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You Are the Cream Filling in My Twinkies

Chapter 15- I Don't Want To Be The Reason For Your Tears

A few days and cities later everything had been going great or better I should say. Instead of telling Jack and I to say we loved each other and to act like it, they were wishing we would stop, apparently we were getting worst than Casey and Rian (which on a scale of 1 to 10 in the PDA department was at least a 15).

“Ok so what are we going to do in Vegas?” Rian clapped when we were on the bus.

“I don’t know about you but a casino or strip club sounds pretty damn good to me.” Alex said counting his singles.

“Hmm strip club…” Zack though with a smile creeping up on his face.

“Nice.” Rian smiled.

Casey quickly nudged him in the side. “Shit, I was kidding babe.” He said holding his side and kissing her cheek.

“Yeah right.” She muttered getting up and going to the back.

“Casey.” He said following behind her.

“I hope you don’t plan on going.” I said looking at Jack since I was sitting on his lap.

“Of course not, but I would prefer for you to do it for me.” He smiled leaning in to kiss me.

I laughed a little and kissed him. “Boo!” Zack cried as Alex threw pop corn at us.

We both laughed. “Jerry I think they want more.” Jack said.

“Me too.” I agreed.

“No, No, No!” Alex cried before seeing us fully make out.

“My eyes bleed in agony.” Zack said rolling over holding his eyes.

Jack and I pulled away. “Ok, ok we won’t throw anything else. Just please stop.”

“Don’t worry, we are.” Jack said getting up and taking my hand and leading me to the back.

“Oh great just what we need, an orgy!” Alex said before we left but just as he said that Casey and Rian walked back out.

Jack closed the door and put his hands on my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. “So Vegas.” He said against my neck.

“Yeah Vegas.” I laughed as he kissed my neck.

“You know what that means right?” He said with his hands going further down.

“Yes…” I started shaking my way out of his grasp. “…And not yet.” I said while he groaned.

“Why not? It’s not like we don’t know each other that well.”

“So, you’re only with me for sex?” I asked backing away a little more.

“No, no, no Jerry don’t ever get that idea. I’m just saying I want you.” He said taking my hands.

“But you have me Jack.” I said as he kissed them.

“I want all of you Jerry, and besides, I know you’re still a virgin.” He smirked.

“How would you know?” I challenged.

“Well, for one you got a wee bit defensive when I said that and I don’t know I could just tell. So tell me I’m right.” He said.

“Oh fuck you.” I said showing he was right.

“Will you?”

“No, ask me in a few months.” I said.

“Why Jerry.” He wined bouncing on his toes like a little kid who just had their candy snatched from them.

“Look, you can wait, your dick won’t fall off Jack.” I reassured walking back to the front.

“How do you know?” He called.

Don’t get me wrong, I would love to sleep with Jack, which sounds kinda wrong to say but that’s beside the point, I just want to wait.

It’s not like we’ll die if we don’t.


“Ok we gotta go but we wanna do one more song, sing if you know the words but then again why would you be here if you didn’t.” Alex said into the mic making everyone scream as they began to play Jasey Rae.

Lights out,
I still hear the rain,
These images that fill my head,
Now keep my fingers from making mistakes,
Tell my voice what it takes,
To speak up,
Speak up,
and keep my conscience clean when I wake.

Don't make this easy,
I want you to mean it,
Jasey. (say you'll mean it)
You're dressed to kill,
I'm calling you out, (don't waste your time on me)

Now there's an aching in my back;
a stabbing pain that says I lack,
the common sense and confidence,
to bring an end to promises,
that I make in times of desperate conversation,
hoping my night could be better than theirs in the end.
Just say when.

Don't make this easy,
I want you to mean it,
Jasey. (say you'll mean it)
You're dressed to kill,
I'm calling you out, (don't waste your time on me)

I've never told a lie,
and that makes me a liar,
I've never made a bet,
but we gamble with desire,
I've never lit a match,
with intent to start a fire,
but recently the flames,
are getting out of control.
Call me a name,
Kill me with words,
Forget about me,
It's what I deserve,
I was your chance,
to get out of this town,
but I ditched the car,
and left you to,

Wait outside,
I hope the air will serve to remind you,
that my heart is as cold as the clouds of your breath,
and my words are as timed as the beating in my chest.

“Thank you Vegas!”

The guys (of course) did what they normally did and walked off stage and came over to us.

“I should be used to you being sweaty but it’s disgusting, really.” I said when Jack leaned over to kiss me.

“I am?” He said starting to shake his hair my way.

“Ew stop.” I squirmed.

Everybody laughed and he kissed my cheek again.

“Ok, so what is the plan for tonight?” Rian asked.

“Look we are in Vegas we can do whatever we want Damnit.” Zack exclaimed.

“I’m crashing tonight guys.” Jack said.

I looked at him weirdly, Jack Never wanted to crash until 4 or 5 in the morning.

“I’m not crashing yet, pshp fuck that.” Alex scoffed.

“Well you guys go, good night.” Jack saluted.

“I’m going with you.” I told Jack.

“I know.” He smirked when we began to walk.

“Is this your way of trying to get sex?” I asked suspicious.

“Why would you ever think that?” He scoffed hoping I wasn’t catching onto anything.

“I don’t know, judging by our conversation earlier…”

“Jerry, I can wait.” He reassured trying to prove me wrong.

“Right.” I nodded.

“I can honestly. I haven’t had sex since the day before I went to New York.”

Then I dropped his hand. “So you had sex the day before we met up?” I asked stopping.

“Jerry, it was before we had become together, together.” He said. “It’s no big deal.” He shrugged.

“Well, to me it is.” I said.

“Why?” He said his best trying to prevent a fight.

“It just is Jack.”

“How? That doesn’t make any sense. You’re getting mad at nothing.”

“It isn’t no- Just drop it.” I shook my head.

“Jerr. I’m sorry.” He said as we began to walk.

“No, you don’t have to be.” I said giving him a faint smile like everything was ok.

Sure it was a small thing, but for some reason it hurt a lot. Maybe because somewhere I knew that he had more of a life before we had been us. He was able to be free and to do what he wanted but all the same it hurt to know that was what happened the day before.


I laid in the bed trying to sleep while Jack took a shower. When he had gotten out he wrapped his arms around me and sighed.

“Jerry, turn around.” He said moving his arms.

I turned around while he cut the light back on.

“Look, I really am sorry for what I said earlier. I thought you wouldn’t care but I should have known you would.”

“Jack, I told you that there was nothing to be sorry for.”

“But, that’s not the point. It hurts when you give me the look of showing everything is ok when it eats you up inside. I look into your eyes so many times that by now I can tell exactly how you feel and that look you gave me said it wasn’t ok.”

I looked down but he brought my face up to look at him. “I can’t take seeing you cry, I never could honestly, don’t let me be the reason for that.”

He would never be the reason.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked the chapter I figured I should have a sincere sweet moment in there. COMMENT!
Jack & Jerry
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Sorry about all the links I just figured out how to do it and it's like... well I don't know it's weirdly fun