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You Are the Cream Filling in My Twinkies

Chapter 16- Mind Control


“Casey, we are waiting on you!” I said.

“Gees I’m coming.” She said bringing her bag.

Jack, Casey and I were going to Maryland for thanksgiving, as always Casey was the last person ready.

“Wow, I thought it would be Christmas by the time you came.” Jack said.

“Very funny, who’s driving first?” She asked.

“The person who took the longest.” Jack and I said at the same time.

“Damn it.” She muttered as we walked out.

Jack and I snickered at our plan to make her drive.


“Look if we get pulled over for this I’m going to hurt you two.” Casey said as we sat in the back.

“Get him, Jack stop.” I squirmed and laughed as he kissed my neck.

"Its fine babe." Jack reassured still in my neck.

I really wanted to cave in on the whole waiting thing but I wasn't going to.

"I feel like I'm driving the porn mobile." Casey muttered.

"You aren't. Jack stop." I said again but pinching his side until he did stop.

"Ok, ok abuse is not needed." He laughed.

"Can we switch driving?" Casey groaned.

"No." We both said at the same time.

“I don’t wanna drive the last two hours guys.” She wined more.

“Oh get over it, I’ve driven 10 hours straight so what you’re doing is nothing.” I reassured.

Just as I finished my sentence Jack traced circles around my leg then I elbowed him in the side. He rolled his eyes and laughed a little.

“What’s wrong with you today?” I asked.

He leaned over and whispered. “We have to talk later.”

“If it’s about that you know the answer already.” I said knowing what he was talking about.

“You said ask you in a few months, well it’s been 5 months.” He said before I shushed him.

“We can talk about this later.” I said clamping my hand over his mouth before he licked it.

“Oh I know.” He smirked.

“Asshole.” I said whipping my hand on him.

“Casey, Jerry!” “Mom” said happily when she opened the door.

We both smiled and gave her a hug. “Hi Mrs. D.” Jack waved.

“Hi Jack.” She laughed giving him a hug too.

Mom liked Jack for the same reasons Casey liked him. Of course because they were mother and daughter. Mom also thought the same thing Casey did when we were in high school. She thought I liked him.

“Sweetie, why do you have so many hickeys on your neck?” Mom said examining what I didn’t know was there. I shot Jack a wide eyes I’m going to kill you look.

“What’s his name?” She asked closing the door.

Casey did nothing but snicker. “Hey Ms. D, I’m uh I’m dating your daughter.” He said laughing a little out of humor and embarrassment of his art work.

“Finally.” She sighed in relief. “Casey, when did that happen?” She asked.

“In June. Ha- ha you owe me 60 bucks!” Casey laughed pointing and jumping up and down.

“You guys bet on when we were going to get together?” I asked.

“Maybe, Janice was in on it too.” Casey said.

“Wow, hey mom ask Casey what happened in Texas.” I nodded smirking before going up to my room and pulling Jack with me.


“What happened?”

Jack laughed knowing the story of Texas.

Casey had almost gotten arrested for trying to take the officers tazer (she was drunk at the time). Janice had to say please excuse my drunk friend, she heard her parents were getting a divorce and she’s not taking it too well. So we had to lie to keep her out of jail.

We got up to my room and I shut the door. As soon as I did Jack began to kiss me. After a minute he started to kiss my neck and rub my sides.

“Jack…” I grumbled.

“I’m not doing anything, don’t worry.” He said smirking.

“Well you want to, and I’m telling you right now that it’s not going to work.”

“I know.”

“Agreeing with me the whole time isn’t going to work either.” I added.

He sighed and dropped his hands and looked at me. “Why are you like this so suddenly?” I asked wanting to know what’s been up with him for the past few days.

“It’s weird, you won’t get it if I told you.” He said.

“Try me.” I urged holding his hand.

“That’s one way.” He grumbled under his breath.


“Look Jerry, I love you and I’ve told you a dozen times that I’m not only with you for sex, but babe you tempt me a little bit too much.”

“How?” I asked not understand how I did anything to him.

“When I come to New York or you come LA, you walk around in the shortest shorts probably known to man kind.”

“They are soffees. They aren’t as short as you say they are.”

“Well cleavage, just like those shorts you wear tank tops that cut down to there.” He said drawing a line on my chest.

“They aren’t that low Jack.” I said.

“Well, whatever. Those tiny little details and things you do are very tempting for me. Like the other day, that got milk shirt you have that hangs off your shoulder and the shorts and then you had the nerve to ask hey Jack do you want milk.”

I sighed. “Jack if I do decide to have sex with you I don’t think I would do it at my parents house.”

“What do you mean If you decide to have sex with me? What do you think we aren’t going to last?”

“I didn’t mean it that way Jack. I’m just saying I’m not ready yet.”

“Ok, I respect that. Sorry.” He said kissing the top of my head.

“It’s fine. Your dick just got to your head.”

“True.” He nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not my best but whatever, I needed to get Something out.

Jack & Jerry
New John O story
Original story by me
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