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You Are the Cream Filling in My Twinkies

Chapter 12- Everything Falls Down

“Ok on three you hit the horn.” Zack whispered to Alex.

Zack and Alex thought I was asleep and they were trying to wake me up with those horn thingy’s people use at football or basketball games.

“1… 2…”

“If I hear that horn in my ear neither of you will have children.” I said still with my eyes closed.

“Damnit.” Zack said.

“Told you she was going to wake up.” Casey scoffed.

We had gotten to D.C around 1 o’clock last night and while everyone wanted to mess around for a few hours I crashed.

“Now all of you get out… Janice! Leave now.” Casey said pushing Alex and Zack out of the room while Janice came in. I rolled my eyes knowing that a confrontation was going to happen in a few seconds.

“Good you’re up.” Janice said plopping on the bed as Casey closed the door.

“We need to talk to you.” Casey started sitting next to Janice.

I sighed and sat up not taking the covers off of me.

“About Jack.” Janice added.

“What is there to talk about?” I shook my head unaware of the subject (seriously unaware).

“Oh you know what there is to talk about, why haven’t you talked to him? We dragged you out here for a reason.” Casey said.

“I figured that out when I woke up from my mini coma three weeks ago.”

“That is beside the point. Everyone knows how you feel about him.”

“Same with him. But the only difference is, is that you know and you are only too stubborn to admit it and he’s actually believing that you don’t care about him when you know you do.” Janice said.

“Believe what? Honestly I’m not even sure if I care anymore and that’s about anything…” I sighed. I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked down then back up. “Look, when I can I’m going back to New York. I can’t stay here.” I shook my head getting out of the bed and going into the bathroom.

I never thought about leaving until when I had said that I was leaving. I could have gone home but I never really figured out what was keeping me here. I could have left.

After I took a shower and got dressed I walked around the hotel for a few minutes trying to clear my head.

“Jerry, wait a sec.” Zack said jogging after me as I went into the elevator. He had made it before the door closed.

“Hey, whatcha doing?”

“Just walking.” I sighed.


“Around. I don’t know yet.”

“Well I’ll walk with you the sound check is in another 3 hours so I have time to walk with you.” He said.

Zack wasn’t annoying right now, it’d be ok to have somebody to walk with and Zack was the third easiest person to talk to next to Casey and then you know who…

Shit! I need to get him out of my head.

We walked around the hotel for a while in silence.

“Jerry, don’t leave.” He said breaking the silence when we were heading back upstairs.

I laughed a little. “I cant stay. I’d find something to do at home.” I shrugged.

“But it’s not about that. This shit between you and Jack is… whatever, that’s you guys but if he’s going to be a selfish dick and let you leave or whatever you and him can get over it because you are our friend too.” He bravely said.

Zack was adorable and everyone thought that, that’s why he was my favorite.

I sighed he also had a point it wasn’t just about Jack. Rian, Alex and Zack were my friends too.

“I’ll think about it.” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“You have to be fucking me.” I heard a voice say.

I rolled my eyes and sighed at Jack behind me.

“What?” Zack asked.

“We need to talk.” Jack said pulling me towards the elevator.

“Let me go.” I said yanking my hand away as he hit a random number then the stop button.

“What the hell is your problem!” I asked.

“You! Right now it’s you! Jerry I have tried to hard to let everything go. But somehow it bites me in the ass!”

“Why are you blaming everything on me!”

“Because, it’s you’re fault I love you! And you’re fault not giving a damn.”

I started the elevator back up and held everything back. We got back to the floor we were on and stormed back into room.

I went into the room and slammed the door.

“What the hell?” Alex asked confused.

“Jack, are you ok?” Janice asked.

“No! I’m not! Your so called best friend is pissing me off! And you, you are my best friend!” I heard a body hit the floor and I ran back out.

I ran out and saw Rian trying to pull Jack off of Zack.

“Stop being an asshole!” I screamed.

“Stop being like your mom!”

That stopped everything. Everybody knew about the whole situation that happened before my mom died and what caused the wreck.

“Fuck you.” I said trying not to cry as I left the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment! I was going to wait but I didn't want to because I love my readers even the silent ones *cough* who should comment *cough*