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You Are the Cream Filling in My Twinkies

Chapter 1- That Mother***er Who Stole the Twinkies

“Hold on Casey, let me get a box of Twinkies.” I said before we went to the check out stand.

Casey and I were having one of our pig out while the parents were out of town until Monday. I had to admit living with my best friend was cool.

If Casey’s parents weren’t in Jamaica to “Rekindle their flames” they would not approve the fact that 1) we skipped school to sleep the whole day since we had gone to a party the night before (it started at 10 then really started at 12 and then ended at 7), 2) that we were in the 7 11 at midnight in pajama bottoms, happy bunny slippers and a hoodie, and 3) the amount of junk and alcohol (from the party) that we had consumed.

Yeah we go to an all girls private school and had 4.1 GPA’s but honestly that doesn’t mean shit.

I walked to the snack isle and was getting ready to grab the last box but exactly when my hand landed on the box that had 12 little packs of golden cream filled deliciousness another person’s did.

“I’m sorry but my hand was on here first.” I told to the guy who tried to take them.

“No, your hand was on there two seconds after mine therefore mine was on it first.” He said.

“Look you can give me the Twinkies or we can stand here all night until you let it go. Trust me I’m on a monster buzz and that means no sleep for me, so take a pick.” I said.

“Ooh feisty. I wonder how you are in bed.” He winked.

I rolled my eyes. “Give me the Twinkies.” I sighed annoyed at him.

“Look how about this, we both buy the box. You get six and I get six.” He said.

“Deal.” I sighed letting go of the box.

Big mistake.

“Thank-you.” He said quickly walking away.


I sighed and decided not to chase after the asshole that stole my Twinkies.

I walked back to Casey defeated. “What’s wrong they ran out of Twinkies?” She asked.

“No, some mother fucker stole them from me.” I grumbled.

“And you didn’t run after them? Was it a guy?” She asked.

“Yeah.” I said giving the clerk my half of the money for the food.

“Was he cute?” She asked.

“Yeah. He’d be cuter if he didn’t take my Twinkies.” I said getting a bag.

On our way to the car I heard somebody yell.

“Hey, girl with the blue plaid pajamas and the gray hoodie!” It was the same guy who took my Twinkies.

I sighed and turned around as he jogged to me.

“Here and your kind of cute too.” He smiled handing me my snack and going back to his friends.

“Go get his number!” Casey demanded.

“I’ll be fine with out it.” I laughed getting into the car.