgety.
“About thirty minutes. You know if your going to live for eternity you might want to learn some patients.” He snickered at his own joke. But it caught me off guard. What was he talking about; eternity?
“Eternity what do you mean, live for eternity?” my voice was quivering with hysterics.
“Oh, guess you didn’t find that one out yet…” he was nervous now, looked as if he was working out everything he was going to say in his head. “Well…umm… not aging kind of comes with your vampire blood. Which means you will stay seventeen for the rest of your life; your body anyway”